This ties into another post I made. I know this turns your game into a variant of Fallout 2...but why fix/change what isn't broken and worked amazingly?
I feel like currently the system for dealing damage revolves around using feats to deal damage, including specific damage. So surprise stealth damage is dealt by a feat, crippling leg damage is dealt by a feat, critical hit damage is dealt by a feat...and more to come. All of these actions requiring using that feat by clicking it.
I just feel like it would be more efficient to roll all of those ideas into one. So if you attack someone from stealth, there's automatically a higher critical hit percent chance and perhaps a multiplier to the critical hit damage (not sure whether this is feasible balance wise). It shouldn't require you to click "stealth attack" explicitly, because it is implied when you attack someone from stealth. This could work for back stabs as well as rifles.
Similarly, instead of dedicating one feat to kneecap shot (also I feel like this should be expanded to other weapons besides smgs/pistols, I'm not sure why it needs to be restricted as it worked fine in fallout for all weapons, assuming they weren't burst only), I feel like it would be more efficient to have one targeted shot feat, which would then allow you to choose a body part. The AP costs would increase, and the percent chance of hitting could be shown next to each body part, but upon a successful *critical* hit, you could have a number of crippling effects (including knee shot) that would eliminate the need for (otherwise) storing five or six feats in your "quick feat" tab to perform each of these critical strikes. Also if players just wanted a generic critical hit (i.e. the current aimed shot) there could be a minor check box that allows the system to default towards torso shots without having to go into the body part menu every time.
Without this it would just be cumbersome and tiring to have to select the certain shot you want, and also because that quick feat tab seems to fill up fairly quickly and we're only in the demo phase, so I'm sure later on I'll have to be very judicious in what I want to be in there.
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Finally, it would be nice to add some more interesting death animations. I will always miss the awesome text that accompanies critical strikes to various body parts from Fallout, but it would go a long way to making combat more exciting to have a number of death animations associated with certain kills. It just makes the game more fun
. If you can add in some text too that would be awesome (I'm sure someone would volunteer to help if its a lot of work...)!!
. So for example death by burst fire would involve being knocked backwards while being riddled by gunfire, head shots might blow out a portion of their head, torso shots a piece of their torso, arm shots their arm just flies off...you get the picture.
I don't want to make this a copy of Fallout 1/2, its just that those features really did work quite well and I see no reason why they can't be used again. Other than that this game looks really great so far, I've already played it a few times which is more than I can say for most games.