Author Topic: Patch Notes  (Read 152421 times)


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #60 on: January 31, 2022, 01:15:45 pm »

  • Implemented, new slightly visually touched up, UI that is available in 3 sizes; classic UI still available
  • The game will now automatically be zoomed on higher resolutions (which can then be changed through manual zooming if it's enabled)
  • Introduced a brand new Core City questline as an alternative to joining an oligarch
  • Improved nearly all unique and some rare weapons and armor - go check them out
  • You can refurbish your old world firearms at one of the firearm enthusiasts
  • Characters can now save up to 10 action points at the end of their turn and add those to their next turn
  • Base ability values are no longer capped at 20, but instead the maximum bonus on top of the base value that you can accumulate is 10
  • Implemented borderless windowed display mode   
  • Item's special abilities/attacks will now have icon in the item's tooltip next to the description
  • Fixed character's speech bubble and health bar offsets when zoomed in
  • Zooming step changed to 25% (down from 50%)
  • Added an option to follow the player character (default hotkey: F3). This is kind of an experimental feature, so be sure to let me know if you discover any bugs
  • Opportunist - description now specifies it only works against living targets
  • Pummel - will now list the action point cost
  • Fend - Base action point cost changed to 60% of normal attack ap cost (down from 100%)
  • Fend: Action Point Cost - Ap cost reduction per point changed to 8% (down from 10%)
  • Item effects (such as poisons and gun oil) will now display a small icon in the corner of the parent item
  • You can now use poisons to coat suitable melee weapons if you have the required Biology skill level; the poisoned weapons will then apply that poison in a certain number of attacks; you can coat a weapon with only one poison at a time
  • Added Sharpening Stone - Can sharpen a bladed melee weapon, increasing its damage by 10% for the next 30 strikes, but permanently reducing its max durability by 5%
  • Added Firecracker Cap item enhancement that can be applied to sledgehammers and crowbars to cause an explosion on the next hit
  • All-in now decreases intelligence by 3 instead of increasing it
  • Commando Belt moved to static loot
  • [Expedition] Frogfish biology requirement changed to 50 (up from 25)
  • [Expedition] Add a new unique spear and sword that can be found before going to Black Sea
  • W2C bullets now ignore 35%-45% of mechanical damage resistance depending on bullet caliber (down from fixed 65%), threshold interaction remains he same
  • 5mm Shock Round - Damage changed to 8-15 (up from 5-10) and now has 3% chance to daze target for 1 turn
  • 7.62mm Micro-shrapnel Round - The damage that penetrates the armor is increased by 25% against organic targets
  • 8.6mm Incendiary Round - Now also deals 10-20 heat damage on impact
  • 9mm Acid Round - Acid damage changed to 15-30 (up from 10-20)
  • .44 Explosive Round - Heat and mechanical explosion damage changed to 23-45 (up from 15-30)
  • Steel and tungsten plates requirement is now capped at 30 mechanics when crafting bullets
  • W2C Bullets blueprint now requires hexogen instead of raw tnt and produces 20 bullets (down from 30)
  • JHP Bullets blueprint now produces 20 bullets (down from 30)
  • Changed enriched health hypo critical chance to 10% (up from 5%)
  • Large intestine biology requirement changed to 45 (down from 50)
  • Taurine biology requirement changed to 45 (down from 50)
  • Anglerfish biology requirement changed to 90 (down from 100)
  • Fusing Enzyme biology requirement changed to 90 (down from 100)
  • Increased t-boss health on dominating difficulty, and his damage resistance on all difficulties
  • Expanded upon Motion and Motioners; this drug is now both better and worse
  • You can now bring Gorsky high-quality energy shields from other sources as an alternative to raiding Port Zenith
  • Added an agility check that allows you to climb up and down between the Caerus Residential Block square and SW building second floor
  • Added fireplaces to certain locations in Deep Caverns
  • Added a hacking check to Cytosine Outpost storeroom
  • Added more hydraulic fluid canisters to Deep Caverns
  • Certain gate components can now be found at multiple locations in Deep Caverns
  • You can now use electronics skill to optimize Arke power plant turbine output for more total power
  • A certain important encounter with the Faceless will now feature some of them having their infusions active from the start (only on Dominating difficulty)
  • Added an extra Thought Control check to the DC mindreading that allows the player to conceal his mischievous behavior
  • You can now bring super steel refining data to Bernard in order to improve the quality of super steel plates; also raised the max quality from 160 to 180 for players who have Expedition installed
  • Leonie will now offer the Infused Leather blueprint as soon as you show her you have super steel plates (currently you have to do the melting process with Bernard first)
  • You can turn metal scraps into low-quality steel plates at Leonie's
  • Added more ways to learn about a certain Foundry arms merchant
