Author Topic: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)  (Read 8828 times)

Sean Dominique

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Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« on: December 31, 2015, 08:07:48 pm »
Hey guys, returning fan and first time poster here! I've seen a few topics on the subject, but most were questions or from the alpha stages, so I figured I'd start a proper discussion on it. If I've missed any major topics or news on this somehow, my apologies. Note that I use the classic system, since I prefer it, but from what I hear a lot of it also relates to the oddity system.

I wanted to bring this up because I've hit the maximum level pretty early in the game. I've done a handful of quests in the University and from what I can tell still have a third of the game in front of me. I've seen varying opinions on the level cap, but in mine, it almost instantly kills my enjoyment of the game.

Most of the time, the argument I see in favour of them is that it forces you to think about your build, since you have limited resources even in levelling. To some extend, I can understand that. However, there's a key flaw in this line of thinking; the only ones who know of this and can work with it like this are people replaying the game, who know the exacts of it. A new player is almost guaranteed to waste some points. Normally, this isn't too big of an issue; you might need to grind an extra level, but you'll be in good shape for the final areas. Now that isn't an option. Any time you struggle, all you can do is stare at the points you've wasted and wish you could relocate them.

Sure, you could restart, remake your build... But this is a bloody long game. If you're an explorer and a completionist, doubly so. My playtime is guaranteed to go into the triple digits if I finish the game. And even if you did, what then? Rush through the game, just doing main story quests and whatever netted you the biggest rewards? Because why would you bother doing anything more if you hit level cap just doing the bare basics?

And that, right there, is one of my major gripes. The limitations on looting and bartering mean that rewards from ventures into the unknown are already limited. Whether you'll find anything good, be it from drops or bartering, is in the hands of the RNG and will be better in the later levels anyway. The only permanent reward was the eternal march to a higher level. It meant that, no matter what you did, you'd come out stronger for it. It gave you reason to venture into places that didn't have good loot, like burrower dens, since the challenge alone makes you stronger. It's what I love about RPGs.

That ends when you hit the level cap. To make matters worse, there's not much new at higher levels in Underrail. More burrowers. More creepers. Coil spiders, those were new for a while, but not for long. And thus, exploring loses appeal. On a second playthrough, this is even worse. It's already less interesting since you've literally seen it before, but knowing that there's no point in the long run means it's a complete waste of time.

Now, I can understand wanting to limit player power. I don't agree with it, but that's because I'm the type of player who likes hitting New Game+ and facerolling all the enemies as I laugh my britches off. But while I prefer player choice, I can respect developer choice. As such, I can understand not just allowing unlimited levelling, much as I would love it. With that in mind, here are my suggestions:

1. After level 25, change the rules.
Don't raise the skill cap or raise it more slowly and give less skill points. Give no feats or simply less of them. Personally, I'd go for raising the cap by 1 per level, giving 20 points and a feat every 5 levels. It'll mean only minor increases in power, but a lateral expansion of abilities. This means that if you encounter an obstacle that your current skillset makes difficult or almost impossible to overcome (Bladelings come to mind) you can start investing in something that will help. It also might drive people to invest in crafting after paying it little attention, or learn to use more of what they can craft in the opposite case.

2. Rebuilding
At every level, give a certain amount of 'rebuild points', allowing you to reinvest skill point and stat points or pick different feats. Naturally, this'd require some thought due to feat prerequisites and, for example, using crafting feats and making armours and weapons before getting rid of them, but changing things over time could just become part of the game. (Early feats generally don't lose their usefulness, too, so dumping one in exchange for a later one won't always be an improvement unless you've been changing your tactics, making the feat a wasted one)

3. Rebalance the game
Take another look at the difficulties and rewards. Personally, I think it is best if a game is balanced for a level achieved by finishing about half of the extra content. People who like a challenge can rush, people who like things more leisurely can complete everything. The maximum achievable level should be accounted for, but not necessarily hard-capped. With the current reward level, it feels like level 25 will be the -minimum- level by the end. If level 35 is the effective maximum you would be completing all the side missions, balance the end for level 30. If there is a cap, make sure it's hard to achieve.

