Author Topic: Gun Fu build  (Read 3203 times)


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Gun Fu build
« on: July 27, 2021, 11:27:58 pm »
Here is my idea of a Gun Fu build. This build has high initiative with gunslinger, trigger happy and max dexterity and high dodge and evasion. I feel the core of this build is Versatility, Gun Fu, Hit and Run, Bullet time, Gunslinger, Future Orientation, Psycho-temporal Acceleration.  I really want to throw in Dirty Kick, Opportunist and Execute too but that is just because I have never used it before.

Do you think I could do hard or dominating with it? Also any optimizations.


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Re: Gun Fu build
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2021, 07:17:24 am »
Pistols strong, you will do DOMINATING but there are couple of things to improve.

 - Initiative is high enough without Trigger Happy, if you are worried about couple of situations when you get unlucky roll, pick Paranoia as it has other benefits 
 - Expose weakness is strictly worse than W2C bullets, drop the feat

 - What's the deal with Mercantile so high and with feat? If you worry about money, get some pickpocketing, great way to replenish ammo and some traders have lots of cash in their pockets. You only need 105 effective Mercantile for all special goods merchant inventory, more is overkill for cheaper vanity Jet-skiis mostly

 - Opportunist + Execute is meh, you would get better returns from Point Shot and Aimed Shot. But you do you, it will work too

 - You lack damage a bit. No crit feats, no Blindsiding, not even Expertise. Pistols pack a punch, but you should improve it for those juicy one shots. I recommend Blindsiding and Recklesness

 - Premeditation saves 15 AP on self Stasis at the end of Bullet Time turn, 1 Con less and 1 Int more

- Most importantly: You are melee shooter. You need to move a lot. Hit and Run - max spec is HIGHLY recommended. You won't be able to use Gun-Fu if enemy is too far.


 - I don't see a point in Psychotemporal Acceleration and Future Orientation. You get 5 AP more from psi haste but LTI and Stasis cost 5 AP more, but have cooldown reduced by 1 turn. What do you need this cooldown reduction for? Why do you need 5 AP from psi haste so badly that you invest a feat? So it lasts more? 3 turns (2 + self Stasis gimmick) should be enough to finish combat.


 - you need at least 30 Electronics for Laser sight, 20 Chemistry for W2C bullets, and you don't need Biology so high

Edit 3:

 - just realised you have no stealth. Highly recommended, it makes you start combat on your own terms. If you prefer to play without it however, you should be fine. I think.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 07:34:11 am by Turbodevil »


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Re: Gun Fu build
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2021, 02:10:03 pm »
Thanks for the feedback it is really appreciated here is a new build.

Paranoia is a better pick and I hate Crawlers/Death Stalkers any way.

Good to know I don't need Expose weakness I haven't played since the right before the expansion and I forgot about special bullets and honestly didn't know they were better.

I'm not concerned about money in this game just I didn't know the merchant thresholds I have also added some persuasion since I think there have been some improvements to it. 

I just wanted Execute for the achievement and the cheese factor of kicking someone in the groin the Executing them but I will do that on another toon since I agree with you the other 2 are better and I want to do Dominating.

Temporal Manipulation is pretty new to me I have never used it and just thought those feats were mandatory good to know I don't need them and can go other feats and Premeditation was a good call.