  • Added more entries to the super secret organization database, and placed some of the existing ones behind higher access levels
  • Added more options to save Maura
  • You can now borrow (or "borrow") AK from Kokoschka
  • Becket now also offers psi inhalants alongside psi boosters when giving you your equipment package
  • Added Underrail Express tickets which can be pickpocketed from NPCs and used for a single ride
  • New models and portraits for Jon the Beautiful, Sergio the Wizard, and some super secret folks
  • New random events, some of them seasonal, and some related to the player's house
  • Introduced Jookhela's drawing skills to the world
  • Increased requirements for achieving Brutalizer/Brutalette gladiator nicknames, so they shouldn't be so predominant now
  • The Black Crawler now drops an oddity item when killed
  • New entries in the Institute of Tchort library, some of which contain blueprints and will require a special card
  • New skill checks for Octavia, Vuk and Kiro that will unlock certain items for trading
  • [Expedition] Naval mines will now be heard detonating in the distance when someone attacks the camp
  • [Expedition] Added ways to break yourself free from a certain man's mechanical grasp
  • [Expedition] Added certain dialog options to Doc Savage and Marcus that were only available through navcom
  • Optimized faction data relations serialization which should improve save/load times of mid and late game savegames somewhat
  • Fixed the pathfinding prioritization to prevent player from getting stuck in place when a lot of NPC pathfinding is taking place
  • Being in turn-based mode will now count as being in combat for purpose of changing equipment
  • Game will no longer accept mouse clicks in windowed mode when the game window is not focused
  • Fixed the bug that would cause the carried weight to not immediately update when consuming/expending items in a stack
  • Pseudo-spatial Projection will now properly affect Spear Throw
  • Fixed the bug that allowed some items to make the player's mechanical resistance sometimes exceed the normal limit
  • Fixed the bug that cause the item tooltip to not correctly indicate which effects are unavailable due to unmet requirements when the item is not currently equipped
  • Fixed the bug that would cause Bone Breaker to trigger irrespectively of the amount of damage dealt
  • Negative effects of equipped items will now still properly apply even if you do not meet the item requirements
  • Fixed the bug that would cause assault rifle burst attack and pistol rapid fire to calculate each burst hit with the wrong bullet from the magazine (it was offset by 1)
  • Fixed the bug that would cause the Needler's Piercing Shot to hit the pass-through targets twice
  • NPCs will now properly use crossbow to fire special bolts instead of switching weapons when they are out of regular bolts
  • You can no longer trigger Escape Bonds when you're completely encumbered
  • Plasma Beam will now properly hit all targets in the target tile (the ones highlighted when targeting)
  • Fixed the bug that caused psi beetles to try to neural overload force fields
  • Fixed some esoteric explosion bugs
  • You can no longer climb a certain ladder before releasing the very, very bad gas in an under-passages hideout (unless you kill the person supervising you)
  • Captain Rastko will no longer charge double for a single ride
  • Fixed the Green Galaxy furniture set not appearing when switching between it and other bought sets
  • Fixed not being able to report Newton's death if he was killed in certain ways
  • Attacking Jack Quicksilver will now properly register who attacked him and will not instead be attributed to the player for certain quest purposes
  • Killing Vivian at a certain location will now fail the quest and prevent the player from doing certain things which might get them permanently stuck   
  • [Expedition] Spear guard triggered from spear attacks will now properly replace a more powerful existing spear guard effect if the latter is about to expire
  • [Expedition] Spear throw will now destealth the thrower after the throw instead before
  • [Expedition] Fixed Improved Naval Combat checking for effective instead of base Agility value in Razor's dialog
  • [Expedition] Fixed a bug which in certain cases prevents players from sleeping in the camp bed more than once
  • [Expedition] Fixed Aran not despawning when he should in certain cases
  • [Expedition] Fixed Ferryman being stuck in the "I'm moving out." phase and not wanting to talk to the player
  • [Expedition] Fixed Dude sometimes not having certain dialogue options when waiting for the player to find something important in his cave home
  • [Expedition] Fixed Briggs getting stuck at the "Shouldn't you be looking for a microchip implant?" line in certain very specific instances
  • [Expedition] Fixed Professor Oldfield not following you when he should
  • [Expedition] Fixed receiving certain NavCom messages if you stole/looted it but never joined the expedition
  • [Expedition] Fixed being able to sail across certain cliffs in the Mutie Refuge zone
  • [Expedition] Fixed wrong closing sounds for one type of Lemurian boxes
  • [Expedition] Fixed infinite Black Eel jet skiers bug