4. Make it an option
I've seen this suggested before and I think it's a valid idea. Another idea could be to make it part of the difficulty setting; hard would have a cap of 25, but it'd be higher or capless for the easier difficulties. The bigger challenge would still be in the game, then, for those who enjoyed the limitations of the cap.

5. XP as currency
This is a major one, so I don't expect to see it used, but I still wanted to add it in. After level 25, allow XP to be invested into something else. My personal choice would be increasing the grade of equipment and crafting materials. Perhaps even allow it to be invested into skills and feats in large quantities.

The key of all these points is to not make progress useless. As I said, once the level cap is reached, most actions become pointless and, on a replay, that knowledge makes anything extra feel pointless from the start as well. I think the game would feel kinder to new players and more replayable by raising the level cap in whichever way.

I really do enjoy the game otherwise. The limitations on carrying and bartering make things feel a bit more real and tactical. I love exploring random caves and locations and the map is rather sizeable. The different options for builds seem fairly balanced so far, the crafting system is interesting, it's been a while since I last really enjoyed a stealth-focused build and I enjoy actually having to employ tactics again and make smart builds. But once my progress halts, my enjoyment vanishes. I don't want to just hope I did well enough with my build and face challenges for their own sake; I want to keep building.

As said, I can appreciate wanting to keep challenge in the game and not letting players become too god-like, even if I enjoy it, but I personally play RPGs to keep advancing. I was just trying to see if there's a way we can have it both ways.

If you've actually managed to read this far: Thank you for your time!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 12:43:25 am by Sean Dominique »


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2015, 08:55:53 pm »
Well, that's not much of a text wall. :D I think you forgot something, like 95% of your post?

Sean Dominique

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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2016, 12:34:00 am »
That's odd. Even on trying to post again (Thank Tchort I saved my post elsewhere) it eats a whole part of it. Let me try again.

Edit: Found the issue. When I copy-paste, for some reason, the apostrophes cause the system to go haywire and cut off the post. (They're slanted instead of straight ones) Time to manually replace every single one...

Edit 2: There! That only took... Twenty tries? Due to missed apostrophes. But it's a text wall now!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 12:44:37 am by Sean Dominique »

Sean Dominique

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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2016, 01:34:45 am »
I'll keep an eye open for developments, then. Could always give the game another run when things have been set straight and see if I can make my chemical warfare trooper idea work out.

Of course, my suggestions are still open  :P I like grinding (well, exploring at random to be more exact) and levelling a little. I guess I like optimizing XP gain along with builds. But I'll see what Styg makes of things.

And thanks for the update on the forums; I'll keep it in mind for the future.


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2016, 10:22:55 am »
What is wrong here and what will happen is number 3. You should be few levels below 25 when entering Deep Caverns. The XP curve works better on oddity.

Classic XP has the unfortunate downside that players can always grind mobs for XP and gain as many levels as their patience allows. It will always be possible to reach level cap early on classic. Getting it balanced just right for all the playstyles from rushers to completionists is something that will be tweaked over time.

There's a bug on the forum software Styg never got around to fixing, it eats non-ascii characters. :( And technically, the slanted apostrophes are not apostrophes, but accent marks...

If mob respawn is removed then you can balance the total amount of xp earned through the game easily, right?


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2016, 10:39:08 am »
Pillars of eternity had a system where you could only get so much xp from the same enemy type before you'd get none at all. I guess something like that could help balance. You could still gain materials and other loot. In This game not respawning enemies would penalize you in more ways than one and that's unfair I think.


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2016, 11:37:20 am »
Something like that is already in the game through oddity system.
Some enemies drop oddity items that can only be used limited number of times to get xp.

Sean Dominique

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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 12:10:07 pm »
If mob respawn is removed then you can balance the total amount of xp earned through the game easily, right?

Since XP scales depending on your level, it's impossible to tell exactly how much XP you'd end up with. And most respawning enemies don't give all that much XP most of the time, anyway, so that element probably wouldn't be too much of a concern.

Something like that is already in the game through oddity system.
Some enemies drop oddity items that can only be used limited number of times to get xp.

