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Messages - Barrelsoup Chef

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Development Log / Re: Dev Log #25: Game Economy Changes
« on: December 24, 2013, 12:07:39 pm »
Looking good! I really like to loot stuff, but as long as the overall value of looted stuff is average/high + there is enough loot to loot (at the moment there isn't that much but as announced in previous dev.logs that will change in the next patch), I won't mind leaving some loot behind. Also extending the durability time on equipment and reducing the price multiplier will make up for leaving my precious loot behind.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone ;)

General / Re: Hard Combat Sessions?
« on: December 13, 2013, 12:49:15 pm »
I had the same problem in the beginning, it just takes some time to adjust and learn all the different tactics of the game, how to battle certain enemy's etc. If you are really stuck, export your savegame and restart, gain some more experience, level up, collect more recourses and then try to clear Depot A again.

Suggestions / Re: Crafting System, Drops and Vendors
« on: December 08, 2013, 11:44:21 am »
I know I have said this before, but please no minimap, one of the magical things of this game is that it goes back to the hardcore game principles of old-school games. One of this principles is that the learn-curve can be pushed up by removing maps, compasses and tutorials: let the player figure out stuff them selfs. Most games today are too easy, Underrail isn't, I like it to stay this way.

General / Re: Scrapers, Black Eals who i put the knife in the Back?^^
« on: December 08, 2013, 11:33:20 am »
At the moment don't bother to help the scrappers because the quest will end there, if you decide to help the black eels you can have a war at the junkyard (which brings a lot of loot made of dead soldiers/gangsters).

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #24: Combat Initiative
« on: December 05, 2013, 11:30:44 am »
I assume that the balance changes from devlog#23 will be implemented together with these changes in the next patch? Or will they come separated from each other?

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #24: Combat Initiative
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:24:28 pm »
Look promising! Underrail #1

General / Re: evasion and dodge, what is it good for?
« on: November 26, 2013, 09:39:39 am »
In my experience dodge and evasion can be very helpful, if you wanna play stealthy it's kinda handy if you pick light armor. At first I thought that this wouldn't work out well because of the huge amount of damage you would still take from your enemy's when you don't dodge or evade (also because of the light armor), therefor making the points invested in dodge and evasion seem like a waste.

Though I was surprised to see that this isn't the case at all. Because you make those very powerful (and VERY rewarding) Cut-Throat attacks, you can fight the enemy in smaller numbers. Also I had times I dodged/evaded 5 or even 6 attacks in a row. Because this build got lots of movement point retreating is very easy, unlike any other build that uses medium or heavy armor.

Even though I can't spend as many points on other skills, high movement + stealth (+ dodge and evasion) is a really great combo and isn't much weaker then other builds (in my opinion). I have to admit, I can't wait when the shields are implemented. When you DON'T dodge/evade 6 times in a row, thinks can get frustrating :P

EDIT: Encumbrance is below 20% + the feat Nimble helps a lot! (20%-15%=5%)

General / Re: Abram's quest with the Cybernetic Spawn & rocks
« on: November 25, 2013, 07:39:56 am »
I had the same problem as you, it is not possible to finish that quest without investing in stealth. Just like convincing the SGS to join the junkyard fight with persuasion points, you will need stealth points or they will spot you doing something sneaky. Sneaky stuff needs to be done by sneaky characters right :p

One of the tunnels that does lead to new area's that I've tried are the first rocks to the right after the 'bandits quest'.

Suggestions / Re: Quest markers?
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:48:17 pm »
I don't really like the idea of the game helping me where to go with a map/compass etc. It should be a challenge to find things

General / Re: Been rather quiet....
« on: November 20, 2013, 01:43:18 pm »
Since I played the demo I am visiting the website at least once a day, checking for any updates hahaha. Can't wait for the updates! :D

Bugs / Interaction with objects through walls
« on: November 19, 2013, 03:16:12 pm »
I noticed before, but sometimes I am interact with objects/enemy's while I ain't next to the object. Here I have one of the examples: I can interact with the barrel though the window. I don't recall selecting a perk called 'noclip' lol. An other example is when you are trying to capture a cave hopper, sometimes I can capture it successfully while I am 8 blocks away from it. Same counts for some special moves or when talking to NPC's.

Site Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Been getting a lot of 500 errors lately.
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:17:01 am »
Nice, I am glad it's over for now, posting stuff on the forums was near impossible hahaha

General / Re: Jack Quicksilver
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:14:26 am »
As far as I know Jack disappears  after completing the quest. Lockpicks can be bought at a lot of vendors, if you can't find any lockpicks in the SGS (which I doubt), I am sure you can find some at the Junkyard. Since the lockpicks are so cheap I always buy a lot of them so I won't run out.

Bugs / Re: Missing Area Junkyard
« on: November 14, 2013, 04:29:01 pm »
Ok, but I still think it looks a bit 'unnatural'. In most cases you can see the wall, even when its on the foreground (there is an example in the screen-shot, left under). So when you walk into a room where that is not the case, it looks a bit weird.

Bugs / Missing Area Junkyard
« on: November 11, 2013, 05:37:36 pm »
I am very sure something is missing here... correct?

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