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Messages - Ravager

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General / Why Amber UI?
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:54:42 pm »
The game's UI, and a lot of the computers in the game, seem to use a monochrome display in either amber or green.

This hearkens back to the old amber / green monochrome CRTs of the 1980s. However, the computers, such as the laptop in your quarters, look like they are using LCDs, or some other thin display.

So why are most people using monochrome displays?

I understand the retro appeal of it, and the idea that Underrail stems from an 'early space-age civilization,' which could mean the space-race era, early 1980s, etc...

However, in Underrail itself, I can see some justification for monochrome. If industrial capacity is very limited, and more about repairability / serviceability / modification, that obviously favours a simpler display technology.

[You don't have Japan and South-East Asia producing semiconductor wafers and LCD controllers.]

Your personal device can read blueprints, which I sort of assume are in monochrome. Not ideal, but blueprints are basically monochrome. So is some kind of monochrome flat-screen adequate?

If you look at people on the internet making very simple computers [something easier to conceptualize and build than a MOS 6510], they invent monochrome displays. [Although colour is not impossible.] So maybe Underrail [at least the South] is using really simplified 32 or 64-bit computers with very basic displays, for the most part.

What do you think?

That's a good question, and I can't answer it off-hand, having not restarted the game in a while.

But I remember I started a game on Dominating when it first came out, with an SMG character. He was doing alright, until I came to having to fight the PSI Beetles in the early rescue quest.

5.56 just wasn't cutting it against them, and there weren't enough Molotovs on hand. I had already spent money getting a 5.56 SMG or something.

What I should have done is go for 7.62 SMG - they are more effective on armoured insects. I didn't know 5.56 would be so ineffective against low-tier enemies when I started the playthrough.

Builds / Re: One Turn Man | .44' pistol Bullet Time | DOMINATING | OP(aF)
« on: February 06, 2022, 12:46:55 am »
How has this build been affected by the recent update?

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #71: New Year's Resolution
« on: February 03, 2022, 01:34:21 am »
What's the new Core City questline? Is it Gorsky?

One-shoting Tchort still viable?

Suggestions / Re: Lemurian security marine armor buff.
« on: January 27, 2022, 10:42:34 pm »
It would be nice of the Lemurian Engineer Suit also gave a bonus to electronics [like you'd expect]. But maybe that's too OP.

Suggestions / Re: Non-scoped sniper rifles
« on: January 27, 2022, 10:41:38 pm »
Graphics would have to be updated, especially the icon of an assembled sniper rifle.

Although, if there was a 1.0 target-reticled scope, that could keep the same frame as the existing sniper rifles but without the benefit of a magnified scope. It would be much cheaper than any of the other scopes, maybe faster, and not suffer from close-range penalties. But it would not have the same accuracy at longer ranges.

General / Re: Out of office until 17.01.2022.
« on: January 27, 2022, 10:38:29 pm »
Hi Styg,

Welcome back! I had a question: will there be any carryover of information from player saved games to the new Underrail: Infusion?

General / Re: Sell to Aran or not?
« on: January 27, 2022, 10:37:07 pm »
I wouldn't sell it, you could possibly end up retrieving it again in Underrail: Infusion. Not that this path will be wrong, only more common. Keep it with you to be open for future possibilities.

Do you think there will be carryover from Underrail to infusion in terms of player content [i.e. save games]?

I understand that this was common in classical RPGs, where you could take your party to the next game. However, Underrail: Infusion will be a "standalone game" on a new engine, so I am not sure that there will be any transfer of information from Underrail to Infusion.

Has there been any information released about this?

Builds / Re: Advice on finishing the game (and build help of course)
« on: January 20, 2022, 11:30:30 pm »
The first time I played this game, I went against my instincts and got stuck in a 'role-playing' build of "Assassin."

It was based on those old build videos on Youtube, maybe by Nerd Commando [massively obsolete now].

It was actually very fun from a RP perspective to play a weak glass-cannon knife assassin. I had to scout out a lot of areas beforehand, which I was really good at. I could see and find everything, but couldn't necessarily fight everyone until a later time. Good for Oddity-playthroughs.

In early builds of Underrail, you could use various AP-gains from "Taste for Blood" and so on to make an enormous number of strikes per turn. Easy to stun and kill an individual, but the challenge was, can you do it to 3 people in one-turn? The risk was palpable, but so was the reward.

Took me a while to learn about the noise made by electro-knives, I could have benefited a lot from the stealth of regular knives. This was before each knife type had its own graphics, too.

Anyway, it's a big deal choosing and crafting your knives. Also, the character used land mines when appropriate. Very deadly, especially being a highly-stealthy interloper, you could really rig up some situations in tough spots like the ironheads camp. Needs chemistry for the fun effects of traps, which has been enhanced in Expedition.

Obviously a weak [at first] character like this was using a lot of caltrops and other exploits, but it was really fun.

