Author Topic: Fusion Cannon - damage is resisted twice, suspiciously high damage scaling  (Read 790 times)


  • Oculite
  • Tchortist
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See the attached file for the doubly resisted damage - two instances of resisted electrical. The save this was done on has Tricky Trajectory with 5 spec points into it, no Heavy Metal. Was wearing blast cloth and orobably has something to do with it.

About the damage - it seems to scale unreasonably high with INT through High-Technicalities. Using Hypercerebrix to go from 7 to 9 INT is enough to boost damage from typical damage 1500 to 2000, with Tricky Trajectory bur without Heavy Metal. Sure you can blame it on high/low rolls, but dealing 2000 non-crit damage shouldn't be possible at all from my math, regardless of how the various bonuses apply, I can never arrive at 2000. I've seen others deal over 3000 on a non-crit with heavy metal, too.


  • Oculite
  • Tchortist
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Re: Fusion Cannon - damage is resisted twice, suspiciously high damage scaling
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2023, 12:42:30 am »
Some more info:
  • Lvl 14, 120 effective heavy guns skill.
  • Mint condition Fusion Cannon that was never dis/reassembled, 200-258 base damage.
  • Damage in combat stats sheet, which only includes the weapon skill damage multiplier, is 368-474.
  • High-Technicalities with 8 effective intelligence, shoud result in a 24% damage increase.
  • No other damage bonuses that could possibly apply - no Tricky Trajectory, no Heavy Metal, no smart goggles. Just the skill and High-Technicalities modifiers, which I assume are multiplicative.

  • After around 100 direct hits on the SGS target, my highest recorded damage was 722, lowest was 573.
  • Compared to damage in the combat stats, this is a 56% increase for minimum and 52% increase for maximum damage.

So all in all, the damage increase should be 24%, but in practice it's slightly above 50% in a sample of around 100 direct hits.
I suspect High-Technicalities could be counting all INT for the damage increase instead of just above 5, which would result in a 64% damage increase at 8. No way to be sure on my end, though.

I can upload the save if you need it.