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Topics - Newbie

Pages: [1]
Discussions / Dunno where to ask, so i put it here
« on: November 06, 2023, 08:40:39 am »
Apologies in advance if i write about this issue in an inappropriate forum section. I have troubles accessing, the site just gives me this warning instead. What could be an issue?

General / Thugs near Rail Crossing
« on: December 28, 2021, 02:41:23 pm »
So, yeah, i met these guys (Cheda Pacov, Lepi Slavco etc) near the entrance to Rail Crossing, now i can't get here and progress the main quest cause at my lvl with spear build they just roflstomp me every time. Don't know what triggered that encounter, any suggestions and information would be much appreciated.

Here's screenshot

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