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Messages - ecogen

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Abandoned Waterway Facility Bugs
« on: March 31, 2021, 02:28:52 pm »
I have reached that rubble pile, you need to disembark and loot it.
Fixed the check requirement for the next update. You should be able to disembark on the tile south of that rubble, although it most likely won't have any loot. Tweaked that too for the next update.

Yeah, I did try a bit to disembark but didn't see the arrow. Should have probably tried more, thanks for the responses.

Bugs / Abandoned Waterway Facility Bugs
« on: March 31, 2021, 11:52:58 am »
Kaya's check probably working with base persuasion, couldn't pass it with 144 effective.

Unreachable rubble.

Found 3 no quality crafting materials in the new sewers area that's filled with trash and incinerators.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted genius ideas
« on: August 19, 2020, 11:34:02 pm »
Here's another genius idea that no RPG has done ever before:

Separate save files by character.

General / Re: So what improvements would benefit Underrail 2?
« on: August 19, 2019, 08:17:23 pm »
As others have mentioned, better inventory management, some QoL changes at least when it comes to traveling, a built in notebook would also be nice if the quest log stays as it is.

My biggest peeve is how allies react to your actions though. It needs to stop being 0 to 100, if I'm allied with someone they shouldn't be instantly shooting me the moment I enter a restricted area or pick up an item from a container that's not mine. Fallout New Vegas' reputation system dealt with this pretty well IIRC, it would keep track all of your relevant actions to a faction (positive or negative) and somewhat add them up to give you your rep with that faction, now of course it doesn't have to be exactly like that but it I would appreciate if the Black Eels who are in power only because of my hard work didn't instantly try to exterminate my ass the instant my foot touches a restricted area pixel.

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