Author Topic: A thank you and some simple advice for new players.  (Read 3008 times)


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A thank you and some simple advice for new players.
« on: February 10, 2016, 03:53:39 pm »
Firstly, I'd just like to offer my thanks to both the posters on this forum (who create quality content and are so helpful Wildan, Epeli looking at you guys. Dirtman, you too) and to Styg for creating what has become one of my favorite gaming experiences in a game world with such rich, interesting lore.  After I was utterly disappointed by Fallout 4, Underrail has been everything the fallout series was ever supposed to be.  You did an incredible job.  I view video games on the same level people often reserve for film and literature and Underrail is a masterwork.  I hope with all my heart there is more from this world coming, be it DLC, expansion, or sequels.

I found/find myself engrossed in a way that I seldom experience these days.  I find myself staying up late, exploring a world that truly holds my interest and isn't wrought with the fetch quests and hand holding that plagues modern day gaming and has damaged one of my favorite series, Fallout (damn you Bethesda, :shakes fist: hehehe)  Enjoying a game without the padding you see in repeatable quests and gathering useless nonsense ad nasuem is a breath of fresh air.

Moving on to my advice to new players, I just wanted to point out to any would be new players that they should not look past the taser and how much easier it can make the game's start (I've used it the whole game once I realized how useful it was), which many complain is difficult, especially when one is familiarizing their self with the game.  Had I known about it and made it a priority, I'm sure my first playthroughs would have went a little more smoothly.

My apologies if some feel this doesn't warrant a post, but I felt like I wanted to give Styg a thank you and offer some simple advice that can really help but didn't occur to me as something I'd want to look into as early as possible.

To summarize and bring my long winded post to an end, I'd like to say that videos game are a special medium for conveying stories and concepts.  It's a medium that is personal in a way others are not or at least in a way other mediums can seldom manage to accomplish.  I hope you know you did a great job and brought me back to the same feeling and immersion I got playing fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas, the Final Fantasy series and so on, so forth.  I number Underrail among my favorite works of art and storytelling in general.

Thanks for that, styg and to newbies like me, don't forget your taser!!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 04:05:21 pm by robling »


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Re: A thank you and some simple advice for new players.
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 05:23:43 pm »
Ditto. I was also utterly dissapointed by Fallout 4 after spending 60


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Re: A thank you and some simple advice for new players.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2016, 08:21:55 pm »
I have F4 pirated and rig that will run it flawlessly but .. i cannot force myself to play it.


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Re: A thank you and some simple advice for new players.
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2016, 08:20:13 pm »
I have F4 pirated and rig that will run it flawlessly but .. i cannot force myself to play it.

Exactly where I landed.  Everything it was supposed to wasn't.

at least there are people out there putting together things like Underrail.

Here's hoping for a sequel or some DLC.  Thankfully, the replay value is through the roof.


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Re: A thank you and some simple advice for new players.
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2016, 01:43:18 am »
Taser is good idea, may be if some character at SGS tell story where he used taser it would exclude need to come to forum and read this advice, and some spoilers along the way. :)

Im not in replays and rewatches, that kind a person am I. But I replayed UnderRail three times, and only one time completed. Its because first two times I realized that I didnt played as I suppose to. Of course it was upset for me, but I cant exactly pin point how to fix this, may be if some characters talked more, I didnt need to replay. But I dont sure about that.
I came to the forum after Iv completed game, because I didnt want to spoil gameplay buy spoilers at forum.