Besides the classical use Blender, there are small details that are important.
A huge chunk of assets and effects are 3d, 99% of the assets i did in the last 2-3 years are done with blender with almost no Photoshop retouching.
I use a specific setup for my camera and keep it Mathematicaly perfect, so that when i render and something is straight it gets those nice 2x1 pixel steps.
I used Photoshop only to fix up some small details, even less now.
Most of the texturing is done through procedural shaders or i use some texture and clean them up from sharp details, it's better to make details through geometry than rely on textures.
Have a small library of shaders for various materials.
Always use the same Light/hri setup.
set the pixel filter to a low filtering value, it does not need to be nearest neighbour, just set it lower, the default for blender is 1.5 (i use between 0.1 and 0.5 depending on the asset)
there are a lot of small things that you just learn with work, always learn, always try to improve, time is success.