My recent sort of failed
Playthrough, which I've put on hold for now, left me itching to modify PSI Powers.
Just like Items can be crafted to one's need, I feel it'd be nice to specialize into and modify a discipline of mind.
Now, forgive me if this existed somewhere already, I thoroughly searched for it.
For example, as a basic, every Combat-PSI ability (Which, so far, is all of them) could have the choice to go for focus (+range, accuracy(if applicable), and the respective skill) at the cost of a damage penalty, or go for power, going the opposite route.
For example, Force emission could end up specialized in projecting punches 5-6 Meters far, or it could be a Set of "Psionic Gloves", increasing range by just a half meter (so you don't always have to spend 3 MP after initiating combat), but with a % damage increase, and perhaps a small AOE that would make it utterly impracticable if bystanders/allies are near.
Alternatively, that could be done with a perk, just like time/power is a decision with psychosis/tranquility.
Edit: PSI-Foci would also be an option.