Author Topic: Non Repeatable Dialogue -> Repeatable Dialogue  (Read 1170 times)


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Non Repeatable Dialogue -> Repeatable Dialogue
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:46:27 am »
Some dialogue in the game cannot be repeated for the rest of the save's playthrough after they have been played through once. It would be great if some of these dialogs can be made repeatable if one wishes to hear the explanation once more, especially for the ones with complicated explanations (examples: The Ferryman's Philosophy, Character Backstories etc)

Currently, I can think of two parts which could use such a change:
1. Ethan's explanation of Temporal Manipulation in general. Also, not choosing the option: "You're implying that it takes an old person to be a good manipulator, yet you're looking pretty damn young." will result in not having the option to ask about his mentor, and the explanation dialogue is not repeatable anymore.
2. Explanation of the last part of the Ferryman's Philosophy: The Center.
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