I know the system, but it doesn't address the points I've been arguing for since it's another way of ending progress. In fact, it can make entire trips a bust before you hit the cap if you don't find any oddities and some builds are better suited for finding more, which is why I dislike the system and don't use it. It's interesting in that it does at least drive to explore since you need a variety of them from different areas, so I do applaud that, but it's not for me. In addition, unless the information is now outdated, someone supposedly calculated that all the oddities together would add up to level 33, before even adding quest rewards, so the same problem still applies.

Pillars of eternity had a system where you could only get so much xp from the same enemy type before you'd get none at all. I guess something like that could help balance. You could still gain materials and other loot. In This game not respawning enemies would penalize you in more ways than one and that's unfair I think.

If I'd have to pick a system with limits, it'd probably be this. It means you can set the absolute limit more smoothly (Don't scale XP gain to level, just make it an absolute, so you know exactly how much XP a player will gain from an enemy) making option 3 an easier one to apply. The only hiccup will be deciding what counts as one enemy type among the human enemies, but that's not a deal breaker. It could simply be based on allegiance, with perhaps a human-race-wide maximum so people don't feel the need to slaughter every faction everywhere for max XP... Or don't and reward sociopathic me-first behaviour. It does fit the setting! :P

Sidenote for this system: Special named enemies could always give XP (Though for humans, that would only be leaders and such, since a lot of them have names) so that battling them is always worth it.


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2016, 03:08:55 pm »
Oddity system has been balanced around the games current progression. I only hit the level cap at the tail end of Deep Caverns. This is without doing the Protectorate/Free Drone missions, but it wouldn't make much of a difference.


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2016, 12:32:00 pm »
allowing you to reinvest skill point and stat points or pick different feats.
Yes, definitely. Skill points are abundant enough but now that I've got the hang of the game and found a playstyle to follow, I realise I wasted feats on "that might be useful, but I don't really know what it's talking about" because the level-up process forces you to spend all your attributes / skill points / feats before submitting.

IIRC, the character / level-up GUI reminds me closely of Neverwinter Nights (not AOL's version, Atari later one) and that allowed you to defer choices until you knew what you were doing. That way you could level up to gain access to the desperately needed hit points, and leave a bunch of resources unspent. Next time you levelled up, those unspent options rolled over, and you could spend them now if you'd figured out what you wanted.

A third option would be to have an external character editor that allows one to completely recustomise any aspect of their character. That way, someone disciplined could give their levelcapped avatar a bonus +1 attribute every 5 hours of play time (or whatever they had set themselves), and someone playing for the first time burdened with poor feat choices can swap them out rather than begrudgingly starting again now they know what they're aiming for.

(FWIW I love the oddity system.)


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2016, 05:36:05 pm »
I can't understand what is wrong with raising level cap? How it could possibly change anything in character progression before the end game?
To me, one of the main interest in RPG is developing my character, seeing how he becomes stronger and smarter. But if I hit level cap before finishing the main quest, I'm afraid it won't be as interesting to play since development stopped and I will only move on for possible better equipment and/or story resolution.

So currently I see raising the level cap to 28-30 only as an additional motivation for the player which might fix the end game being too frustrating for some builds, without any negative consequences. What am I missing?

PS: first play-through, using oddity system, yet to infiltrate the Institute.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 05:39:02 pm by phobos2077 »


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2016, 05:32:10 pm »
I can't understand what is wrong with raising level cap? How it could possibly change anything in character progression before the end game?
I don't think it can, but Styg has made several different design decisions that clumsily force players into playing in a certain way, merchant buy-back and inventory management being the most glaring one. It seems like removing the level cap should be a very simple mod though. Hasn't someone already done this?


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2016, 05:41:56 pm »
Would be helpful if the devs would share their vision on matters such as this. What considerations motivated them towards various decisions, etc. Hm.. maybe I should ask Matt Barton to ask Styg about level cap :D

For me it would be interesting because I'm a modder myself (oriented towards rebalancing stuff) and dream to work on a game such as this someday :)
(gamedev industry is very hard to get into...)


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Re: Altering the level cap (Warning: Text wall)
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2016, 07:30:08 pm »
Anyone annoyed by the level cap should probably check out my workaround, details here: