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Messages - Under-The-Wind

Pages: [1]
Hello! Welcome to the wonderful world of Underrail.

Local build-wizard 'harperfan7' posted a great one recently that I believe would fit the bill. It has guns, stealth and psi!

If you do end up liking the look of this build: for future reference here is the topic for the build if you ever need help fine-tuning something:
However, since this is your first playthrough, my personal recommendation is to not look at the additional build information until you're well underway, since it contains some information that could be seen as "spoilerish".

Regardless - hope you have fun!

Suggestions / Re: Submerged siphoners
« on: January 11, 2023, 11:40:30 pm »
Sounds cool!

Builds / Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
« on: April 13, 2022, 06:41:19 pm »
Thanks for sharing this build - I've been having lots of fun mowing down everything in my way!

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #72: Steam Deck Preparations
« on: February 21, 2022, 11:34:40 pm »
Thanks for the update!

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #71: New Year's Resolution
« on: February 15, 2022, 02:20:51 am »
GOG version is still set to, this is very concerning...

The New Year's Resolution patch has not been released on stable yet, as per the original post by Styg.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #71: New Year's Resolution
« on: January 31, 2022, 01:53:30 pm »
Fantastic. Incredible the amount of support your team provides for the game. Congrats and thanks for the update - looking forward to Infusion.

Suggestions / Tag items that are player-crafted?
« on: January 30, 2022, 08:57:32 pm »
I was thinking it might be cool if player-crafted weapons/armor had a "Crafted by <playername>" designation somewhere in their description.

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