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Topics - Piggon

Pages: [1]
General / Tchort
« on: November 02, 2018, 02:57:01 am »
Hey guys, just a little question, where did the name Tchort come from? I am not talking about the lore of the game, im talking in real life, where does the name is inspired from?

General / The surface
« on: September 24, 2018, 06:28:58 pm »
What do you guys think happend with the surface ?

A plague ?
An nuclear war ?

or anything alike ?

Discussions / ''From where do you hail?''
« on: September 13, 2018, 02:00:34 am »
Hey guys, im just curious.

From where do you guys come from ?

I'm Brazilian  :D

PS: The title was a reference to this video:

Suggestions / Dual Wielding
« on: September 10, 2018, 07:51:15 pm »
Imagine having 2 pistols, 2 smgs, 2 knifes, 2 shotguns, 2 machetes ( with The Expedition).
This type of playstile comes with new builds, new feats, new strategies.

We could make an desperado cowboy wielding 2 pistols, an S.W.A.T Enforcer blasting foes with dual smgs or just an agile murder with 2 knifes slashing foes left and right, and with new feats such as:

Rush: While Sprinting and using dual Smgs, Burst damage and duration is increased, but precision is much lower.

Slash-o-maniac: Wielding two knifes, action points is reduced if standing in front of an enemy.

Sit Down: Using dual shotguns, if surrounded by at least 3 enimies precision reduced but the damage is double.

Something like that, i aint a professional in feats, im sure it could be more and a lot more balenced.

General / Lovecraft
« on: September 10, 2018, 06:44:42 pm »
I think the game has a lot of inspiration in H.P Lovecraft with the Institute of Tchort (wich looks like an cult), the mistery of the cube, the horrors in mutation that created the faceless, the caves within underrail where horrible creatures hide, deep caverns in general with the constant felling of dread, the creatures that Tchort creates inside your mind just by being close, and of course Tchort, wich is literally an eye with tentacles.

Dunno, just an idea :D

Builds / Unarmed Build
« on: September 03, 2018, 06:38:29 pm »
Hey guys, i have over 500 hours on underrail but i when it comes to make builds, i simply can't make any that i like and for that reason i only copied builds from NCGS (Nerd Comando Game Studios) and i always wanted to make a build about the things i like most: Unarmed and Psi ( doesn't matter the school )

So, could you guys help me out ? (if it is possible to make this build)

*If i didnt write something right, sorry.

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