Author Topic: Random sniper rifle comparison data  (Read 6203 times)


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Random sniper rifle comparison data
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:00:08 am »
So, firstly this data is probably useless as an absolute comparison as the damage values were gotten with the gun nut feat so the upper damage range is 20% higher on everything, and I also only calculated crit damage for Anatomically-aware scopes, but I was calculating it for my own purposes and figured someone else might find it useful. I'm assuming most people who will be crafting guns will also be getting gun nut anyway. The frame qualities are almost identical, the corsair and reaper were both 69 quality but the harbinger was 67. It appears that an equal quality harbinger and reaper frame might produce the same base damage range

crit%b is critical damage bonus (assumed to be % OVER 100%, so a 150% damage bonus is a 250% increase on a regular damage roll, which might be wrong), crit%c is critical chance, av+crit is the average damage of a regular shot (average damage increased by crit chance times crit bonus, giving average damage assuming random crits), and av crit damage is the average damage a critical hit does, important for people who use aimed shot a lot.
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All critical damage calculations are based off a critical already being an extra 100% of a regular damage roll, so a 150% critical damage bonus equals a 250% increase in damage.
Name   Caliber  Dmg    Av  crit%b crit%c Av+crit   Crit rng  Av Crit Dmg
Corsair   7.62mm: 32-96  64    150%    10%    80       80-240       160     
Corsair    8.6mm: 37-113 75    150%    10%   93.75    92.5-282.5   187.5   
Corsair   12.7mm: 43-129 86    150%    10%   107.5   107.5-322.5    215
Harbinger  8.6mm: 49-89  69    150%    11%   87.975  122.5-222.5   172.5   
Harbinger 12.7mm: 56-101 78.5  150%    11%  100.0875   140-252.5   196.25 
Reaper    7.62mm: 42-77  59.5  175%    10%   75.86   115.5-211.75 163.625
Reaper     8.6mm: 50-91  70.5  175%    10%   89.88   137.5-250.25 193.875

Corsair   7.62mm: 32-96  64    150%    10%    80       80-240       160         
Reaper    7.62mm: 42-77  59.5  175%    10%   75.86   115.5-211.75 163.625

Corsair    8.6mm: 37-113 75    150%    10%   93.75    92.5-282.5   187.5   
Harbinger  8.6mm: 49-89  69    150%    11%   87.975  122.5-222.5   172.5 
Reaper     8.6mm: 50-91  70.5  175%    10%   89.88   137.5-250.25 193.875

Corsair   12.7mm: 43-129 86    150%    10%   107.5   107.5-322.5    215   
Harbinger 12.7mm: 56-101 78.5  150%    11%  100.0875 140-252.5    196.25

I don't know whether it'll help anyone, but I figured someone might appreciate it who knows. Interesting to see some of the patterns emerging, that corsairs always have the highest average damage, but reapers are slightly better for the same caliber.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 10:11:01 am by SadBaxter »


  • Zoner
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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 06:55:04 am »
Always cool to see players doing this kind of research :) (says the wiki guy)

Judging from the numbers, it looks like understand the critical damage bonus right, but your terms can be a little confusing...
150% critical damage bonus is a 150% increase to your regular damage roll, so it will deal 250% of your regular damage roll. 2.5*damage, just like your numbers show.

Are you sure Reapers have 100% base critical damage bonus? Last time I checked (back in the previous version) they had 125%.

I just copied the critical damage bonus verbatim from the game, I'll put in something in parenthesis about actual critical damage.

and yes reapers do have 125% base critical damage bonus, I forgot to type it correctly in the table, whoops. The damage numbers themselves are correct.


  • Oculite
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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 07:01:20 am »
Em... Why crit Dmg is 150%? Only Reaper have 125% damage bonus. Or something was changed?

My favorite is 12.7 Harbinger(better "damage range", sometimes i really hate this .44 hamerer cuz of it crazy range), i really don't see a point of owning smaller caliber rifle(you can not shoot twice).
One shot = 1 kill. For weaker enemies you can always have your's favorite pistol...


  • Zoner
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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 07:04:23 am »
Em... Why crit Dmg is 150%? Only Reaper have 125% damage bonus. Or something was changed?

150% because I calculated the critical damage bonuses assuming an anatomically-aware scope, which add +50% critical damage bonus. like I said it's a random comparison and not at all meant to be absolute.


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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2015, 07:13:32 am »
150% because I calculated the critical damage bonuses assuming an anatomically-aware scope, which add +50% critical damage bonus. like I said it's a random comparison and not at all meant to be absolute.
Ah, right. =_=
No 7.62mm Spearhead?)

P.S. Reaper is clear winner oO
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 07:15:13 am by Mindless »


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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2015, 07:51:02 am »
You can shoot 7.62mm sniper rifles twice with adrenaline, the Dragunov even without drugs. Also saves AP for other tasks and can still 1-shot most targets quite reliably with snipe or crits.
Yep, i understand but prefer this way. With new reloader you can hit twice with 7.62(30-6=24).
P.S. Adrenaline...


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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2015, 08:32:23 am »
Is reaper really the clear winner? Looks like corsair 12.7 does more average damage and spearhead can be fired twice on adrenaline.

Edit: then again so can 7.62 reaper.  Anyways, at least it's not as one sided as assault rifles on assault builds (hornets hornets hornets).  Although dual wielding assaults makes some sense so I suppose that's alright if a main hornet is the obvious choice.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2015, 08:42:38 am by Greep »


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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 08:43:20 am »
Is reaper really the clear winner?
Overall - Yes.
Looks like corsair 12.7 does more average damage and spearhead can be fired twice on adrenaline.
Of course it does more damage! It is 12.7 caliber  ::)
You can shoot twice with reloader with 7.62. Don't count adrenaline.


  • Zoner
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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 10:08:44 am »
Argh and I just discovered another mistake.

Anatomically-aware scopes give +50% critical damage bonus but in addition to +10% precision, regular scopes also give +3% critical chance, so the base crit% for reapers is 10%, not 13%


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Re: Random sniper rifle comparison data
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2015, 01:35:48 am »
Whenever something is increased by #%, deals additional #% damage, or has #% bonus, that means #% is added on top of the normal value (100%).
Same for things like "Mechanical damage threshold increased by 200% against bullets." on tactical vests - that means 3x normal threshold.

Thanks! That was very useful.
It seems to me, that this feature isn't highlighted as it should, because I remembered I knew this before but forgot it later.
Or maybe it's my individual cockroaches.