@mercy Actually in my time I've read fair amount of these 'research' books. About how in egyptian pyramids were some strange inscriptions, about how the india sacred books were instructions to how build the spaceship, how the big heads from Easter Island were made by aliens. How our life is a big conspiracy and we're constantly monitored. Then I grew up.
One can only so much stomach
lot of good books around based on more or less accurate research
which have no connection with scientific research, but are a bunch of theories and superstition. And mind you - there is also a THEORY that people were born/created in seven days (because science isn't really sure how it went), but other one, ya know that about evolution and stuff, has a bit more facts to back it up. So don't mind me, but I'm gonna believe in one who offers me something more than modern superstition.
People conveniently lie themselves that the above theory is ridiculous
Now, now. It is. Why? Because asked for proof you speak of 'some books who research it' and create whole new theory about aliens who feed on our emotions. I don't even want to start to argue about that - it is how baseless the mention is.
The crazy "experts" just mud the waters
Haha, at least these experts show us some kind of data. Which means if you want to call them crazy, then prove it. It reminds me much about people who argue that there isn't a global warming. That gas we're producing to atmosphere is clearly capable of reflecting heat back to earth. The ozone layer on the poles is receding now. It wasn't before. Yet people speak just like you 'the experts are just trying to mud the water! Even though we don't have any data few of the scientist agree with us, just because! We're not wrong - YOU ARE!'. It's not discussion, just children fit.
Problem is these real accounts are not so much fun anymore. The cookie flavor quickly disappears.
Nope, problem is that these 'real' accounts were in many cases proved wrong - either from people who were lying or just batshit crazy. Also about some of the books you cite - the increased interest from powers in Cold War and 'militarization' of UFO encounters... mind if I remind you that in this time russians were experimenting with psychic soldiers? So were Americans? Everybody was grabbing at straws. It's no wonder that they focused funds on such vague ground as UFO encounters.
Like I said it's pretty much problem of faith. You're believing in some theories, which I believe are very loosely embedded in reality. In turn you dismiss the common sense, calling experts false and giving no definite proofs - you know, metals which weren't made on earth, bodies of aliens, technology we're not familiar with are the simplest things I can think of. Besides you start to create another layer of theories on the simple one. So the aliens aren't just here. They feed on our negative emotions, they tend us like farmer tends cattle and we're slaves to them... Are you sure they're not devils? Because I can see a bit of common ground here... And again - what proof do you have? Or are you gonna fling 'ignorance' argument again? Because I can do it too

So yeah. Still not convinced, even considering your cookie-flavored allegories.