
Do you believe in UFO?

Yes, I saw them
4 (28.6%)
Yes, I believe but didnt saw them
5 (35.7%)
Maybe yes, maybe no
1 (7.1%)
I'm will not believe before I will not seen them
2 (14.3%)
No, all videos and photos with UFO is fake!
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 14

Author Topic: Do you believe in UFO?  (Read 31912 times)


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Do you believe in UFO?
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:30:35 pm »
Hello to all!
Do you believe in UFO?
I hope for serious answers, it's need for social project
Thank you all.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 12:51:06 pm »
I don't specificaly believe in UFO's and by that I assume you mean Aliens inside the boundaries of earth? But I do believe that there are other life forms in the universe, it would be ignorant to suggest otherwise. But for them to go inside our athmosphere and steal our cows, draw wacky stuff on our cornfields and drain our resources? Highly unlikely, first of all, they don't need our cows, why would they need them? food? when they obviously would have rations with them because it's you know, a space travel operation? And draining our resources seem highly unlikely as well, what would they need our resources when they have been traveling through the universe? Some serious technical stuff is required to do that.

UFO's? Nope, though it could anything, hence "unidentified". Species in other places in the universe? Of course. I find it hard to answer the poll, because there's no specification as to what you mean by UFO, it could be anything. (that's why I went with the most common suggestion: aliens, in the reply above). Could you be more specific please?

Thanks. :)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 12:55:58 pm by nackidno »


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 12:53:20 pm »
I believe this topic is for Off Topic -> Discussions.

Also the question is problematically made. While believing in aliens is one thing, believing in their ingerence here and now is the other. I for once do think that we're not alone in the universe. That there is life on other planets and it evolved towards intelligence. Maybe some even already know the secret of interstellar travel. Yet, our galaxy is huge, the universe even bigger, so chance of them being here is... minimal.

tl;dr - I do believe in alien life, but not in those UFOs people think they see on our skies.

edit: haha, nackidno was faster than me in answering ;)
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 12:55:43 pm by maheusz »


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2012, 07:30:02 pm »
I have to believe, i saw UFO ships or flying things at day and night. :) Also a lot more times i saw regular human made flying planes, satellites / space station  at night so i could compare the night sky traffic - what is possible for human-made tech during flight, how our things fly, then it was super easy to deduct, what is not publicly available / UFO technology.

Nothing really life-changing, until they come too close, i guess. :DDD Cattle possibly doesn't care about fly-overs, but it is certainly troubled when being attacked by whoever uses those super-hi-tech cutters and blood-drainers the reports talk about. So i think is with us humans too.  Lot of ignorance going on nowadays, people are too occupied with being Serious and Life, people are tired, etc.. Until the UFO comes too close, breaching the human "personal boundary".  :-\
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 07:32:36 pm by mercy »


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2012, 07:16:05 am »
@mercy You know, the UFO problem is pretty much faith thing. Since nobody shown any real EVIDENCE about the thing accusing people of willful ignorance is a bit strange to say at least. And while people are saying that these aliens are here for thousands of years (according to some of the guys who study this subject) why haven't they DONE anything? You know with their super-duper technology they probably analyzed what they could in year, maybe two. 'Documented' data shows they have been seen at least 70 years into the past. So something doesn't add up. And please don't say that they are stealthly waiting for us to go on some level on technological and sociological progress, because their 'stealth' is bullshit if so many people seen them. And any modern military would make short work of their allegedly 'secret' operation.

I can't see a single reason the aliens in the Unidentified Flying Objects are real. They have no reason to be here and no real evidence has been shown to prove otherwise. I don't know what you saw and I won't argue with that, but telling others they are ignorant, while pushing baseless claims is quite strange. And your last sentence...

Until the UFO comes too close, breaching the human "personal boundary".  :-\

I can change the object of it and it still will be not the scientific argument.

Until the zombies come too close, breaching the human "personal boundary"
Until the vampires come too close, breaching the human "personal boundary"
Until the freakin Yeti comes down from his mountain, breaching the human "personal boundary"

These sentences still doesn't make me a believer. Sorry to say it, but it sounds like 'the world will end and when it does you all will remember my words!

So yeah ;). Not convinced.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2012, 09:56:34 pm »
@maheusz: You look at it from the cookie-perspective. Topic is sweet, looks nice, is in a glass walled refrigerator waiting to be gobbled up, like your favorite cake.

In reality there is a lot of good books around based on more or less accurate research, which tell you that the aliens don't need to "analyze the human civilization". They created laboratories aeons ago in a lot of places. Like this human civilization did. One of their lab rats species are us, they are constantly creating new mazes for us on the Lab-table  - this world is one such maze - and they - to us the totally aliens - watch us plus make us feel pain of all kinds and feed from our pain / psychic energy.

People conveniently lie themselves that the above theory is ridiculous - laughing this away. At the same time people are constantly being fed upon and drained, because one of the best disguise for the aliens is human ignorance. So most of us, lab rats don't notice our slave-masters and we humans think we are lords of this planet. Where as several (more or less) sober researchers show us that humans are only cattle.

We eat cattle, the aliens are holding us as cattle in similar way or us human-chickens on a farm (we-chickens named Earth) and feeding upon us.

Human scientists do not so much analyze rat or cattle civilization, they experiment on them and in case of cattle, they are food. Lunch.

So are humans lunch for the aliens. We are neanderthals compared to the tech of UFOs seen in the skies and in waters.

Not really a cute, convenient topic to talk about, when you think about what humans are doing to cattle, pigs and chicken.. We just do the same as aliens are doing to us.

