This is latest Steam release w/ DLC (, QWERTY/EN OS and game.
I remapped WASD to move the camera, moving the Character Sheet to C, Combat Stats to /, and Take All to Q. In remapping the Quick Buttons, I was happy to see that NUMPAD 1 - 9 didn't conflict with Keyboard 1 - 9, which are mapped to the Action Buttons. The in-game settings menu doesn't actually say NUMPAD, it just says 1, but when you first map NUMPAD 1 it doesn't give a conflict message. Same with NUMPAD 2, 3, etc to 6, which means the engine is distinguishing numpad from kb.
Here's the bug: I have Quick Button 1 mapped to NUMPAD 1, so to reload my weapon I should hold SHIFT+NUMPAD1 right? Doesn't work. The SHIFT+Quickbuttons selection doesn't seem to work with NUMPAD Quick Button assignments.
Hope this can get fixed!
Also - any chance of a hotkey to show/hide the log? Similarly, it would be great if there were dedicated keys to lengthen/shorten the width of the dialogue window, kinda like how in the Infinity Engine games (Baldur's Gate), you can hit PGUP/PGDOWN to expand or contract the dialogue window in useful increments. Here you could map PGUP/PGDOWN to expand/contract the dialogue window in 20% increments, and once the window is at 100% hitting PGDOWN one more time would hide it.
Just a thought.
EDIT: the game doesn't recognize MOUSETHUMB? I was thinking about remapping inventory to the mouse's thumb button, so I could remap the action buttons to E,R,T,Y,U,I for a continuous segment of keyboard, but I can't remap to the thumb button.