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Messages - Barrelsoup Chef

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Discussions / Re: How did you find out about this game?
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:27:06 pm »
I was looking to play an indie, it was in the top 100 for a few days at

Suggestions / Re: I never got my party, and I am disappointed.
« on: November 10, 2013, 06:27:53 pm »
They said I was going to get a party, once things calmed down. It never happened.

Plus, now that you are on steam, you need to throw in a few cake jokes.

like "and there will be cake, we promise, lots and lots of cake!"

throw in an achievement, when you get to the party (make the cake look like the portal cake - maybe even mention the coconut pecan frosting) and then it gets funny. achievement get "and then there was cake" or achievement get "there really was cake"

I agree that it would be nice if there will be a party implemented in the story in future updates, for example after the metro tunnel is cleared they celebrate, they haven't had the time for it because they needed to clear the mess of the earthquake right. At this party you can start new quests or learn new information for the plot.

However implementing a cake joke would be (in my opinion) a ripoff of the Portal joke + this isn't Portal or anything like Portal. It would make more sense anyway to do a reference joke to a more related game like Fallout. I rather have some new original jokes instead of old ones I already laughed at.

General / Re: Tell me Everything.
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:47:35 pm »
Tell me everything about this game. I think it looks awesome, and I will be buying it soon.

Tell me the game mechanics. (I know its turn based, but I'm not sure how this would work... Actions points maybe? Idk.)

Could you tell me weapon variations and armour variations? I would prefer if there were at least 15 different weapons for each speciality e.g chainsaw and sledgehammer for melee, sniper and assault rifle for guns. Also, around 10 different armour types would be nice.

Also, can you get companions?

I know nothing, although I saw the trailer and it looks good!

To get an idea of what the game is like, there is this awesome free demo out there (, you should try it out.

The game is like Fallout2, only then in underground stations and cave systems. The theme really connects with the level design, the music, the sound effects, giving the game a really classic old school feeling to it.

The most awesome thing about Underrail is your character. You have your basic stats like strength, perception, dexterity and intelligence. Moving on we have a really nice skill system. You can invest skill points into (for example) hacking, melee, dodge, mechanics, pickpocketing, persuasion and thought control. There is quite a lot of skills at this moment, and some skills boosts other skills. If you have a lot of electronics, you will get bonus points into hacking. Last up: perks. Perks can be bonuses like dealing more damage in certain situations or ability's like sprinting (you gain massive amount movement points for 2 turns).

The combat is very hard, but not impossible. You have action points to attack or use ability's, and you have movement points to move. Action points also can be used to move. There isn't a lot of room for error, and there is not a lot of extra help or tutorials, so you gotta learn stuff yourself the hard way (which is awesome because today games are way to easy and predictable). You can play as a stealth assassin or run and gun everything, it's all fun and requires a different approach how to do things (mixing up different weapon skills and defensive options). You are not bound to one 'role' completely, you can customize your 'role' to your own likings, although wearing heavy armor isn't a good combo with stealth because you are slow, no one is stopping you from trying, if it fits your style and tactics I am sure you can work it out.

Right now there aren't as many options in weapon/ armor variations as you would like to see, but that is because the game is still in development. Don't get me wrong, there is already a lot of content made. For example for guns you have a couple of snipers, couple of assault rifles, about 3 different smg's and about 5 different pistols.

There is an really awesome crafting system. You can craft new guns by collecting barrels, weapon frames and attachments like scopes or extended magazines. For melee you need steel, handles, molds and for example an battery and electronic pulse generators for an awesome electrical sledgehammer. For the armor crafting you need leather, padding, overcoat fabric, carrier vests, steel platings etc. Also with biology skill you can craft adrenalin hypo's/ health hypos by combining extracted ingredients that you harvest from dead animals/monsters. With chemistry skill and some powders and casings, powerful grenades can be crafted. There is a lot more, electronic devices, traps, crossbows + special bolts, chemical weapons, energy pistols, boots, helmets +more.

Still, for a game in development there is already a lot to craft, explore, fight, collect, learn, and by the looks of it there is a lot to come. I love this game, already bought it and played a lot. There is no plot yet, but there are dialogs that indicate that there will be nice story attached to this awesome game. Also there isn't a companion system and I don't know if there will be in the future.

To wrap things up, I love Underrail, it's a game where a lot of gamers are waiting for a long time, this time no EA, Ubisoft or Blizzard making lame ass sequals, Stygian Software on the case!

Bugs / Bug --- Dialog + Combat at the same time
« on: November 04, 2013, 02:12:02 pm »
Hi everyone!

I love this game, already have 60 hours in Underrail, 2 characters: one of level 17 one of level 13. Had zero bugs so far (thought I had one but solved it myself in the past), but now I got one.

After the Black Eels quest had been completed I decided  to make war on the Black Eels, Scrappers and the Protectorate to gain more exp by killing them before I restarted the game. I wanted to buy some more meds because these are real hard opponents to fight against. In the junkyard slums I find myself entering the dialog with the 'doctor' (creepy guy), but at the same time 1 of the guards of the Protectorate post enters combat. He shoots 5 times, I could hear the gunshots. After the gunshots the hourglass cursor disappeared and I chose the barter button. Here I found myself into a bugged situation, the hourglass cursor reappeared and stuck I am (thanks god for auto-save :D).

I don't think this is supposed to happen, you can see above the barter screen in the picture at the left the guard, at the right me and the doctor.

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