Author Topic: (Spoilers) Extra Part of Oculus Quest  (Read 2598 times)


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(Spoilers) Extra Part of Oculus Quest
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:54:11 am »
I didn't see this mentioned on the wiki, but I see in the game's dialog files that there's an entire segment where Twitch allows you to plant a burrower spawn in the Talloski Manor to spy on them, and you can bribe the family members and brag about being the invictus to get in.

I'm not sure what the complete flow of this quest is(such as how to initiate it): I just explored the manor because it was there and ended up finding Wit Nosek. It doesn't appear that Wit says anything different if you follow this more complete questline. I thought I'd mention it in case somebody wanted to add it to the wiki or knew more about it, though.

The relevant dialogs are:

Character: "I need some surveillance equipment to spy on the Talloski family in Core City."
Twitch: "Please wait... ::He hastily types something on the keyboard, then turns around to you. You feel like you have his full attention, as strange as it may be.::

I have just the right thing for you. As a matter of fact, I believe you're already familiar with the piece of equipment I'm about to present to you."
Twitch: "Twitch releases a loud whistle. Almost instantly, you hear the sound of something skittering across the metal floor, something tiny. You have heard this sound before, you remember. A burrower spawn reveals itself and comes toward Twitch, proceeding to climb his leg with quick motions of its tiny legs, going all the way up to his shiny bald head, on top of which it finally rests."
Character: "Don't you have something a bit more traditional? "
Twitch: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whether you like it or not - the spawn is yours to command. As before, you are to release it in a ventilation shaft of your choosing; it will stay there and... do its job.
Once the spawn is in place, return to me. I'll keep a close eye on everything it sends back. Hmmm, I said, I'll keep a close eye on everything it sends back."
Twitch: "The creature climbs down onto his left shoulder. He brings his mouth close to it, just like Abram did before, almost like speaking to it, but no sounds come from either of the two strange creatures. Twitch then extends his arm toward you and touches your shoulder, allowing the little one to walk across to you. Again, it finds home in a comfortable pocket in which it finally comes to a still."
Character: "Thanks Twitch, I'll be on my way now. See you later."
Twitch: "Take care of it, and see you later. I have to return to my monitors; I've probably missed so much inf-- ::He turns around, instantly gluing his eyes one of the monitors."

After you plant it and ask him what he's found:
Twitch: "That sounded so... ominous. Release the spawn! ::Before you even get a chance to process what he said, he repeats it, as if expecting you to have answered it already.:: I said, release the spawn! Anyway, I am aware you released it, because I already had some information sent by it."
Twitch: "Well, so fa-- ::He focuses on one of the monitors for a brief moment.:: --r, the only thing of any interest was a discussion between a man referred to as Vlatko and his son, Maxim. It appears that their big-screen... ::He quickly glances at another monitor.:: big-screen monitor broke."
Character: "::Let him continue.::"
Twitch: "This prevents them from watching ArenaNow. They seem pretty... ::He focuses on one of the monitors.:: pretty distressed by this"
Twitch: "That is all I can tell you at the moment. Hmmm? Hmmm? I said, that's all for now. ::He focuses on one of the monitors."
Character: "I see... Okay, call me if anything new happens. I'll see what I can do with this information."

After you deliver the spawn back to him:
Twitch: "Twitch stops what he was doing and focuses on the matter at hand. You let the spawn cross over to him, after which they again perform the "silent speaking" ritual. Finally, after their communication is over, the spawn climbs down and skitters away into darkness."

There are some more dialogs with Sophie, Maxim, and Vlatko. I think you can pretend to be a TV repairman, to brag about being the gladiator, and to bribe Sophie with one of the worms from Foundry.


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Re: (Spoilers) Extra Part of Oculus Quest
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2016, 11:28:35 am »
The wiki is still incomplete, and some solutions/tips have been deliberately left out; it hasn't been updated much since the game went out of early access.
But the problem is, indeed, it zlots at Vlurxtrznbnaxl.


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Re: (Spoilers) Extra Part of Oculus Quest
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2016, 01:57:49 pm »
The wiki is still incomplete, and some solutions/tips have been deliberately left out; it hasn't been updated much since the game went out of early access.

That seems pretty contradictory to the purpose of a wiki. What exactly is the motive behind that?


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Re: (Spoilers) Extra Part of Oculus Quest
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2016, 10:06:21 pm »
and you can bribe the family members and brag about being the invictus to get in.

Interesting enough, being gladiator is something that will get you into manor.