Author Topic: TNT and Components  (Read 2023 times)


  • Zoner
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TNT and Components
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:38:24 pm »

maybe thats a waste of a Thread^^...sorry if so :p

I Personaly think that TNT should weight nothing so you can carry enough with you around like Plot Items. I would like too if components weight nothing too.

I would suggest that components should weight less with higher crafting skills. As a say we level 50 Tailor, Tailor components should weight 50% less and after level 100, 0% (or maybe 90% is the max Bonus you can get whatever). So if i choose Tailor, Electronic and Mechanic this components weight less then others i have no skills for.




  • Zoner
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Re: TNT and Components
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 10:03:03 pm »
My issue is not with the weight, but how rarely we get to use TNT after the first bunch of cave-in areas that initially block in the player at the start. Another slight gripe is their crafting; I never had a reason to craft TNT, ever.  Buying the components barely saves you anything and certain stores are basically oozing with TNT once they're available.  Need to cut down its generated rate in the stores or give a reason to make it craftable.  Unless, you count using it in combat, which sucks afaik without being able to rig a remote to it/get its damage upped by higher Traps skill or something.  The weights exist like that for a reason, which I approve, just like there is no universal storage box for a more arcadey-feel.  Having low carry-weight/not travelling economically has consequences, even carrying too much ammo adds up quite a bit.


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Re: TNT and Components
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2015, 11:36:04 am »
An issue that bugs me is the rarity of hexogen. It is far easier to get your hands on a plasma cell than on hexogen. I have a feeling that the scarcity may not be intentional.


  • Zoner
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Re: TNT and Components
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2015, 05:06:44 am »
Hexogen? Armory at SGS has one 'most' of its restocks. Easy to acquire, easy to check, shortest walking distance possible.  As a crafter that used nades Often, never needed more hexogen than my shelf stock. 

Rarely found that I Had to use the high tier frag/HE grenades constantly that would require me running out of hexogen, either, as there was often lower tier ones to stand-in for anything not boss-quality lethal.  Molotov/napalm stuff is also superior with its area-control firestorms.