Author Topic: Building a psi character for a newbie  (Read 1794 times)


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Building a psi character for a newbie
« on: March 30, 2016, 06:45:48 pm »
Hello everyone!
For my second run I want to psi guy (I didn't take the red pill on my first one).
But I also want to build a hacker (my first one was a lockpick guy) AND an electronic crafter (my first one was good at all craft but electronic).

But there are 3 psi skills, and I don't know if I should focus on one or two or mix them. Also, should I also invest skill points in a back-up fighting skill in case I run out of psi? (I'm thinking about guns, to craft and use plasma pistols).

Thinking about all this, I feel like going the psi way eats a lot of skill point. Can you give me any advice on building and playing a psi guy? Thanks!


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Re: Building a psi character for a newbie
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2016, 07:37:39 pm »
There are three builds on forum that hybridize psi with melee, one is fist fighter other uses maul and third abuses sniper rifles. You should check them out.

The Saint

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Re: Building a psi character for a newbie
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2016, 03:47:46 pm »
It is best to max out no more than 2 skills (because of feats - there are different for every skill and you wan't be able be master all of them). On my first playthrough I builded psi-melee char and used all three skills quite effectively.