OverviewWhat you will be doing the entire game:
https://youtu.be/6ulWGiJb1uI?si=WQ8ZOihLxHBhITmPDo you like to play as Rambo? Do you hate crafting? Did you play the game so many times that you just want to skip all questing? Do you hate replenishing supplies from merchants? Would you like to murder the merchants for always not giving you your desired components when refreshing their stocks? Would you like to measure your worth in Advanced Mechanical Repair Kits instead of charons? Do you want to genocide every single town and not just the natives in the Black Sea? Do you want to be the apocalypse in this post-post-apocalypse world? This build is for you!
Disclaimer: requires both Expedition and Heavy Duty DLC. This build was played through on Hard Classic difficulty. Also, I was not strong enough to win any fights in The Compound, so please do not adopt this build and be disappointed that you cannot clear Heavy Duty content.
Knowing the landAfter playing through the game many many times, I noticed that enemy mobs drop a lot of supplies, so much so that, for specific builds, it may be possible to sustain the character throughout the entire game. Here, I recount the loot encountered throughout Underrail and their abundance:
Base Underrail:
- Very common:
- ammo
- health items
- health hypos
- advanced health hypos
- bandages
- sources of metal scrap
- guns
- knives
- sledgehammer
- crossbows
- metal armor, helmets and boots
- Still common
- grenades
- flashbangs
- throwing nets
- crossbow bolts (normal bolts)
- psi inhalants and boosters
- energy shield emitters
- sources of fabric scrap
- leather armor
- tactical vests
- Rare
- adrenaline shots
- batteries
- sources of electronic loot
- shock knives
- shock sledgehammers
- energy pistols
- emp grenades
- Almost nonexistent
- w2c ammo
- any other special ammo other than standard
- any special crossbow bolt other than normal bolts
- any other combat enhancing drug apart from adrenaline shot
For ammo, I noticed that 7.62mm was the most common, followed by 5mm, followed by 8.6mm, followed by 9mm, followed by .44. Typically by the time I hit University, I would have acquired perhaps total 7000 ammo of differing types.
Standard ammo is very abundant, but W2C and other special ammo types were almost non-existent. For example, I only had 70+ 7.62mm W2C ammo looted from Terrence's body, and 70+ 9mm W2C ammo from Dreadnaught in Epione lab.
Natives in Black Sea:
- Common
- consumables
- healing salve
- vitality powder
- spirit potion
- crossbow bolts (normal bolts)
- Non-existent
- sources of scrap
- native spears/swords/knives/sledgehammers/crossbows cannot be recycled although considered mechanical
Mutie refuge in Black Sea
- Rare
- ammo
- sources of mechanical scrap
Pirates in Black Sea:
Profile is very similar to base Underrail, except:
- Common
- shotguns and shotgun shells
- morphine
- tabi boots
- i looted my endgame durability 1500 ninja tabi boots here
- Almost non existent
- psi-related items and consumables (only 1 psion in pirate base)
Aegis camp in Black Sea:
Profile is very similar to base Underrail, except:
- Very common
- batteries (every Aegis sec trooper carries shield emitters and batteries)
- shield emitters
Build requirementsThis build is a direct successor to my experience with my previous hammer/LMGs/ARs build
https://stygiansoftware.com/forums/index.php?topic=10521.0. While that build only achieves independence of ammo from merchants, this build goes even further and tries to achieve independence of everything from merchants, including healing and repair kits. My first version of this build designated refurbished guns as the final recipients of all the ammo lying around, but that involved interacting regularly with merchants to check their refreshed stocks, having high mercantile skills to unlock high quality components, and slaving away in the world doing odd jobs to get charons to buy such high quality components when they do finally appear. All in all, too much hassle. This build was crafted without refurbishment in mind; Myles shall die the moment he saw this character.
Having total independence from merchants also includes doctors, that implies looting enough health items to survive through the entire game.
Having total independence from merchants, it is also just too good an opportunity to pass up on doing a genocide run, to depopulate the entire game and see what happens.
Crafting the buildCombat in Underrail in any build involves spending resources of some kind. Psi involves psi reserves, guns involve ammo and mechanical durability, melee weapons involve mechanical durability, crossbows involve bolts and mechanical durability, shock/energy melee weapons and energy pistols involve batteries and electronic durability. (Bare fists (see my Naked Puncher build) and crowbars have infinite durability and does not expend any other resources, but their damage output is so low it is hard to consider them in a normal build).
Surveying the loot landscape, the lack of anything electronic is evident. Batteries are rare, electronic loot that can be turned into electronic scraps to make electronic repair kits are rare. Hence, energy pistols and any shock/energy melee weapons are excluded. On the contrary, there is an overabundance of mechanical loot, that can be recycled into mechanical scrap, to create mechanical repair kits. In fact, my stocks of advanced mechanical repair kits surpassed 200 merely halfway through the game. There is also an abundance of ammo, albeit only the standard kind. Such a loot landscape naturally nurtures a guns build, and as guns go, ARs and heavy guns have the best and most powerful uniques. ARs builds and heavy guns builds are also among the most powerful builds in the game.