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2022, 04:10:35 pm »

  • Fixed refurbishing issues with some firearms
  • Fixed Jon's new model not applying during some old playthroughs
  • Action point carry-over will no longer trigger if character is disabled in some way or is in stealth
  • Fixed Balor's hammer durability
  • You can no longer acquire Shoemaker feat through levelling
  • Pistol burst will no longer trigger Commando feat
  • Encumbrance and gear damage icons should now be once again visible on classic UI
  • [Expedition] Fixed the bug that would cause the game to crash when hitting a jet ski with corrosive acid


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2022, 02:46:37 pm »

  • Fixed the feat description caption layout
  • Fixed the bug that caused zone info icons not to appear on classic UI
  • Fixed the bug that caused Taste for Blood feat to crash the game upon killing an enemy
  • Fixed Refurbished Tommy Gun precision
  • Fixed Motion bug   
  • You can no longer have negative maximum psi points
  • Game speed up/slow down indicator should now be visible on small UI
  • Background of psi bar is no longer transparent
  • Fixed RRCh-42's refurbishment bug and incorrect requirements descriptions
  • [Expedition] Fixed the vehicle window layout on small UI
  • Minor dialog fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2022, 02:35:15 pm »

  • Mechanical damage taken modifier can no longer drop below 10%
  • Fixed the bug that would sometimes cause aborted key rebinding to temporarily disable keyboard input
  • Custom portraits will now properly use huge (_h) version where available
  • Fixed the amount of JHP and W2C bullets you get through crafting to what it should be
  • Fixed the bug with Energy Shield Empowerment not consuming energy; also fixed its status effect description
  • Fixed the stack indicator on action buttons on small UI
  • Fixed AP/MP indicator visual glitches when having a lot of points; also fixed the estimation indicator there on classic UI
  • Fixed weapon battery indicator with large batteries
  • Fixed status effect expiration time text size
  • Fixed black screen and related glitches when fighting the Stygian Exorcist
  • Fixed some respawning human npcs
  • Fixed Quake durability issues
  • Minor dialog fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #64 on: February 07, 2022, 02:39:44 pm »

  • Fixed UI glitch when crafting results in multiple different items on small UI
  • [Expedition] Tweaked vehicle window on small UI
  • You can no longer stun characters with Thick Skull using Stingball grenade
  • When a character is dazed instead of stunned due to Thick Skull, combat log will now properly indicate it (instead of saying "stunned")
  • Dazing instead of stunning enemies because of Thick Skull feat will no longer count towards the Stun X enemies achievement
  • Volatile fuse boxes will now properly short-circuit machines instead of stunning them
  • Fixed Rubin's dialog not having certain options when it should
  • [Expedition] Fixed the bug that caused Magnar's shield bash to crash the game
  • Minor dialog fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2022, 01:18:33 pm »

  • Tweaked Abomination respawn logic
  • Fixed the melee weapon strength scaling bug
  • EMP Mine crafting category changed to Traps
  • Fixed Leonie's footlocker for super steel not appearing in some cases
  • Fixed Frigid Environment status effect not reducing cold damage resistance (was increasing it)
  • Minor dialog fixes
« Last Edit: February 10, 2022, 01:26:07 pm by Styg »


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2022, 06:04:27 pm »

