Author Topic: PLEASE HELP! Minigun and LMG hitchance % either bugged, either I am stupid.  (Read 3824 times)


  • Zoner
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My character has 140 (base) and 294 (total with buffs) Heavy Guns skill, and 17(!!!) (11 base, 14 with buffs+Brute Aim perk) perception, 14 strength.
I tried whatever possible, when I aim anything with minigun at the distance of 7 tiles, I get 16% (!!! ridiculous) unfocused aim chance at 7 tiles away from target, and ONLY 24% when focused.
I consider it being a complete nonsense. While I have 89% (!!! 89>16) hitchance with an assault rifle (which doesn't profit from Brute Aim PE bonus, so it's only 14 PE), with only 201 guns skill and being at the distance of 11 (!!! 11>7) tiles away.
Is my game bugged or am I just stupid? I have: Full Auto, Heavy Metal, Expertise and Concentrated Fire perks.
I can attach all the screenshots concerning that matter. I had to use AR character in order to be able to operate at the Compound. Because that "minigun" could only make enemies make fun out of me. I was unable to hit anything at any normal distances...

Please HELP! I would really appreciate if someone could explain to me this whole situation...
With my assault rifle build I am able to take out 5 enemies per turn (guaranteed) at significant distance, while with "minigun" (ridiculous) I can barely kill 1-2 (doubtful and not guaranteed) being almost in melee/shotgun range. And anticipating the question about gun quality and ammo used, I used 148Q Terminator, with 12.7 Contaminated ammo, Jump Starter MKII, while my AR was only Hornet 7.62... Not even Chimera or Huszar...

Concerning the outcome of the use of both mentioned above (AR and minigun build):

 - I use sniper rifle (yes, because it's a part of my AR build) for the first shot, with Shooting Spree perk (AP restore from the shot, inflicting 600-1000 dmg per hit=1 kill, 100%) in combo with Aimed Shot, that's -1 enemy right away, and full AP refund. Next I use AR + Commando perk + specialisation (3/3, +9 AP after 3 kills), first kill grants me a free burst, that's 3 enemies down already, and I've got remaining AP to kill one more (4th down), and for the last one I use adrenaline shot so I have enough AP to shoot one more time, and that's 1 more kill. I did it at the Compound, on Normal difficulty, can provide the screenshots too.

So the question, why would one use a (melee range) minigun, which requires being in 3-4 tiles away from target (and still you get only 40-52% hit chance) to be able to do any significant damage? I consider it completely ridiculous and nonsense.
Please help!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 08:44:00 pm by Hawk »


  • Scavenger
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You weapons durability is low. Only explanation. Repair your weapons.


  • Zoner
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You weapons durability is low. Only explanation. Repair your weapons.

No, no! It's a brand new weapon!
I play UnderRail since 2016)))
I didn't do such a noob mistake)

Here, I will post all screenshots!

P.S. Moreover I crafted the minigun with an ergonomic handle ( as you may notice on my screenshot )!!! ( Which adds precision too (+3% general precision and +5% "Move and shoot" precision)! )
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 08:34:42 pm by Hawk »


  • Scavenger
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My character has 140 (base) and 294 (total with buffs) Heavy Guns skill, and 17(!!!) (11 base, 14 with buffs+Brute Aim perk) perception, 14 strength.
I tried whatever possible, when I aim anything with minigun at the distance of 7 tiles, I get 16% (!!! ridiculous) unfocused aim chance at 7 tiles away from target, and ONLY 24% when focused.
Please help!
Confirmed: 24% hit chance with a minigun vs a camera in Your House at 7 tiles distance, while Focused. Same percentage - with very similar Heavy Guns (effective 301; edit: also it's the same even with 343 effective Heavy Guns) and same 14 Str, as per the screenshot. Seems like it's capped by distance, to me.

As for "please help!" part - this low hit chance is only at 7 tiles distance. It will rapidly go higher and higher the closer you go to a target (or the closer a target gets to you, ofc). It looks like miniguns are hard-coded to behave this way. Not oh so major problem given the amount of bullets they spit out, though - especially with Jumpstart mk2 motor, which is +2 bullets from very 1st volley and +2 more on top after each burst. Though i agree 24% focused at max effective distance is quite too low. Ain't exactly what we expect to see at _effective_ range, yep.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 08:55:43 pm by Fins »
our lifestyles, mores, institutions, patterns of interaction, values, and expectations are shaped by a cultural heritage that was formed in a time when carrying capacity exceeded the human load. (c) William R. Catton, Jr


  • Zoner
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My character has 140 (base) and 294 (total with buffs) Heavy Guns skill, and 17(!!!) (11 base, 14 with buffs+Brute Aim perk) perception, 14 strength.
I tried whatever possible, when I aim anything with minigun at the distance of 7 tiles, I get 16% (!!! ridiculous) unfocused aim chance at 7 tiles away from target, and ONLY 24% when focused.
Please help!
Confirmed: 24% hit chance with a minigun vs a camera in Your House at 7 tiles distance, while Focused. Same percentage - with very similar Heavy Guns (effective 301) and same 14 Str, as per the screenshot. Seems like it's capped by distance, to me.

As for "please help!" part - this low hit chance is only at 7 tiles distance. It will rapidly go higher and higher the closer you go to a target (or the closer a target gets to you, ofc). It looks like miniguns are hard-coded to behave this way. Not oh so major problem given the amount of bullets they spit out, though - especially with Jumpstart mk2 motor, which is +2 bullets from very 1st volley and +2 more on top after each burst. Though i agree 24% focused at max effective distance is quite too low. Ain't exactly what we expect to see at _effective_ range, yep.

