I am baffled you got past the psi beetles with a sword but, maybe I just got annoyed by them too fast on a Sledgehammer run I did way back.
If mechanical damage stuns are an issue, you might be able to eek the flat damage with a "low-type" energy shield emitter, maybe even the low capacitance, better flat value version instead of total shield "hp" upgrade. I'm pretty sure the energy shield works stupidly and allows for your damage reduction sources to apply to the damage the shield takes before you do, but it could be only armor-based reductions and not medication, yet as much it's still worth testing it out and seeing if it solves it.
I'm guessing if you want to cycle cooldowns, you can push for stasis with 70 Temporal Manipulation to stall for cds again. Also I could be wrong but, I think you can use a 3-turn cd ability and then Limited Temporal Increment (LTI) after on the same turn and get the LTI on your third turn (1+[3-1=] 2 cd will be turn 3) because of Future Orientation to get the cd reset after on the same turn again. Future Orientation also will allow empower cycling Infused Cave Hopper Tabi's 5-turn sprint cd, Psycho-temporal Contraction and Adrenaline Shot(debuff cancel) a lot better. It also gives you 2-turn cd grenades here. Stasis can also cheat an additional turn of all buffs for you while also stalling cds.
Your Melee skill is very low so I'd definitely make sure to use Energy Edge (no shock aoe) and Flash Bang (emp vs robot instead) at every available opportunity. If there's one reason you'll get fucked, it's going to be Strength ~9(buffed ~10) until you hit level 26, which will force you to face hitrates of ~20% at times. Energy Damage + robots have shit Dodge if any, means this build is one of the best vs robots in the game almost, so I'd focus on tagging more anti-fleshbags options, plausibly even Dirty Kick (*shudders) in this situation.
Dex might also be better on this build over Strength potentially (sorry) as you have insane crit potential with a Will stat at 5 or above. With Dex 10/11 instead of Strength, you can take Ripper and basically oneshot if you crit two melee hits onto basically anything in the game barring weirdly energy resistant enemies. You could also have an easier time landing some throwing nets with dex, and then ignore the hitchance when it really hurts badly to have to roll (probably well below 40% chances on some glass cannon enemies).