After playing the latest build ,which is excellent by the way, I had a few suggestions:
- I completed the Gorsky's quest to take down the gang in Core City I visited Dan in Foundry. After telling him about Gorsky and convincing him to join the Zone Rats, his dialogue was still written in a way that hadn't acknowledged that we already wiped out the gang. This should be changed.
-I noticed items which require energy that are placed on the quick bar can be recharged with batteries. However the cursor does not change to acknowledge that and shows a cannot use sign when hovered over despite being usable. I guess this isn't intentional.
-Dialogue for merchants in Junkyard still have the dialogue option for the Armadillo Drill quest still intact long after it's completed. A minor annoyance for sure, but I feel like it doesn't need to be there anymore after the fact for consistency.
-Not really a suggestion ,but the level cap is killing me! Seeing the over 100 exp I've acquired over this play through go to waste after hitting the cap makes me real sad
That's all for now. Keep up the good work.