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Messages - Major_Blackhart

Pages: [1] 2
Development Log / Re: Dev Log #15: Version released
« on: March 23, 2013, 05:37:09 pm »
I look forward to playing this version.

General / Re: Stealth, Pickpocketing, and a few other things
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:23:09 pm »
You goddamn right it is.

General / Re: Stealth, Pickpocketing, and a few other things
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:34:52 pm »
My crafting has gone overboard on this current level 13 character I got, and goddamn I am loving it.
I have a regenerative anti-rifle vest with a normal mechanical value of 13 (doubled against bullets) and bam, I'm actually pretty damn high up on the food chain.

Energy weapons with electric maybe.
Plasma is good, but the laser pistol seems a bit underpowered for some reason.
To me anyway.

General / Re: Carrier Vests
« on: March 19, 2013, 06:41:39 pm »
Two other types of vests so far, I believe.
The Galvanic type vest and, my personal favorite, the regeneration vest.
Love that one, I do.

General / Assault Rifles in the latest alpha build (1.6.0)
« on: March 18, 2013, 06:24:02 pm »
Are the optional equipment pieces actually in the game anywhere for the assault rifles and sniper rifles? I ask because I have yet to see them, as I'm very curious about how an assault rifle build would pan out, but my feeling so far is why bother atm when my 8.6mm SMG is super tacticool with a grip and a lasersight.
I'm also wondering what the actual options for an assault rifle would be?

Suggestions / Re: Powered Armor?
« on: March 18, 2013, 06:20:22 pm »
Well, how about making it actually weak against electrical damage? Like when hit by an electrical attack not only is damage increased by 50%, but the battery also drains. Not a bad scenario, and the energy drain would be high enough with normal use that you REALLY can only have it operational during combat, and then for something like 8 rounds max before it needs recharcing.

Suggestions / Powered Armor?
« on: March 17, 2013, 06:03:38 pm »
Just a thought: An armor powered by batteries that uses a chassis, etc. When used in combat, it adds strength and movement points and reduces encumbrance, but drains energy. Otherwise functions similarly to a suit of steel armor.
Strength requirements are actually less than steel armor, but you only get the benefits when you activate the armor, in or out of combat. When armor is not active, movement speed decreases and encumbrance increases. When active, movement speed increases, Encumbrance decreases, etc etc.

General / Re: Destroying boulders?
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:17:53 am »

General / Re: Destroying boulders?
« on: March 12, 2013, 02:58:14 pm »
Also, were there new areas when they were destroyed or just a blank spot?

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:17:56 pm »
I would honestly LOVE to see a junkyard boss, some sort of mutant who's stronger than the others, maybe not an acid mutant, but maybe some regular Junkyard mutant who's just managed to survive long enough to get that hard. Maybe some sort of badass with a regenerative bulletproof jacket and a laser pistol.
Something fun like that, really difficult, not necessary, but fun anyway.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:35:34 pm »
From my own standpoint, part of the enjoyment I get from the game is not so much managing my inventory, but from the feeling that I am kind of a scout, sent ahead of an advancing force.
That means that I spend long time away from home if I need to, and can survive on my own. Having certain limitations in inventory is a good thing, no doubt about it. But, in a dungeon crawler type like this, with loot dropped whenever you take out a human or mutated human, and sometimes with a dog or other creature, it makes the game a bit of a loot fest, and not in a bad way, I don't think.
Forcing the player to decide about what to carry in a loot fest can make things aggravating. Don't get me wrong, it's not such a bad thing. But forcing me to constantly return to shop to unload whenever I find something new that's out of my weight limit or inventory space can be annoying, especially since there's no teleportation spells or anything like that.

Suggestions / Re: GMS Compound, Lower Level
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:30:33 pm »
Please do Styg.
I know you're only one man, but if the PC saves the characters, they talk about how they don't know if these guys are part of a larger group or not.
It would be a great opportunity for the player to find out, not only for the survivors but for his own station. Maybe the station gives a quest to deal with the raiders/slavers any way the player sees fit, either by negotiating with them or wiping them out.

Suggestions / Crafting? Hmmmm.
« on: March 06, 2013, 03:28:48 pm »
Playing the game with a guns guy now. Friggin loving it like a fiend. Awesome in many, many ways. My guy's high int, combined with good dex and high per, makes him a great crafter as well.

Now, here's the thing about crafting items I wanted to ask:
We can make explosives, we can make plasma pistols, chemical guns, firearms, boots, armor.
But will we be able to eventually craft lockpicks and Haxxors?
I think it would be a good addition if we could do that, like upgrade lockpicks from Mk I to Mk II to Mk III to eventually some sort of lockpick that degrades after several uses rather than simply a once and done (like it gets 2-3 uses before it gets broke kind of deal).
I'd also like the ability to build my own Haxxor units based on electrical and hacking skills available. Not simply upgrade things like their hacking ability, but also energy usage, energy storage, etc.

Also, with regards to other weapons: Flamethrowers as a viable option by chance? Maybe some sort of napalm thrower that shoots balls of fire? (So it doesn't chew up too much of your time with animating, etc.)

Love the regenerative jackets BTW. Plan on turning them into anti-rifle ballistic vests.

Also, is there someplace where I can find a list of items that I can add to specific armors and weapons? Like, what can I add to plasma pistols and lasers, what can I add to explosives, etc.

Also: Dammit, give me the ability to enhance the damage of my tungsten serrated knife! Give me a shocking upgrade option like for the sledge!

Love this game so far.

General / Re: Destroying boulders?
« on: March 04, 2013, 10:47:11 pm »
Cool, I just didn't know if there was something in the latest Alpha that would let us at least break them apart.

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