Strength 7 (weapon and feat requirements)
Dexterity 5 (for throwing and lockpicking a bit)
Agility 3 (since i don't use stealth, dodge or evasion, since i want to use heavy armor)
Constitution 7
Perception 10 (for the guns skill)
Will 3 (since i don't use psi or persuation skills)
Intelligence 5 (for hacking and maybe, if recommended, some crafting skills)
Skills: (the ones i definitly want to use)
Guns 15
Throwing 15
Hacking 15
Lockpicking 15
Traps 15
45 points left
For the time being I'd make more of a general gunslinger; as epeli says there aren't many pure rifle feats at the moment.
In fact there aren't many high level feats at all atm =\
{ nothing like Sniper or Slayer at least! }It can take a while to get the first assault rifle which should get dropped by the Raider leader in GMS Compound.
I prefer to not set attributes below 4 but I decided to go with:
Strength 6 (+2 at level ups)
Dexterity 8 (+2 at level ups)
Agility 4
Constitution 5 (feat:
Perception 10
Will 3
Intelligence 4
Guns 15 (max per level)
Melee 5 only (make the early rathounds easier)
Hacking 15 (max per level)
Lockpicking 11 (keep at same level as hacking)
Stealth 10 (up to 40 for feat:
Mechanics, Electronics, Tailoring 10 each (focus here!)
Biology, Chemistry 5 each (Up to 60 or so for the advanced blueprints?)
Persuade 13
Intimidate 11 (keep at same level as persuade)
Possible feat selections
(in no particular order) would be something like:
Aimed Shot*, Recklessness*, Gunslinger, Kneecap Shot, Execute, Steadfast Aim, Ambush, Snipe, Sharpshooter, Full-Auto, Doctor, Conditioning
With the aim of landing as many critical hits or conditional damage boosts as possible. You want to get your hands on a 7.62 Hammerer type pistol ASAP switching to whichever weapon does the job later on.
*starting feats