Author Topic: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens  (Read 2849 times)


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First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:55:27 pm »
Hello everyone. I am currently on my first play through of the game. I have loved every second of it so far. It is easily on of the best games I have ever played.

So, I am getting near the end, I am almost done with all the  tchortist quests, and am about to go to the deep caverens. However, I read a few posts, and it seems the difficulty jumps a lot. So I was hoping I could get some help in prepping for it.

So I am a Juggernaut type character. Metal armor, assault rifle, and I wear googles.

My armor is a reinforced Super Steel set, using a Regenrative vest. I used a Tichrome bar and a super steel bar to reforce it.

My boot are reinforced super steel, with insulated padding for cold protection.

My googles night vision with a seeker lens I think its called, it gives +13 to crit.

My shield is the best high frequency I could make. It has 2 high frequency mods, and I use the extra part that increases conversion rate.

As for guys, I use 2 of them. One is a Hornet. The other a Chimara. In both I use a smart mod, and the thing the increases burst accuracy.

I am not sure if any of this is the best way to equip myself, especially the guns. Anyway, and help or tips you could give me would be greatly appreciated, and not just about the equipment, anything in general. Thanks in advance. 


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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 08:22:51 pm »
Well, I didn't really like Hornets in my assault rifle-based playthroughs due to the weak critical chance/crit damage bonuses. I guess it works if you are hoping for consistent burst damage. Just out of curiosity, what roles do you assign to the two different guns?

The one tip I can clearly give you: don't just use high frequency shields. They do not protect against everything very well - they are good against sniper shots and energy weapons (of which you might have to face some down there), but many guns have a medium impact speed, while low impact speed attacks are also pretty common. In the Deep Caverns, I'd say shielding against low impact attacks is the most important, so have a shield that specializes in low frequency attacks (or, if you can't find two good low frequency modulators, a low/medium will also do). Generally, throughout the game, I want at least a high/medium and a low/low shield emitter.


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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2016, 11:14:44 pm »
I would say save regular, have some perm saves you can rewind to if needed, and try to avoid unnecessary fights. If you're constantly in combat, look for ways to avoid or ask for help here.

Getting caught flat footed without expecting the transition and getting into too many fights is how I think people really get burned in DC. It is not THAT hard. If you're aware of the drop and bringing consumables you'll probably be OK. If you're really uptight about DC (I am) you can waddle your way to DC, although [spoilers redacted], it is doable.

I do not think you need super gear to do well in DC. End game gear yes, absolute top tier no. Sounds like you've been crafting. If you're crafting up in Q100+ territory that's end game quality and should do ya.

I agree that low freq shielding is (probably) better than high in DC. In some cases you might want the high freq but typically low.


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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2016, 03:05:15 am »
+1 re: double low freq shield

If you look at the burst article on the wiki you can see only muzzle brake works w/ burst; I don't think smart module affect burst.

Here are some items I would highly recommend you bring down to DC:
Infused Siphoner Leather Tabi Boots
Acid resist armor
Bio resist armor
all the W2C ammo you could carry
if possible, EMP MKIII grenades
Optional stealth gears: Padded infused Cave Hopper Leather Overcoat, Balaclava (black cloth), Ninja Tabi Boots, Cloaking Device

I also posted a long ass post re:AR build on the steam forum here.


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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2016, 11:11:05 am »
+1 re: double low freq shield

If you look at the burst article on the wiki you can see only muzzle brake works w/ burst; I don't think smart module affect burst.

Nope. Burst is effected by smart module.
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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2016, 11:24:22 am »
+1 re: double low freq shield

If you look at the burst article on the wiki you can see only muzzle brake works w/ burst; I don't think smart module affect burst.

Nope. Burst is effected by smart module.

I'm not 100% sure but I don't think the game consider burst a special attack. I think we need a direct answer from Styg.


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Re: First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2016, 01:52:56 am »
Thank you everyone for the advice, I am a lot less worried now then I was before.

And Coaxl, to answer your question about the roles I give my guns. I basically use the Hornet all the time. The extra accuracy on burst shots makes it very useful. Basically nothing survives a burst from me, even guys with fully charged shields. The Chimera I only use when I can't do a burst shot for some reason. Like if I am dazed, or have to move or something. With its 130% crit power, an aimed shot does a lot more damage. And even if I can't use aimed shot that turn, it still does about the same damage as the hornet, and I have a decent crit chance, so it is still better to use it if I can take 2 regular shots. They may not crit, but if they do, its more damage then a crit with the hornet.