Hi folks, let me say I am really looking forward to the full release for this gem of a game. I'm playing the final alpha build; maybe this is something that's already been addressed for the final release, but if not, let me voice a hope that the player will be able to either choose or be assigned a skin tone other than white in the final version. It's great that there are a lot of dark-skinned portraits to choose from because not all of us want to be a pasty white guy in games.
But it's a little jarring to pick a dark-skinned portrait and start the game to find your character model is still a pasty white guy!
Since there are already dark-skinned character models in the game, it seems like you could either link them to the appropriate portraits or just let the player choose with a simple radio button in character creation. Just a small touch that would go a long way for immersion in the game.