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Topics - Svendsor

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Builds / Pure PSI build (after update)
« on: May 11, 2021, 06:26:27 pm »
Hi guys! I'm new to the game and loving it so far.

I am currently following this pure PSI build:

Is id valid? Any pointers? I'm at lvl 7 or 8 and I'm in junkyard looking for the drill. I've read that Depot A is like a litmus test for your build. Well, I've managed to clear out the main area with the mutants and dogs with some skillfull use of a certain explosive barrel. I'm not limited by my 30 something points in lockpicking, but I sense this build will get really stronger in the future.

Equipment-wise I'm still lacking, but I'm managing. grenades have been a life saver in this part of the game. I'm only held back by the cost of those PSI mushrooms and my carry weight (no cheating here). Currently skilling up to be able to craft said mushrooms, grenades and PSI Boosters. Sell all guns and most other stuff I come over.

So is this build still viable? I'm on normal, classic mode.

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