  • Camera will now immediately stop moving when exiting follow mode
  • You can now use serrated TiChrome blades when crafting serrated bolts
  • [Expedition] Steel and tungsten plates requirement is now capped at 30 mechanics when crafting shells as well
  • Items that are currently being invoked (used) should now properly be marked in the inventory
  • You can again rebind the help hotkey
  • Fixed the bug that caused "Keycard required" scrolling notification to appear multiple times in some places
  • Fixed the glitch with supersteel metal armor sprite when holding shotguns
  • Piercing shot will no longer frighten creatures that are afraid of fire
  • Dehumanizer will now properly apply the additional Taste for Blood stack
  • Fixed the damage resisted combat text when the target resists multiple instances of the same damage type in a single attack through damage reduction
  • Fixed not being able to refurbish Dragunov in some cases
  • Fixed being able to finish Captain Mareth's final quest before he returns to Fort Apogee
  • Fixed an unfortunate random encounter trigger placement that can potentially block access to an important place in Upper Underrail
  • Minor dialog fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #67 on: February 28, 2022, 12:16:48 pm »

  • The game now has support for Steam Cloud; make sure to keep your save game folder (Documents\My Games\Underrail\Saves) reasonably sized so as not to have issues with synchronization
  • Implemented on-screen keyboard (mainly for use with Steam Deck, but can be manually enabled in Interface options on other systems)
  • You can now slow down or speed up the game by holding CTRL and using the mouse scroll
  • You can now unbind action in options by choosing DELETE as the key when binding
  • Added scroll bar to dialog window when it exceeds the game display height
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the slowdown on Proton (Linux)
  • The game's process should no longer hang after closing the game on Proton (Linux)
  • Fixed the occasional cartoony movement bug
  • Fixed not being able to report both Nicolas and Olivia at the same time in certain situations
  • Minor dialog fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #68 on: March 03, 2022, 02:51:27 pm »

  • Fixed the bug that prevented players from entering SPACE characters in map notes
  • Fixed the bug that prevented mouse-scroll speed change when zooming is not enabled
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when clicking on the save name field while making a save
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when grenades are dropped into water without having Expedition DLC installed
  • [Expedition] Fixed Jon sometimes telling you to meet a person who's no longer there
  • [Expedition] Fixed some visual glitches after a certain event in Katya's cave
  • Minor dialog fixes
« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 02:54:19 pm by Styg »


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #69 on: March 17, 2022, 10:50:22 pm »

  • Fixed a certain ladder leading out of a diminutive cavern not always working for some people (for some stranded players the ladder might lead to the beginning of the Upper Caves, as the entrance location might not always be known)
  • Fixed oligarch messengers appearing even if you've finished a certain hunting quest, as well as being able to start the quest again
  • Certain someone's quest rewards (those that are for sale) will now properly refresh after a duration
  • Minor dialog/zone fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2022, 11:34:12 am »

  • Added Waist Pack and Large Wait Pack (belts)
  • Added a new unique knife
  • Added a new pair of unique boots
  • Added new damage reducing drug
  • [Expedition] Added Javelin, a non-unique early mid-game spear that's good for throwing
  • [Expedition] Added a new unique sword
  • Added support for 2880 x 1800 resolution
  • [Expedition] Oddity requirement for veteran levels will now be rounded down to an even number, because oddity XP bar doesn't support odd numbers; this will result in ever so slightly faster leveling
  • Blast cloth will now work against explosive ammo's explosion
  • You can no longer set UI to large on 1152x864 resolution (it won't fit)
  • Fixed a rare dialog text wrapping bug
  • All grenade and mine case blueprints are not classified as "intermediate"
  • Dehumanizer properly classified as serrated knife instead of dagger
  • Fixed the bug with certain wicked device applying your current weapon on hit effects
  • Fixed a certain collar not being collected from dead Arena enemies at the end of a match
  • Fixed not being able to tell the Faceless near Foundry about a certain group of people if you took the Phreak route in Core City
  • Fixed Coretech PNT1 (damaged) device not getting removed fron NPC's inventory upon getting repaired
  • Fixed several mutated dogs found in random location from indefinitely respawning
  • Fixed Abo*****'s re**** logic to prevent him from getting stuck upon res****
  • [Expedition] Fixed mutants in some dude's home not taking proper cold damage when the gas is released
  • [Expedition] Future Orientation and Psychokinetic Elasticity feats now require you to have Psi Empathy feat first
  • [Expedition] Fixed Small Crab loot table
  • [Expedition] Fear immunity no longer blocks cerebral acidization
  • [Expedition] Fixed being able to get a reward for finding naval mines from both Aegis and Grim Jetters
  • [Expedition] Fixed not being able to bring Todd to Port Ceto in some circumstances
  • [Expedition] Fixed some missing options when talking to Six about the shard
  • Minor dialog/zone fixes


