Author Topic: Ironman Mode/Achievement  (Read 6147 times)


  • Oculite
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Re: Ironman Mode/Achievement
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2016, 12:46:16 pm »
I'm not saying you need all of them. I just listed all the possible counters, one or two is usually enough.

80 biology is doable on every build, and it takes care of stuns/incapacitations as long as you remember to take a pill before every fight unless you are 100% sure there will be no stuns/incapacitations involved, or that you can kill the enemy before he gets a chance to apply them.

Amplifed energy shield and anti rifle tac vest is also doable on every build. 65% penalty hurts on stealth builds and amplifed shields are pretty bad overall, buy  and you can equip them both just once or twice and be done with them.

Also, high HP pool doesn't necessarily means you need high CON. It can also be achieved by having high level and using sturdy vests. You need hogih CON only if you want to have one of the highest pools possible. My 5 CON build had 350+ hit points at level 25, and fights that require such a big pool are usually optional and you can pick them when you want. Hell my 5 CON char was able to tank Carnifex 1st turn after failing initative check.

So as you can see, almost every build can achieve good defense against everything. Of course tanks are going to be better at that, but you can manage with somewhat glassy builds as well.

That's actually damn hard to do.
Well that's the point of Ironman runs, isn't it?


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Re: Ironman Mode/Achievement
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2016, 04:52:34 pm »
Before even thinking of making an achievement or putting in an ironman mode, you have to make sure the chance of running into a gamestopping bug is < 0.1%.  Pretty sure we're not there yet.  In the later betas I would run into a game stopping bug like one in 2 games, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a few left.  For now, better to just give yourself a pat on the back if you manage it but keep a bunch of saves anyways just in case ;)