Bro! I thought the same way, that it's meant to be such a low hitchance, due to the amount of bullets shot!
BUT when I tried to shoot a group ( 6-7 enemies) of bunched up enemies, I barely hit anyone, due to very low % hitchance!
Also, this kind of weapon just (logically and consecutively) CANT have such a LOW effective range. You can't go melee with a minigun!
Because, it cuts your Iniciative ( by default, drawback of the gun ) and it's supposed to be played with maximum armor penalty, so you simply won't have movement points. While you will try to close the distance, you would simply get shot to death, that's what I experienced... I mean against any challenging enemy, not against rathounds or some raiders...
And by that logic, how would an AR have 5-6x better % hitchance? I just don't get it.
It must be strongly balanced, right now it looks like very,very raw!
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 08:58:44 pm by Hawk »


  • Scavenger
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You ain't supposed to go chase things with a minigun, see. You're supposed to find some corner and stand your ground, while slowing any incoming foes. Strafe feat to negate move and shoot penalty to be able to fire without it after hiding behind some corner. Suppressive fire to slow 'em down, with some cryogas grenades on top whenever it's worth it. At least that's how i dig the whole minigun idea: it's intended to make us largely stationary "turret" and mowing down any amount of opposition able and willing to get into minigun's actual effective (~5 tiles) range, while in the same time wounding-or-killing anything beyond that range by the same volley.
our lifestyles, mores, institutions, patterns of interaction, values, and expectations are shaped by a cultural heritage that was formed in a time when carrying capacity exceeded the human load. (c) William R. Catton, Jr


  • Zoner
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You ain't supposed to go chase things with a minigun, see. You're supposed to find some corner and stand your ground, while slowing any incoming foes. Strafe feat to negate move and shoot penalty to be able to fire without it after hiding behind some corner. Suppressive fire to slow 'em down, with some cryogas grenades on top whenever it's worth it. At least that's how i dig the whole minigun idea: it's intended to make us largely stationary "turret" and mowing down any amount of opposition able and willing to get into minigun's actual effective (~5 tiles) range, while in the same time wounding-or-killing anything beyond that range by the same volley.

I understand what you mean. But, why would one go through all that hard-ways, luring someone behind corner, camping around, waiting, saving/loading, wasting time and nerves, if assault rifles and SMGs exist? On much higher range, much higher effectiveness, much less AP, much more kills, way less stuff to carry etc.?
And I don't get it, why does a minigun has less effective range than a pistol or a crossbow? Am I missing something?


  • Scavenger
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Why go through all the hoops - why, for supreme firepower .44 and 12.7 calibers offer. Explosive and especially contaminated rounds are dope. Also, not all players go for "most cookie-cutter" things - quite many love a challenge, which is another, completely different, reason.

As for way lower accuracy per bullet - my only guess for a rationale here is that pistols and crossbow fire every projectile after the user made good aim, while minigun spits most bullets while the user is managing the recoil, hence unable to aim nearly as well for each bullet fired.

edit: oh and also, why bother with ARs and SMGs, if Fusion Cannon exists? With a build properly tailored to use all the feats and features Fusion Cannon can benefit from, and going with 2 shots per turn, Fusion Cannon just wipes out things left and right even ARs and SMGs would have some trouble dealing with. And at practically any range bar beyond-usual-vision places (which are very few) where sniper rifles outrange it. %)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 09:34:08 pm by Fins »
our lifestyles, mores, institutions, patterns of interaction, values, and expectations are shaped by a cultural heritage that was formed in a time when carrying capacity exceeded the human load. (c) William R. Catton, Jr


  • Zoner
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Why go through all the hoops - why, for supreme firepower .44 and 12.7 calibers offer. Explosive and especially contaminated rounds are dope. Also, not all players go for "most cookie-cutter" things - quite many love a challenge, which is another, completely different, reason.

As for way lower accuracy per bullet - my only guess for a rationale here is that pistols and crossbow fire every projectile after the user made good aim, while minigun spits most bullets while the user is managing the recoil, hence unable to aim nearly as well for each bullet fired.

edit: oh and also, why bother with ARs and SMGs, if Fusion Cannon exists? With a build properly tailored to use all the feats and features Fusion Cannon can benefit from, and going with 2 shots per turn, Fusion Cannon just wipes out things left and right even ARs and SMGs would have some trouble dealing with. And at practically any range bar beyond-usual-vision places (which are very few) where sniper rifles outrange it. %)

Yes, it's true. But crippled/raw/illogical weapon mechanic isn't really a challenge, it's just a pain and disappointment. While UnderRail is my favourite RPG, after Fallout 2...
IMO they need to modify that effective range, at least slightly... Otherwise it's nonsense. Minigun is an endgame weapon, you need very high base stats as well as skills and feats, in order to be effective with it, that's what I tried to make, but I failed, due to ridiculously low hit chance... I was unable to match the enemies, it's completely unreliable and AP-costly useless stuff, compared to AR or SMG. Usually a heavy weapon such as a minigun or MG outclass any AR or SMG and it's also much harder to operate, which is the case, but the thing is totally useless...
About Fusion cannon, you've got a point there, I agree.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2023, 09:49:14 pm by Hawk »


  • Oculite
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The red scope gives the AR a precision bonus, but it shouldnt be anywhere near such a difference, especially with the skill differences.
*eurobeat intensifies*