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Re: Patch Notes
« Reply #71 on: June 30, 2022, 11:00:59 am »

    • [Expedition] Fixed a certain organic energy weapon on hit effects bug
    • Fixed the bug that caused the new unique knife to sometimes unintentionally bypass resistances
    • Telekinetic Grounding no longer works on targets that are immune to immobilization


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    Re: Patch Notes
    « Reply #72 on: November 08, 2022, 12:10:47 pm »

    • You can now apply anticoagulant onto melee weapons that support poisons to get the same effect that's applied by siphoners
    • [Expedition] Rust Maker spear is now level 18 instead of 15, and its acid damage has been increased from 5-10 to 14-25
    • [Expedition] Rust Maker knife is now also level 18, its acid damage increased from 4-6 to 5-7
    • Enhancement items will now show under "Tools" in the inventory
    • Tweaked Phreak's dialog trade rewards (quantities earned should now be less confusing)
    • NPCs will now use antidote against most poisons
    • Moving away from the door when using a Spying Endoscope will now properly close the spying view
    • You will now be able to see all the skill synergies in the skill description panel instead of just the first one
    • Dirty Kick (and probably some other similar attacks) will no longer deteriorate durability of your regular weapon
    • Fixed the visual glitch with laser sight overlapping hammerer pistol frame
    • Fixed several doors in Phreak's facilities
    • Fixed Tanner not always giving the player the reward for helping Rail Crossing, depending on the dialog branch taken
    • Fixed Lenox sometimes not being willing to fight when the moment is right
    • Fixed Lt. Stratford incorrectly telling the player that they're being rewarded with an assault rifle when they're actually getting a submachine gun
    • Fixed not getting the option to tell the Rejects to leave if the player manually hacked every single cell door
    • Fixed Jumping Stilts appearing as an unknown headwear item
    • Fixed Myles incorrectly stating that he requires a 115q (instead of 120q) Impala frame to refurbish Tommy Gun
    • Fixed riot gear sometimes being generated with shields on npcs who wield weapons incompatible with it
    • [Expedition] Fixed the jet ski towing to not constantly detach due to lagging of the towed vessel
    • [Expedition] The Blinding Poison will now properly state its damage (7) when coating a weapon
    • [Expedition] Fixed the Boarding Up feat to only be triggered when the attack lands instead of any time the attack is launched
    • [Expedition] Fixed Jon sometimes telling you that a person wants to see you even when that person is no longer present
    • [Expedition] Fixed player not always receiving proper bonus money when doing missions for the Grim Jetters
    • [Expedition] Doctor Savage will now properly smoke the cigar player gave him
    • [Expedition] Fixed Donnie constantly reminding the player about new merchandise after passing his mercantile check
    • Minor dialog/zone fixes


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    Re: Patch Notes
    « Reply #73 on: November 02, 2023, 12:24:37 pm »