You can stealth your way through the Lunatics at the Mall to get the figurine, so you don't have to repeat that big fight if you don't want to. You can skip over more fights than some other characters, it's about the sneaking and the choice.

What I really hated was how, when you're exploring some watery caverns away from the beaten-path, there are situations where there are like 3 people and it's hard to get them all in one-turn, especially if there's a stealthed guy too. That was one of the worst parts of the build.

Anyway, there are more armours and weapons and dodge/evasion stuff for a character like that now, so it should be fun. And it's challenging. For the entire game. You have to really strategize for a lot of parts. So it's fun and engaging. And when you go on a streak, it's really rewarding.


Yeah, I have to agree that there's a burnout on this game around 600-700 hours in. Hard to avoid: you've experienced all the content, absorbed all the music and scenery, the story is invisible to you.

Not much you can do about that, except play a weird build.

And don't feel bad about stopping once you reach the Institute. I figure, once you reach the Institute, you've already won the game. You know what to do in Deep Caverns.

Builds / Sniper rifles for sniper
« on: January 20, 2022, 11:10:26 pm »
I am playing a pure sniper build, and I read that there have been some changes to sniper rifles since I created my char.

I had been using the Spearhead rifle, because the old guides said that it was the only craftable to fire 2x per turn.

However, now I notice it only has a chance to restore some AP per turn.

Is the Spearhead no longer a 'more shots per turn' rifle? Is there something else I should be using as my main?

Also, what would be the best 12.7 rifle for taking down the final boss?

General / Re: Gang war with no persuasion
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:15:44 am »
Thanks. I'm going to work towards those goals in mercantile and persuasion.

My character is Level 23 or 24, and just finished Expedition. Haven't entered the Institute yet.

Once I get started on the Institute quests, I'll get the 5 or so Oddities I need to level-up, and that will let me start pushing into those values.

Not sure if character will have enough Persuasion for the gang war quest just yet, but I want it ready before DC, so will prioritize it.

Cocktails may not be available, as I started build before Version 1.1., so Drag & Drop may not be in my game.

General / Sell to Aran or not?
« on: December 11, 2021, 07:01:13 am »
This is more of a moral question.

Do you think it's best to sell the AcoNr to Aran for like 20,000, or give it to a friendly faction (such as Oculus)?

With Aran, I know it's going to end up in North Underrail, Protectorate and then probably Hexagon. Not sure if they'll be able to open it, but the Protectorate and friends aren't the best people.

With Oculus, I'm already working for them [although they just might sell it to the highest bidder anyway].

I don't need Aran's equipment - I have a stealth char, but I can craft better stealth armour. What do you prefer to do?

General / Re: Where the hell is the Tatoo Guy
« on: December 11, 2021, 02:11:01 am »
Will random dungeons / locations / individuals still appear if you started your playthrough before Version 1.1?

General / Re: Gang war with no persuasion
« on: December 11, 2021, 01:21:41 am »
Could you remind me why the 92 effective Mercantile is an important threshold? Which check is it for?

Also, I had a related question about this topic.

I want to leave the quest to the last-minute as well. Does Tanner still need to be with us to persuade the council and do the quest? (i.e. can I leave it until after the main game quest is complete?)

Also, my character has around 60 or 70 mercantile, but nothing invested into Persuasion. I think it is around 12 effective in-game right now. So I could boost that up by what, 20, with 2 heartbreaker armour pieces? I don't know about this "White Dude" chocktail, have to look it up.

Anyway, so this would bring me to around 37 Persuasion, I think. So I only need to invest 13 more at the next level-up and I'll be at 50?

General / Questions about infused leather
« on: December 09, 2021, 03:49:38 am »
I have a sniper character that is on the way to completing Expedition. Next stop is endgame.

I've created about 4 items of SuperSteel (around 138, 134, 122, 118 qual) and found 2 in Black Sea (84 and 78 qual).

Already have a Biohazard Tac Vest / Stealth (used it to eliminate the Pirates, I think) but I should probably pick up a Biohazard Riot Gear for DC.

So my question is:

Given my available quality in the items, which should I assign to:

-Mutated Dog Leather Tabi Boots

-Mutated Dog Leather armour

-Biohazard Riot armour

-Cave Hopper Leather armour [for sneaking]

-Heartbreaker Serpent armour [for DC + Black Sea]

-Pig Leather Boots [for carrying stuff]

Should I assign SuperSteel quality to those items in descending order? (E.g. 138, 134, 122, 118, 84, 76)?

I guess the big question for me is, is there a significant benefit for using higher-quality infused-leather for the Pig Leather boots? Or will I just get the +30 carry no matter what? [I don't intend to use them in combat.] Will they get faster?

Also, is there any benefit to giving the Cave Hopper Leather Armour a greater quality, since I mostly won't be fighting in it?

I can see that there would be an advantage to giving the Heartbreaker Armour a greater quality.

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