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Topics - KaoVamp

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Personal vehicles
« on: August 24, 2017, 12:48:01 am »
As the title suggests. I would love to see a personal vehicle in the game, either craftable or purchasable, as an option for compulsive pack rats who don't want to do a strength based character. It could start simple with a bicycle with a footlocker on the back you could obtain early in the game. There could be an option for a trike and ATV later, with the last option being a small car, or hybrid rail/ land vehicle. This could also have a lot with travel time while on foot, with the bicycles being the slowest option, but not taking any fuel to run (Gasoline or energy cells). The character would automatically exit the vehicle if combat starts and not be able to access the trunk while in combat. The implementation could be similar to how the Corvega worked in fallout 2, while giving the player the option to basically leave it anywhere they can fit it. A bicycle, trike, or small ATV could even go into buildings potentially, while larger vehicles would have to be left outside. This is a rough outline, any suggestions to refine it are welcome.

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