    • New seasonal events
    • Increased the cost of Hexogen
    • Scopes, crossbow superstring, pneumatic reloader and laser sight are now stackable
    • Praetorian heavy armor acid resistance changed to 0% / 5 (down from 20% / 10). This was a mistake, regular metal armors have minimal fixed acid resistance
    • Praetorian heavy armor health bonused changed to 35 (up from 20)
    • Reduced the mechanics required for a number of different gun barrels (7.62, 8.6, .44, 12.7)
    • Increased durability of TT 3000 from 690 to 2220, and Balor's Hammer from 1770 to 3570
    • Rathound King and What now have custom combat taunts
    • Doctor Merrick will now treat injured players
    • Gorsky is now immune to fear
    • [Expedition] Becket will now sell spears and offer them as a reward; also, he will now always buy some medical items per restock (was random before)
    • Reduced the spread angle for assault rifle/SMG bursts
    • Echoing Soliloquy persuasion buff will now work a lot more reliably on higher difficulties
    • Tchortlings will now despawn (go back to their wretched holes) if the player returns to Hollow Earth zones without being affected by the Eye of Tchort debuff
    • Protectorate Dreadnought's minigun now behaves like a proper minigun; also, the shoot rocket ability's AP cost has been reduced from 30 to 20, whereas cooldown has been increased from 2 to 3 turns
    • Item macro stacking (1000 = 1k, 1000000 = 1m...) will now properly work with the new UI settings (was Classic-only)
    • Fatal Throw should no longer provide any benefit when throwing acid vials
    • Fixed the UI bug with certain vehicle slot background icons in some UI sizes
    • Updated HARP rocket explosion to use the same sprites as High Explosive grenades, instead of the old one
    • Commando will no longer trigger when destroying inanimate objects
    • Certain special acid attack will now count towards "Acid Trip" achievement
    • Fixed being able to tell Lt. Garren that a certain sneaky person is located somewhere despite the fact that he isn't
    • Fixed Leo sometimes not leaving his hiding place properly and thus not being accessible for the rest of the playthrough
    • Fixed Epione Lab cameras sometimes tracking the player despite them having been allowed access by the front guard
    • Fixed Gorsky staying in Tanner's office even after certain events that should prevent their conversation from happening have taken place
    • Fixed being able to pickpocket femurs from hunchback mutants
    • Fixed certain Mushroom Root parts being selectable from outside of the actual sprite
    • Fixed thrown oil barrels doing acid damage on direct impact
    • Fixed being able to daze machines while under the influence of Scrapperac
    • Fixed the game not acknowledging you had paid for the Wormhole access if you did so through a mercantile check
    • Fixed Tchortling Sower Tentacles sometimes dropping their bio attack weapon items for the players to pick up
    • Fixed SRO assault squad not returning to home base upon victory
    • If the player manages to survive the electric shock and subsequently kill the other runners in the Gauntlet's final area, they will no longer be able to enter other lanes and go out of bounds
    • Buying drapes for your house will now properly remove 300 charons from inventory (as stated in Jyles' dialog) instead of 350
    • Death of reclined characters lke the wounded sec-trooper will no longer be displayed as destruction in the text feed
    • [Expedition] Fixed not being able to disembark at a destroyed wall section in Port Ceto during certain events
    • [Expedition] Updated Elemental Bolts feat description to include energy bolts. The text remains the same for the base game, as it does not feature this kind of bolts
    • [Expedition] Fixed the camp defense quest note not being marked as completed in certain situations
    • [Expedition] Fixed not always getting extra xp for doing the final pirate mission solo (and some other minor dialog inconsistencies)
    • [Expedition] Fixed Ladelman not selling vehicle repair kits
    • [Expedition] Fixed quests related to joining the expedition not always being marked as failed when the ship returns to the Black Sea without the player
    • [Expedition] Fixed a broken electronics check when attempting to fix an Abandoned Waterways Facility console
    • [Expedition] Fixed not getting a bonus for revealing a certain threat to the expedition
    • [Expedition] Fixed behavioural issues with Ladelman and Doc Savage when they join the camp defenses at the beach
    • [Expedition] Fixed a broken option to call for reinforcements during kidnapping negotiations
    • [Expedition] Fixed the respawning jet ski in Abandoned Waterway Facility
    • [Expedition] Fixed The Rig guard dogs engaging players riding jets skis (will occasionally growl at them only)
    • [Expedition] Fixed junk jets taken from members of a few factions still displaying red/protected cursor
    • [Expedition] Room 3 at The Rig will no longer display red/protected cursor even if Murky gave you its key
    • [Expedition] A certain persuasion option will no longer break Todd's dialog
    • minor dialog/zone fixes


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    Re: Patch Notes
    « Reply #74 on: November 02, 2023, 01:55:15 pm »

    • Added 3840x1600 resolution to video options
    • Fixed the psi innervation window bugging out when you have more than 9 psi slots
    • [Expedition] Certain special sewer blockade can now be properly cleared (was broken by a previous patch)
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the Shell Shock status effect duration
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed Gunslinger disappearing in a specific instance if left near the railcar outside the Compound
    • [Heavy Duty] Fixed the Warthog refurbishment text incorrectly stating that a muzzle brake is required alongside other components
    • minor dialog/zone fixes
    « Last Edit: November 02, 2023, 01:58:11 pm by Styg »