ARs and heavy guns builds are great, but this specific build involves a critical weakness: the total lack of W2C ammo. W2C ammo is not craftable in this build, and is almost non-existent as loot. To compensate against the lack of armor penetration, I looked to another feat: Expose Weakness. It is a melee feat, but heavy guns builds naturally require high strength, both for weapon and feat requirements. With investment into the melee skill, this character can become a decent melee fighter too. Coincidentally, the high strength enables the use of sledgehammers, of which there are excellent uniques too. The use of a melee sidearm also solves the problem of ammo inefficency on LMGs. Trash mobs or easy fights can be dealt with using hammer smashes instead of expending full LMG bursts, saving ammo in the process. Sledgehammers also requires no feats to be effective, yet another less impendiment to incorporating melee into this build.
Caveat: due to the abundance of mechanical repair kits and the scarcity of batteries and electronic repair kits, only non shock hammers should be used. This directly impacts the weapon selection, as detailed in a later section of this guide.
Expose Weakness has a 4 turn cooldown and needs to be in melee range to be used, but these are compromises this build has to work with due to the total lack of armor penetration otherwise.
Build explanation: attributesStrength: 11. Start with 10, +1 at level 4.
11 strength is required for the Brute Aim feat. 11 is also enough strength for the use of all unique guns in the game. I choose to hit 11 strength as soon as possible, because early game (from start of game to end of Depot A) is cleared using sledgehammers.
Dexterity: 3Dump stat. 3 dexterity causes a penalty to throwing skill, but will have to live with it.
Agility: 3Could have taken some points from CON, but I was used to playing with 3 agility for many builds. Also could not find spare feat points for the feats that are enabled by having higher agility.
Constuition: 15. Start with 10, +1 at level 16, 20 and 24 each, take Increased Constuition feat for +2 at level 26.
Constuition has always been the stat that I worship. All my builds have 10 CON minimum, for the Thick Skull feat, and for enough health to survive past turn 1 in any encounter in the game. This build has the luxury of extra attribute points, which I invested all into CON for even more extra survivability. For context, in my playthrough I had around 700 hp at level 26 and around 800 hp at level 28. I was surviving sniper crits, sometimes even 2 sniper crits, by the pirates in the Black Sea.
Of course the build could have used less CON and still be viable. I have listed some ideas on where to invest and build around the extra attribute points in the section below.
Perception: 88 perception is required for Concentrated Fire, the most broken feat for ARs and LMGs. From previous playthroughs, 8 perception is also enough for ARs and LMGs to clear the game with, since they do not need 100% precision. LMGs also have the Brute Aim feat to help out, so 8 perception is alright.
Will: 3Dump stat. 5 Wil is required for Bullet Trance, but from my previous playthrough with
https://stygiansoftware.com/forums/index.php?topic=10521.0, Bullet Trance turned out to be useless. Interweaving hammer attacks and LMG bursts meant the Bullet Trance stacks stay mostly expired. Moreover, half of the time this character (and that character from my previous playthrough) will be using assault rifles, which does not benefit from Bullet Trance at all.
Intelligence: 5. Start with 3, +1 at level 8, +1 at level 12.
5 intelligence solely for Expose Weakness feat. Investment of 2 extra attribute points solely to get a feat, to compensate for the total lack of armor penetration.
Hitting 5 intelligence at level 12 meant Expose Weakness can be taken earliest at level 12.
Build explanation: skills160 (214) GunsMax Guns skill for using ARs. You could drop this to 80 for the Commando feat, and rely on synergy with Heavy Guns skill to pump this skill up, but it will only cap at maximum 160 this way.
160 (255) Heavy GunsMax Heavy Guns skill for using LMGs/miniguns.
160 (143) Throwing110 effective Throwing skill is enough for me, but invested extra points so that can retain throwing accuracy when yelled at.
160 (255) MeleeMax Melee skill for using sledgehammers.
160 (159) Dodge
160 (159) EvasionMax defense skills because no reliance on crafting overpowered armors for this build.
An intriguing thing is, Dodge and Evasion are both supposed to be at 143 effective skill thanks to the penalty from having only 3 Agi, but thanks to these 2 skills having synergy with one another, if both of them are levelled up they end up at 159 effective skill, almost equivalent to having no penalty at all.
160 (143) StealthStealth is very important for Underrail. I maxed this, to compensate for the 3 Agi penalty, and because not much points needed for crafting or social skills.
