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Messages - Arclight

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Discussions / Re: ''From where do you hail?''
« on: November 29, 2024, 11:12:26 pm »
From Russia, city Murmansk =)

That is kewl! I've seen SAT pics of the place - is it nice IRL?

This is good to know, maybe even foreshadowing for me. I'm planning on moving over to Linux, since I don't want to live on Windows any longer.

Bugs / Error - Failed to load saved came
« on: July 16, 2023, 05:38:09 pm »
Seems like it hit me.

Its the auto-saves - the prior self-saves seem okay.

I've done the standard reboot several times, un\re-install, and check my settings.

Beyond sucking it up, any suggestions for recovery? Its not a Linux box.

General / Re: Utility Station 6
« on: May 06, 2023, 12:32:44 pm »
its an optional way into the institute
And, closes when you finish DC.

General / Re: How do I free the rejects, what am I doing wrong
« on: April 13, 2023, 08:14:55 pm »
Rejects understandably are not to eager to trust a random stranger to help them so if you didn't ask Nevil for help, you need to pass a Persuasion check first in order to convince them.

Murdering all Tchortists in the area could possibly work as well(haven't tried it myself) but keep in mind that it will turn entire Institute hostile so you will need to fight your way through later.

Btw. don't worry about 'helping' Tchortists, it doesn't matter in the last location of the game how you treated them. Keep in mind however that once you enter the last location of the game you cannot go back till you finish it, so you might want to get some supplies for he journey first.
I tried to go back to the Institute via the pipes, and found the route blocked by debris. I guess its closed, as you finish DC?

Bugs / Re: Mushroom Cove Scavenger quest not completing.
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:06:18 pm »
Just noticed this quest wasn't marked for completion on my recent playthrough, even after giving away Chester Royce brother's ring for free and sending him on his way. Pasquale still has the option to discuss the dead body's whereabouts too, oddly enough.
Brother? I thought Chester talked about his dead sister.

Did you visit the water-plant, outside Junkyard?

General / Re: Error with the Mutagen Puzzle?
« on: April 08, 2023, 12:51:14 pm »
Thanks, Mate!

General / Re: Error with the Mutagen Puzzle?
« on: April 06, 2023, 09:48:57 pm »

I've used the Agent tool, but I don't like my solution -

Echo-1     ZE HJ MG -XW -XR -K6
Echo-2     XG JH OC MG XW C2 -K6 -SO -P7
Echo-3     XR C2 XW -P7 -DN
Echo-4     OC JH DN B8 -ZE -XW -XR
Helicon-1  B8 XG SO -MG
Helicon-2  DN SO GM C2 OC -XG -ZE
Helicon-3  SO HJ NY WL ZE -B8
Io-1       K6 XG NY -JH -O7 -XW -S0
Io-2       N6 K6 C2 B8 HJ MG -NY -XG
Io-3       WL C2 N6 -DN -OC
Ovid-1     N6 JH GM MZ -MG
Ovid-2     XW ZE C2 XR N6 OC -JH -MG
Ovid-3     DN XR OC -XG -HJ -N6 -ZE
Solis-1    DN N6 B8 WL OC -MZ -HJ -C2
Solis-2    HJ C2 N6 MZ NY -SO -WL


Current reagents: Solis-1, Echo-2, Ovid-1, Echo-1, Echo-3, Helicon-2, Echo-2

Current compound: [N6, B8, WL, OC, JH, C2, GM, MZ, HJ, MG, XR, XW, DN, XG]

 Target sequence: [WL, C2, GM, MZ, XW, XR, OC, DN, N6, B8, HJ, MG, XG, JH]

I don't think I got it right...  Can someone check it for me?

General / Rathound plush offer on the website home page
« on: January 06, 2023, 11:07:50 pm »
Not sure if y'all seen this, but check out the UR homepage, on the right hand side -

Rathound plush offer - open for the next ten days!

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #6: New Environment Renderer
« on: December 06, 2022, 11:32:34 pm »
Bravo! How hard was the coding for this? All new routines, or,  mods to existing code-sets?

Not to pry out secrets, but what language\API are you using for this? Home- grown?

Bugs / Re: Gun Unique usb won't show up under plot item tab
« on: October 10, 2022, 08:04:47 pm »
Do they work the same way as the ones for Super Steel? Is there someone who is looking for them, to allow crafting better weapons?

General / Re: How does Chester and Water Treatment Plant REALLY work?
« on: February 08, 2022, 01:13:27 am »
Pasquale was the missing piece - thanks mate!

General / Re: How does Chester and Water Treatment Plant REALLY work?
« on: February 06, 2022, 07:19:17 pm »
I do. Gold ring that has JR

General / Re: How does Chester and Water Treatment Plant REALLY work?
« on: February 06, 2022, 05:22:54 pm »
It never prompts to do that - Am I missing something?

General / How does Chester and Water Treatment Plant REALLY work?
« on: February 06, 2022, 04:36:47 pm »

Trying another playthru, with the current update (pretty good so far...), and I got the dead body of the girl found in Mushroom Cave, Spoke to Malcom, and made my way to Junkyard to find the drill part.

I found the WTP, the ring with JR, then found chester at the bar. He just says 'go away'.

Is there a specific way to trigger him 'correctly' for it to play out, or is it bugged?


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