It's called Ultra-Hybrid because it goes in all directions but can use the most appropriate tool for a job. With small tweaks the build is viable for Ironman.

These are the starting stats(10 Dex), as well as the end-game ones.

Bison Milk is better than an Eel Sandwich when using Super Soldiers.

It can do some damage.

More weight limit is just a God-sent for me. I'd never swap it out, personally, but that's down to personal preference.
Hypertoxicity is a feat that's not always going to provide value. It doesn't always come online, but I still find it rather fun. I took it so early on because of the Foundry quest line.
I'd never swap Escape Artist out. I wish there were more ways to deal with enemy roots, though.
Ripper is superior to Critical Power in the context of this build, but it was there mostly for the last fight, regardless.
Expose Weakness is fundamental in my opinion. Although it's not taken very early on, it comes in just at the right time. The one spec point didn't provide any value, so it can be allocated elsewhere.
Three-Pointer and Fatal Throw like each other a lot. You basically end up spending 7 AP for less enemies around. Add in Premediated Thermodynamic Destabilisation, and you're swimming in cheese.
Quick Tinkering, Gas Grenades and Cryostasis is how I dealt with a lot of the mid-game quests. The entire Protectorate quest line, for example, is easily done with just those. The Lunatic Mall was a cakewalk, as well.
Speaking of the Psi:

For once Cryokinetic Orb isn't a fundamental skill. Cryostasis and Thermodynamic Destabilisation are, though. I used the Orb here and there, but to be honest you might not even bother with it. Exothermic Aura and Cryo-Shield are more useful. You can stop putting points into Metathermics once you get 100 % Destabilisation.
Here's some equipment:

I opted for the middle ground of just your regular Steel Knife, and it was doing fine. Reliable crits and good damage spread.
Rapid LS SMG. I love this stuff. It's fun when the repeater procs after a knife throw kill. Now you have 50 AP before Adrenaline but half the enemies are already dead. I didn't miss the extra 2 burst shots, but I found the extra accuracy to be quite nice. With Expose Weakness the SMG was doing triple digits on a Naga Protector without crits. Appropriate ammo applies, of course.
Don't shy from using Acid Blob Pistols. They are great.
I always ask myself - How do you survive a sniper shot without heavy armour?... Infused Bison Leather, of course. It's amazing how much it can tank for you. You can still make an Infused Rathound Leather for the final boss.
Also used Tesla Armour and crafted Galvanic helmet and boots for 100 % Electric Resistance.
Skill Points:

Pickpocketing to 40 asap. With an Eel Sandwich you can get some very nice knives from Captain Svana and Broderick. If you're lucky you can loot more from the gangsters in Junkyard. Gort, the named female npc next to the embassy, Fixer, Hopper Jim are just some of the easy sources of income. Looting everyone is a bit of a waste of time, but if you ever find yourself short on cash, you can just go for it, regardless. If you take your time you move in to save Newton at lvl 5 with MK II Frags, Flash Bangs, Taser, Traps, Poison Caltrops, Adrenaline Shots, ect. Looting the SGS sentries after you finish the first quest will give you 600-700 bullets to sell. In addition just 40 Pickpocketing gives you 17 Oddity xp for the game, 15 of which you get before hitting lvl 10.
I think it's best to lvl up some Thought Control, as well. 20 or so points from Stealth, some points from Metathermics(after you get 100 % Destabilisation), 20 or so from Crafting(I am a little over-invested, actually) and a dedicated Neural Overload amp for dealing with the ghosts in Tithonus. That is if you want to go flawless.