135 (146) MechanicsMechanics this high solely for 3 recipes: Recycle Item, Repair Kit and Bear Trap. The higher the quality of the loot, the higher the skill needed to recycle it, hence this high a mechanics skill.
In hindsight, 75 effective mechanics skill is enough to recycle 95% of acquired loot, able to recycle up to durability 1770 items. Only items acquired in the last areas of the game, both the base game and Expedition, have durability higher than 1770.
25 (27) Biology25 points in Biology to fulfill requirements of Doctor feat.
0 Tailoring As I played through the game I found myself missing the tailoring skill to recycle leather armor and tac vests for tailoring kits, but I just could not find the points to invest into Tailoring in this build. Maybe if I min-maxed more I could spare the points, but for this run I made do with just stocking up on looted tac vests, and every time the current tac vest gets broken I just dump it and equip a new one.
0 LockpickingI chose to drop 0 points into lockpicking to fit the theme of Rambo, who just fights his enemies head on; who cares about subterfuge? But as I played through the game, I realized that lockpicking is needed for sightseeing in parts of civilization that is not possible without aggroing the population; Foundry comes to mind. Many homes have locked doors, never saw what was inside of them in a thousand hours of gameplay, could have finally saw the insides of those houses in this genocide run, but no lockpicking skill. Sigh.
Also, I have always wanted to open a jet ski buffet at Ray's shop for the longest time, to have access to every single jet ski in a single playthrough. I thought after I conquered Core City and put down Ray I could fulfill this dream, but as soon as his life disappeared into the netherworld, the keys to his jet skis appeared to have disappeared along with him. Only option left is to hotwire. Devastator requires 130 lockpicking. Double sigh.
Really have no idea how to squeeze in so much lockpicking in a build with 3 Dex.
Build explanation: feats and feat orderLevel 1: Nimble
Level 1: Thick SkullStandard feats that I stand with at the start of the game. Nimble provides more dodge and evasion, and nullifies any armor penalty smaller or equal to 15%. Thick Skull at level 1 means immunity to stuns for the entirety of the game, necessary because stuns are a guaranteed death sentence in this game.
Level 2: Suppressive Fire
Level 4: Opportunist
Level 6: Full Auto
Level 8: Brute Aim
Level 10: Concentrated FireFrom level 2 onwards, start to prepare the character for using an LMG, particularly the N60 which can be obtained immediately after Depot A. So LMG feats are taken in succession.
Level 12: Expose WeaknessThe remaining LMG/AR feats have to be taken at level 14 minimum. Expose Weakness has to be taken sooner or later, so I took it at level 12.
Level 14: Mag DumpThis is the last LMG feat relevant to this build. I took this over Commando at level 14 because the N60 is a mainstay weapon after Depot A, and it is uncertain when a good unique assault rifle will be obtained.
Level 16: CommandoThe is the last AR feat relevant to this build. During my playthrough I got my first assault rifle, the Steyr Auch, way past level 16, but it is good to complete the AR build as soon as possible, to be ready to use an AR anytime.
Level 18: Pack RathoundBy this time, after looting half of Underrail the weight limit is severely weighing down on my gameplay. The 50 additional weight limit grants a lot of relief.
Level 20: Fast Metabolism
Level 22: DoctorAs the character levels up, his HP pool grows exponentially due to all the extra investment into CON. These 2 feats are to increase healing efficiency, both to spend less time waiting to heal up between combat encounters, and to spend less of the looted stockpile of health hypos and healing salves to heal the character to full.
Level 24: ConditioningWith a final CON stat of 15, conditioning grants 20% mechanical, heat and cold damage reduction. It is too good to pass up when CON is this high. Also, less damage taken means less health items used, helps with healing efficiency.
Level 26: Increased Constitution
Level 28: BodybuildingMore health. Flex my 830 hp at level 30.
Level 30: ExpertiseIn hindsight I might have taken this earlier. The problem with using un-refurbished ARs/LMGs is that the damage on some of them is really low, notably the Brno, sometimes hitting for 60+, 70+ on the first hit. The extra 20 damage from Expertise is not game changing, but it is not insignificant either, especially with so many bullets flying around.
Build explanation: specialization pointsConcentrated Fire (10/10)Full specialization into this feat turns it into one of the most broken feats in the game. This, fully specialized, is the feat that allows end-game bosses to be shot down in 1 turn. Max this first.
Commando (3/3)On a pure AR build I would recommend maxing Commando out first, the 9 extra AP per turn is really good. But since this is a mixed AR/LMG build, Commando specialization comes after Concentrated Fire.
Expose Weakness: Duration (1/1)Just 1 more turn just in case 2 turns of Expose Weakness are not enough to shoot down something. After completing the whole game, realized that this is really not needed in Hard difficulty. Maybe for DOMINATING difficulty.
Conditioning: (1/5)One last specialization point to place into anything. I chose Conditioning.
...continued in next post due to character limit...