The crazy "experts" just mud the waters. There are serious books around, like Taken, The Threat, John Keels books, The Varo edition of Jessups book is excellent material, UFO's and the National Security State and other down to earth books, High Strangeness from Jadczyk, The Flying Saucers are Real by Keyhoe, the description of the biggest American event in 2500 Strand, etc..

Problem is these real accounts are not so much fun anymore. The cookie flavor quickly disappears.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2012, 01:51:31 am »
Not sure if trolling or serious.

No offence intended but do you really believe everything that is said in those books? Are there and references to research or studies in those books? If so, please share them with us. Because that is an immense claim to say that we are cattle to aliens. Although no one have ever seen or taken pictures of an alien, no one (except loonies) have told the stories after "abduction", neither have people dissapeared because they were eaten for lunch, and if that was true, a lot of people would be needed to feed aliens, and as far as I'm concerned, not nearly as many people as needed disappear during weird circumstances and those who do are almost always found (dead or alive) but have disappeared for different matters than "aliens". IF the amount of people that are needed to feed aliens disappear, then we would be a dwindling population, unless we breed under controlled circumstances, which is highly doubtful.

People conveniently lie themselves that the above theory is ridiculous

Except we don't, people are smart enough to understand that they are not controlled by aliens in the same fashion that we control cattle. I'm not saying everyone is smart, there are a fair amount of fatuous people around, but to see such a connection you must have overwhelming proof, like research, photos (although photos are almost negligible because of manipulation) and tests. All "proof" I know of is books written on unfounded drivel.

Do you have proof?

I'm not trying to attack your point of view, I'm merely questioning it.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2012, 06:48:54 am »
@mercy Actually in my time I've read fair amount of these 'research' books. About how in egyptian pyramids were some strange inscriptions, about how the india sacred books were instructions to how build the spaceship, how the big heads from Easter Island were made by aliens. How our life is a big conspiracy and we're constantly monitored. Then I grew up.

One can only so much stomach
lot of good books around based on more or less accurate research
which have no connection with scientific research, but are a bunch of theories and superstition. And mind you - there is also a THEORY that people were born/created in seven days (because science isn't really sure how it went), but other one, ya know that about evolution and stuff, has a bit more facts to back it up. So don't mind me, but I'm gonna believe in one who offers me something more than modern superstition.

People conveniently lie themselves that the above theory is ridiculous
Now, now. It is. Why? Because asked for proof you speak of 'some books who research it' and create whole new theory about aliens who feed on our emotions. I don't even want to start to argue about that - it is how baseless the mention is.

The crazy "experts" just mud the waters
Haha, at least these experts show us some kind of data. Which means if you want to call them crazy, then prove it. It reminds me much about people who argue that there isn't a global warming. That gas we're producing to atmosphere is clearly capable of reflecting heat back to earth. The ozone layer on the poles is receding now. It wasn't before. Yet people speak just like you 'the experts are just trying to mud the water! Even though we don't have any data few of the scientist agree with us, just because! We're not wrong - YOU ARE!'. It's not discussion, just children fit.

Problem is these real accounts are not so much fun anymore. The cookie flavor quickly disappears.
Nope, problem is that these 'real' accounts were in many cases proved wrong - either from people who were lying or just batshit crazy. Also about some of the books you cite - the increased interest from powers in Cold War and 'militarization' of UFO encounters... mind if I remind you that in this time russians were experimenting with psychic soldiers? So were Americans? Everybody was grabbing at straws. It's no wonder that they focused funds on such vague ground as UFO encounters.

Like I said it's pretty much problem of faith. You're believing in some theories, which I believe are very loosely embedded in reality. In turn you dismiss the common sense, calling experts false and giving no definite proofs - you know, metals which weren't made on earth, bodies of aliens, technology we're not familiar with are the simplest things I can think of. Besides you start to create another layer of theories on the simple one. So the aliens aren't just here. They feed on our negative emotions, they tend us like farmer tends cattle and we're slaves to them... Are you sure they're not devils? Because I can see a bit of common ground here... And again - what proof do you have? Or are you gonna fling 'ignorance' argument again? Because I can do it too ;).

So yeah. Still not convinced, even considering your cookie-flavored allegories.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2012, 09:07:02 am »
As Arthur C. Clarke said: 'Two possibilities exist either we are alone in the universe or we are not.  Both are equally terrifying".

It's very terryfing to know that existence of our mankind is a such miracle...


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2012, 10:10:37 am »
Ah, yes with that I agree. We are probably not alone... but if we truly are then this possibility is terryfing. Still we won't know until we reach the stars, right? Because our solar system has a little posibility of life existing.


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Re: Do you believe in UFO?
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2012, 09:18:09 pm »
Okay so first of all, this might be pedantic but I think what you're really asking in is do you believe aliens exist, and that they've visited our planet in unusual aircraft.

UFO technically just means unidentified flying object, it doesn't directly mean that its alien, just that its unidentified. Of course most of the time when you can't identify it in terms of what we know, most of the time the only remaining option would be that its some spacecraft guided by otherworldly intelligence.  But it could also be advanced military projects, or maybe some unusual weather anomaly that looks like a flying object.

My answer is: Probably yes to the former, and probably yes to the latter.

I think if life is created on Earth, then with trillions of other star systems its likely to evolve on other planets. And I think there's a good chance they've developed advanced technologies, to the point where they can travel through spacetime through an as of yet undiscovered mechanism (wormholes?) allowing (effectively) faster than light travel.  I guess I just see too much potential in scientific discovery and technological growth to imagine us as being constrained by the speed of light.  So that's my guess on that front.

And since they have these technologies, they've probably visited other planets, in order to gauge the level of advancement of other species so they know what to expect should they become truly space faring civilizations.