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Topics - Dieusama

Pages: [1]
General / [Spoilers Expedition . . . kinda ?] Unique armor again
« on: August 07, 2019, 10:33:02 am »
So, where is the Phantom armor ? I knida read that it is in posession of an assassin in a remote bar in Core City I never heard about and he warns us he'll come to kill us, and then he appears randomly trying indeed to assassinate us, even in our own house or something like that ?

General / Spoiler Expedition : Unique Armor
« on: August 05, 2019, 10:31:42 am »
Hey guys

Where is the Lemurian Security Marine Armor ?


General / [Expedition Spoiler] Nexus of Technology
« on: August 04, 2019, 04:20:52 pm »
Ok, the professor ask my to explore the Nexus of Technology, but I have no idea how to get there. I managed to reach the harbor at K7, there is an electronic panel but in the wrong side of the wall. I tried to reach the other side by exploring surronding area, now I'm far in south now, at J3 (LemCo)

What did I do wrong ? am I supposed to explore the Nexus later ?


. . . from the forum's Gods of Theorycrafting Validation.

Only 10 in tailoring for incendiary grenades, i'll probably use either phantom armor or grey army spec-ops armor. Not ideal, but I wanted to push chemistry for Mark V grenades. So tailoring has been sacrificed.

I didn't take opportunist : am I right ? Is there easy "opportunist prep" with a AR build ? Is throwing net/Flashbang viable in that role or AR + opportunist = fail ?

Took critical power because I plan on Chimera. Is it good ? What are the best AR enhancements ? 8.6 mm for incendiary or 9 mm for damage and Acid ?

Thanks you all for any additional insight you can provide.

Bugs / Can't ask Azif about Six
« on: July 29, 2019, 08:41:58 pm »
Maybe another occurence of messed up dialogue tree, apprently if you interact with Six (in occulus) BEFORE Azif give the player his assignement, the dialogue option to ask him about our favorite alien cyborg jerk doesn't appear.

BUT . . . you can aks other occulites about Six.

Bugs / Can't complete Big Bret hartor quest
« on: July 25, 2019, 07:10:54 am »
I think soemthing is a bit messed up if you don't tell directly the mayor that big bret send you, because I don't have the closure dialogue with big bret, even after I fininshed the burrower and rathound king quests.

Big bret only has the "About Hartor . . ." dialogue tree as if I never be at Hartor. I can't tell him that I have resolve their troubles and that Hartor is fine.

Discussions / Does styg hate cats ?
« on: July 25, 2019, 07:07:00 am »
Legitimate question since the release of Expedition, I think :/

- Why the CAU dispached to Epione Lab is 3 generic goons instead of Mareth/Void/Dess ? I think it's more "meaningful" to name them properly, and to make the Strange Rubber Glove and the CAU Armor only lootable from Mareth (in this way, no matter what questline you choose/what actions you choose to perform, it will be an unique item)

- I think it could be also cool to add an option to have Becket "rebrand" the CAU armor (by removing the armbands, the "ghost-like face" and adding anarchy signs, loosing the intimidation bonus in the process)

- If you do the Rail Crossing questline favoring the Protectorate, why not having an option to tell Gorsky that you support the Protectorate and that he can go fuck himself (failing his quesline whitout turning South Gate Station hostile) ? (And even better, making him and the Zone Rats attack you if you reveal that you are a Protectorate Corporal, or at sight if your wearing an (unmodified) CAU armor ?)

My 2 cents.

General / [DOMINATING!] Layout changes in DC ?
« on: June 12, 2018, 06:10:52 pm »
I can't seem to find my way into the giant grubs caves anymore ?

General / Do bonus skill from equipments stack/scale or do I have a bug ?
« on: October 17, 2017, 09:54:02 pm »
Ok, I run (again) a "pur" psi/stealth/crafting Southgater, classic xp to give hacking/lockpicking the finger so I can max dodge/evasion

I'm currently level 18


I have 2 infused item : cave hooper tabi boot, which boost D/E by 53, and Siphoner leather armor, which boost D/E by 80

Naked, with 100 in D/E, 10 agility and the bonus from nimble, I have a 150 effective skill in D/E

If I equip either item, I have only 159 effective skill . . .

Did I miss something ?

General / [Spoilers] I just managed to escape from . . .
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:19:54 pm »
. . . Six in the West Wing. Take that """""godman""""" !

If someone else managed this, does it change his reaction in DC ?

General / The Future of UnderRail and it's main storyline
« on: October 01, 2017, 09:14:06 am »
Just stumble upon this

Ok, so the main storyline will be expanded on in a sequel that will come in a relatively distant future.

That's fine with me, but please Styg I beg thee, tell me that it doesn't mean we will start from scratch at level 1 with a new character, or worse, with the same character, the Southgater but send back to level 1, in a Pillard-Of-Eternity-2-backstab fashion

I want to track Tanner with my level 25 - 30 Southgater, the one I built with care and grew fond off. With the stuff I sooooooooooo patiently took time to craft/find.

Thanks for any answers you can give.

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