Author Topic: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)  (Read 3485 times)


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Everything I've read in the game suggests that Protectorate access to South Underrail is via Upper Underrail, hence their need to use Core City to access Lower Underrail. And that this is why they're trying to build their own supply elevator in Epione Lab, to bypass Core City. However Lower Underrail appears to have its own link to North Underrail, which is where the Faceless place their blockade, and it's inferred that the point of this blockade is to keep the cube from leaving South Underrail, or to keep the Protectorate from sending aid, or something. But if there's a direct line to the North in Lower Underrail, then Core City can't act as any sort of gateway, since the line passes right by it, and the elevator in Epione Lab would be pointless. Any explanations for this?  ???
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 01:30:43 am by Sanger »


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2016, 08:54:00 pm »
So that would mean the Protectorate aren't actually cut off from the North by Core City at all, but simply chose a base of operations in the South that puts their supply line at the mercy of the oligarchy?


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 11:04:46 pm »
Hmm, okay, that much makes sense. But then what is the strategic advantage of the Epione elevator if Protectorate troops going to/from Fort Apogee need to use Core City-controlled tunnels to access South Underrail to begin with? Or is it purely so that garrisoned troops can get back to Lowr Underrail without having to go through Core City a second time? The game paints it as kind of a big deal, which is what made me think the primary point of arrival for troops from the North was via Upper Underrail, but if the Protectorate are still answerable to Core City with or without the elevator then that makes it seem more like a minor convenience at best.


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2016, 12:09:37 am »
I believe the answer would be obvious, especially after the Free drones questline.

Troop movements are - apparently - very important. Knowing troop movements allows ambushes like that supply trains or that ambassador I punched earlier.

And also I would think that oligarchy wouldn't think highly of them running through their city with well armed troops considering city's relatively puny defenses(compared to protectorate controlled areas) and... reputation of "militaristic unification" of protectorates.
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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2016, 01:31:53 am »
The answer isn't obvious at all. If they must pass through Lower Underrail to access South Underrail regardless, then why did they choose to set up a base in Upper Underrail in the first place?

It seems like an oversight to me. The game seems uncertain as to whether Protectorate access to South Underrail is through Upper or Lower Underrail. Early on the inference is that the Faceless blockade in Lower Underrail is stopping the Protectorate from accessing the South. Fair enough, that's easy to understand. But then later on game infers that Core City is critical to the Protectorate because it provides the only link in the South between Upper and Lower Underrail. However this would make little sense unless the Protectorate supply line had to come through Upper Underrail - because the only alternative to this is the Protectorate having come to South Underrail via Lower Underrail, and then decided to place most of their people in this isolated little cul-de-sac (Upper Underrail), access to which is further restricted by the whim of Core City. They would be doubling their dependence on Core City. Also the Epione Lab elevator would not allow the Protectorate to expand into the South independent of Core City, as the game infers, but would simply allow them to move people in and out of Fort Apogee without using Core City's elevators, since they'd still apparently need to go through the Core City controlled metro in Lower Underrail to access the South in the first place.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 01:51:00 am by Sanger »


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2016, 02:10:07 am »
It is true, Fort apogee's location does not seem to be logical. well, not as much anyways.

There are few benefits however.(weak case to strongest)
1. It allows protectorates a REASON to transpass core city.

Protectorates seems to be doing fine on their own... and even have strength to help railway crossing while this blockade has been going on. I would assume that they have all the supply they need from the local area, but what do i know?
However, I would presume that only supply they are getting from the north are high grade guns and armors - something I wouldn't call as life's essentials. But when the push comes to shove I assume protectorates wouldn't shy away from go guns blazing during their "transport" to take over core city. you mentioned, it is isolated nowhere.
There is literally nothing in upper underrail, other than a dozen scavengers and shady cult. Perfect place to build a fort away from lunatics, lurkers, beggers and junkyard hobos.

3. building elevator from the top gives protectorates unseen, undetectable troop movement benefits.
Which can be used for "militaristic unification" against smaller communities. Railroad crossing, junkyard, SGS.
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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2016, 05:20:05 am »
I guess it would be useful to know, how much more is there to Upper Underrail than what we see in game, and does it span both North and South? Because if it did then that would make sense, except of course it would then make no sense for anyone to assume that the Faceless blockade would in any way inhibit the Protectorate from doing anything.


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2016, 02:00:04 am »
Could be that Upper Underrail, if it is as expansive as Lower Underrail (i.e. much more than what is shown in the game), doesn't follow the layout of Lower Underrail and the way between North and South is a lot longer there than it is on the lower level. Or perhaps the northern parts of Upper Underrail are so dangerous that even the Protectorate doesn't want/isn't able to use it as a regular supply route due to attrition. This is obviously pure speculation, but if Biocorp had any part in the apocalyptic event that forced humans to Underrail in the first place, the surface might be chock-full of things that make the local flora and fauna in Deep Caverns pale in comparison, some of which might have found their way to Upper Underrail. After all, it is at least a little closer to the surface.


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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2016, 05:19:06 am »
I guess it would be useful to know, how much more is there to Upper Underrail than what we see in game, and does it span both North and South? Because if it did then that would make sense, except of course it would then make no sense for anyone to assume that the Faceless blockade would in any way inhibit the Protectorate from doing anything.

It is pretty big, possibly bigger in the world shown. You can see beyond glasses as you fight some mutants in the Tchortist building, newly discovered sector(I think it was bio-hazardous material processing plant of the biocorp?). along countless vents blocked. So if someone wanted it, it would be pretty easy to knock down some walls and make a tunnel connecting to the northern part.
Since biocorp ruled entire underrail, it is plausible that upper underrail too, spanned up from north to south.

...However, along with it were courses left behind, some lunatics and tons of stuff that does bio damage(along with mutants). Only biocorp knows what else is buried behind the walls. Even those crazy Tchortists knew to wall in the part of the section connection to the old facilities. Hell, we only took few step to the north and found 2 alien artifacts, deadly one and more deadly one that is alive.

My point is that Upper underrail, at least areas that are unoccupied seems more hostile place to live than the rest of the underrail.(other than DC of course) I presume legacy of the biocorp prevents protectorates from linking the upper underrail.
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Re: Confused about Protectorate access to Lower Underrail (spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2016, 05:35:56 am »
I guess it would be useful to know, how much more is there to Upper Underrail than what we see in game, and does it span both North and South? Because if it did then that would make sense, except of course it would then make no sense for anyone to assume that the Faceless blockade would in any way inhibit the Protectorate from doing anything.

It is pretty big, possibly bigger in the world shown. You can see beyond glasses as you fight some mutants in the Tchortist building, newly discovered sector(I think it was bio-hazardous material processing plant of the biocorp?). along countless vents blocked. So if someone wanted it, it would be pretty easy to knock down some walls and make a tunnel connecting to the northern part.
Since biocorp ruled entire underrail, it is plausible that upper underrail too, spanned up from north to south.(although, it doesn't matter much in this case.)

...However, along with it were courses left behind, some lunatics and tons of stuff that does bio damage(along with mutants). Only biocorp knows what else is buried behind the walls. Even those crazy Tchortists knew to wall in the part of the section connection to the old facilities. Hell, we only took few step to the north and found 2 alien artifacts, deadly one and more deadly one that is alive.

My point is that southern part of Upper underrail, at least areas that are unoccupied seems more hostile place to live than the rest of the underrail.(other than DC of course) I presume legacy of the biocorp prevents protectorates from linking the upper underrail.
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