I have a few goals I wanted to meet in a build:
- Have at least 2 weapons and a few secondary weapons to use in order to mix up the playstyle to keep things fresh. (Two Pistols, Sniper Rifle, Grenades)
- Have a few levels to look forward to that changes up the playstyle mid-way through the game.
- Have a high PER in order to see a lot of the secrets for my first play through.
- Utilize sneak for exploration and encounter scouting.
- Be relatively straightforward with skill point set up, though using crafting.
I realize that this is not an optimized build, but from what I've been told builds don't need to be super optimized in order to finish the game. I apologize in not knowing how to post a pretty pic in order to condense the info into easy to see format.
Level 25
Str 6, Dex 10, Agi 6, Con 3, Per 11, Will 3, Int 7
Guns 135, Throwing 135, Stealth 135, Hacking 126, Lockpicking 105, Mechanics 115, Electronics 90, Chemistry 68, Biology 56, Tailoring 115
Aimed Shot, Gunslinger, Sprint, Gun Nut, Opportunist, Rapid Fire, Point Shot, Execute, Critical Power, Snipe, Expertise, Steadfast Aim, Skinning, Practical Physicist.
9mm Hammerer Pistol, Electroshock Pistol, Spearhead Sniper Rifle.
This meets my goals of having an evolving character, sneaky, secret finding, delves into the crafting system.
I believe this meets all of my goals, and is optimised enough to be effective. It can utilize Sniper Rifles with Snipe at level 16 (to change up the playstyle). I have the choice to open up combat from afar, some CC with grenades, fun combos with execute, can hit a high crit chance and bonus if I need it.
I hope this isn't completely gimped as I've barely scratched the surface with actually playing the game. I removed Traps even though they are powerful in order to more streamline the skill points to make it easier for mistakes in allocation with regard to crafting.
Only reason I am posting it, is if anyone doesn't mind taking a look to further optimize it without changing it completely or compromising the goals I have. (And have a record of what my first build seriously playing the game was!)