Author Topic: High int = skills  (Read 2967 times)


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High int = skills
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:11:48 pm »
So, I've suggested somewhere that int should work similar to dex for skills, with above 5 base giving 5 skill points for each point.  However, I think this is a pretty good idea, so I'll expand on the reasoning for why this particular amount and why it does not make for prohibitively powerful or unvaried builds.

-Reason for implementation:  Most new players seem to enjoy the stealth builds, judging by every builds topic.  Stealth builds generally have a surplus of ability points and a deficit in skills.  With heavy armor, you can reasonably play the game with only three or 4 skills; with stealth builds, you have to balance crafting (5 skill choices), subterfuge (5 more), defense (2 more), combat or psi (2 or even 3 per build are useful).  That's not even counting the fluffy diplomat skills.  That's a lot!  And since stealth builds are arguably harder to play than just bulldozing things in a tin can, I think they deserve another option for designing builds.

Additionally, int currently serves no purpose.  Literally.  All skills are linked to some ability score, with will actually being linked to almost as much as int.  However, those abilities also do something, even at high levels.  High Strength and Con have vital importance to heavy builds.  High agility can profoundly influence the defensive capabiltiies of light armor builds that have locus of control, as well as increase snipe damage on a pure sniper, as well as giving enough movement points to hit and run people.  Dex and perception also profoundly influence damage on most builds.  And all of them have feats at medium or high levels.

Intelligence.. really doesn't do anything.  It should have some affect like the other skills where "If I add more points I get something extremely important"

-Reason for "above 5":  This effect should only apply to intelligent focused builds, i.e. crafting, diplomat, subterfuge.  As such, it should not give "cheap shot/expose weakness" builds any benefit at all unless they want to further develop into int.  It actually works out quite nicely, since a single int after those int feats lets the additional skill benefit kick in, giving no "breakpoint" for which int is much more powerful.

-Amount:  Most builds have about 4-7 "core" skills (stealth, evasion, combat, feat skills) which profoundly increase their ability to perform, with additional skills only being "nice".  Therefore, I believe the amount should be pretty high.

At a one int per one slot, this amounts to 3 skills at 8 int, which is great, but also means over half of the skills are not used, allowing for varied builds at even very high int.  Even builds with 10 int will not be able to, for example, take all the speach, subterfuge skills, or craft skills.

Additionally, this will never result in the theoretical "cannot spend all skill points" as that would require 22 - 8 = 14 bonus skills, or 19 int, which would take only be possible at level 36.

-Build variety:  This would only significantly affect two build types: stealth pure melee and stealth pure sniper (stealth psi will probably end up going con).  In other words, builds where a high intelligence and variety of skills feels right, and builds that are already have to invest tons in subterfuge.  Even if these builds go 10 int, they will still hurt for skill points!

All other builds cannot afford a very high int, and would only be able to afford one or two extra skill slots, but due to the 5 int requirement, most will choose 0 extra skill slots.  How much above 5 they choose is what may actually add even more build variety, as there is now a new option to explore on the ability point range.

Edit: hrm.. now with 1.14 out... I can still see the need for this as int above 7 does nothing whereas other less useful abilities like agility above 7 does something (movement and evasion).  But perhaps the numbers could use work, like instead of "int above 5 = 5 skills" it could be "int above 7 = 6 skills"  But the original numbers could work too *shrug*
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 10:10:31 pm by Greep »


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Re: High int = skills
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 08:26:15 am »
To harp on this a little, I too could see high int doing something in that direction, but even 1 skill point per int above 5 would go a long way. Really, I mean it, that's a notable bonus already.
The real problem, though, is the lack of good skills for heavy builds.
Trying out a heavy melee guy for a little bit (no need to fast, they will eventually hit a wall), I could easily spend some points on int, because where else would I spend them?
Potentially Dex, but I value crafting more than that small bit faster attack speed. So there's actually too many skillpoints already.
Maybe allow heavy armour builds a skill that allows them to break open crates with a chance to damage the insides? Maybe some less important doors, as well.
I could actually also see Biology and Chemistry to be fused into a single skill.
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