Author Topic: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi  (Read 2225 times)


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Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« on: October 06, 2023, 12:54:41 pm »
Firstly, this build is named "Grease" hammer because you will be:
  • Hard to kill
  • Hard to hit
  • Hard to run away from
  • 400+ dmg from super slam alone

Here's a first iteration of this build:

Now explanation:
This is somewhat RP build, in a way that I don't want uncover any secrets or lore and just dominate everything through pure physical might.
Main idea of this build is being an unkillable pain train that makes people shit their pants, no second thought, no remorse, no cunning shit, just unstoppable greased brick wall of death.
Only weaknesses of this build are some immobilization effects, and resolve based effects.
Base stats:
  • 3 dex, wil, per - aren't needed. Only useful feats that can be picked from them are escape artist and stoicism, but it's no psi full con build, so no will. I really want to take escape artist but it doesn't justify spending 4 points in dex
  • 6 int for armor sloping to run and dodge more freely in heavy armors, also helps with crafting
  • 12 con for survivabulty, superslam damage and other cool feats
  • 10 agi for dodging, evasion and mobility
  • 11 str for sledges and their feats

  • no psi schools because no psi con build
  • full melee and 60 throwing to don't drop grenades on yourself
  • No subtefuge because we're too cool and chonky for that
  • Crafting skills for making best armor, weapons and drugs
  • Intimidation for further survivabilty and RP
  • Mercantily for getting super steel if needed

  • Mobilty feats: nimble, sprint, hit and run, armor sloping, body weight training
  • Survivabilty feats: conditioning, yell, juggernaut, last stand, uncanny dodge, increased con, tempered:electrisity
  • Attack feats: pummel, dirty kick, super slam

  • Head: Shaded metal helmet, Praetorian Lawgiver, Tchortist Bioscrubber (preferable),
    Aegis Sec-trooper Helmet
  • Body: Any armor works, but we have feats for metal armor so it's prefferable, just not tungesteen and not untill we get armor sloping feat. Personally prefer full super steel
  • Belt: lifting belt
  • Feet: super steel boots, pig/cavehopper/bison/siphoner leather boots/tabis, personally prefer siphoner tabi boots
  • Weapon: Sledgehammer :o , Use spikes for main sledge and use super slam with it for 4xSuper slam, for secondary use shock hammer for aoe

This build is based on Tytyger's Dominating Dominator
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 06:46:57 pm by deanisi »


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Re: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2023, 12:58:26 pm »
Also if you're not a fan of crafting and don't need armor sloping, then you can take points from int and spend them in agility for expert sprint. This way you trade crafting and heavier (metal) armors for more mp and ap (expert sprint plus blitz)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 06:57:03 pm by deanisi »


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Re: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2023, 05:42:48 pm »
With armour penalty around 50% (very likely), your dodge and evasion will be of very marginal use. Might be worth considering going full leather, to focus on mobility instead. You should also put more specifics into craftable gear if you want people to use your guide, for example what metal and attachments use etc.

Also given mediocre STR, this build will struggle on higher difficulties. Will be fine for normal/hard.


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Re: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2023, 06:29:33 pm »
Yeah, it's more of "fuck it, we ball" build, and doesn't hold itself well on dominating. For dominating constitution builds aren't great generally.

I wasn't specific about crafted armor because you can literally take any armor and you still will be fine. As I said in my second message, you can skip heavy armors and go into agility. Metal armor is here just because I wanted to concentrate on fattness of grease rather than slippery aspect.

Dodge/Evasion is just another layer of defense and can be considered as additional effective health.

Also about armor penalty. We have flat -25 from nimble and bwt, and -39% multiplicativly from armor sloping. Personally I was going for super steel. Super steel armor without addons is 45 - 39%= 27.45, which game counts as 27, 27 - flat 25 = 2% penalty. With 3 additional sheets it will be (45 + 16x3) - 39% =56,73, 57 - 25 = 32% penalty. Tabis have no penalty, preferable headwear is Tchortist Bioscrubber which also have zero penalty. So even with full super steel armor we have 68% of dodge/evasion effectiveness, also we get dodge/evasion from tabis. 
So 241 dodge/evasion − 32% = 163,88, plus some from tabis, and it will be at least 170+, As long as we aren't lit we'll have a not bad chance to evade attacks.
Techincaly you can even make lightning punches tin can in full super steel armor.

About attachments. There's only 2 ways about metal armor attachments: full metal sheets or adding blades for bleeding if you want to take taste for blood. Same for sledges, shock or blades. Spikes are pretty much useless.

Yeah, now I think that I should had mentioned stuff above in first message, but I did now so it's fine. Feel free to correct me if I was wrong.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 06:58:52 pm by deanisi »


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Re: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2023, 06:37:33 pm »
I understand, just people using builds generally need more directions and its easy to take tunsten amour and be more of a solid rock.
Hint: try spikes on sledge and super slam ;)


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Re: Grease hammer build | Sledgehammer, nimble tin can, no psi
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2023, 06:43:18 pm »
Hint: try spikes on sledge and super slam ;)

Does it mean that it will be 4 super slams in one?