General / A few Psi related questions
« on: January 04, 2025, 01:11:08 pm »
Hi, y'all.
I'm messing around with a possible Psi build. I know is common to copy other's build as a reference but I don't do that, I prefer to understand how things are supposed to work.
So a couple of questions came up:
- Several talents use a wording that seems to exclude psi form their benefits (Opportunist, Ambush, Blindsiding), is that right? I mean, are these talents useless to a psi user? Generally speaking, does psi damage have to be specifically included by the wording of an effect to be taken into account?
- Since playing psi essentially means having a kind of a second AP bar to manage in addition to the standard one, is there any point in taking the usual 70 points in Temporal Manipulation?
As I see it, adding a third school to the mix (I'm assuming a 2 schools build here, MT&PK ) would increase the general cost of spells and also would probably eat up your premeditation with Contraction (on non Psi focused build Contraction is just free AP ), both things increasing your psi expenses and thus ultimately countering the whole point of picking 70 TM, i.e. to be able to cast more spells per turn.
-As consequence of of the previous question, is there any point in off-speccing 70 points in either Psychokinesis or Thought Control? (thinking always of two schools builds here, either PK&MT/TM or TC&MT/TM). I'm leaving out MT as I don't see a point in half-assing that one.
I can see 70 TC being useful for Locus control and some additional crowd control.
70 PK doesn't seem much worth though.
Thoughts, anyone?
I'm messing around with a possible Psi build. I know is common to copy other's build as a reference but I don't do that, I prefer to understand how things are supposed to work.
So a couple of questions came up:
- Several talents use a wording that seems to exclude psi form their benefits (Opportunist, Ambush, Blindsiding), is that right? I mean, are these talents useless to a psi user? Generally speaking, does psi damage have to be specifically included by the wording of an effect to be taken into account?
- Since playing psi essentially means having a kind of a second AP bar to manage in addition to the standard one, is there any point in taking the usual 70 points in Temporal Manipulation?
As I see it, adding a third school to the mix (I'm assuming a 2 schools build here, MT&PK ) would increase the general cost of spells and also would probably eat up your premeditation with Contraction (on non Psi focused build Contraction is just free AP ), both things increasing your psi expenses and thus ultimately countering the whole point of picking 70 TM, i.e. to be able to cast more spells per turn.
-As consequence of of the previous question, is there any point in off-speccing 70 points in either Psychokinesis or Thought Control? (thinking always of two schools builds here, either PK&MT/TM or TC&MT/TM). I'm leaving out MT as I don't see a point in half-assing that one.
I can see 70 TC being useful for Locus control and some additional crowd control.
70 PK doesn't seem much worth though.
Thoughts, anyone?