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« on: February 02, 2013, 05:37:36 pm »
OK OK not those things PER-SAY but a dodging mechanic, like how in say... Dwarf fortress, someone fires a bow. an arrow isn't SLOW its not a speeding bullet either. so you have a (low) chance for it to miss, and a (skill based) chance to dodge away like the awesome Neo-Esque bad-ass you truly are. something like that based on how fast an attack is, like melee and far away-ish crossbow shots. things like that

and not unicorns PER-SAY but somekind of mutated wildlife that are more iconic. sure theres the rathounds and the burrowers, and the cave hoppers. but what else? the fallout universe had brahmin, bighorners, deathclaws, cyotes, radscorpeons, giant spiders, AND the newest one, new vegas, has added a ludicrous amount of plant life as well, PLUS a huge amound of enemy HUMAN factions, raiders, the masters army, powder gangers, the legion, the NCR, etc. and then theres still the securitrons and whatever else robotic. and thats just one game! this game is a mash up of 15 other sub genres and takes from so many more in spirit, you'd think there were more than large rats and evil slugs to pump full of lead.

and not broadswords pe- actualy broadswords is good! becauase i was gonna say something in between a GIANT SUPER SLEDGE  and a dinky ittsy bittsybaby boo little knify wify and a broadsword fits the bill pretty ok! i mean the other weapon types are well fleshed out. the guns have high powered sniper rifles and dinky baby 9 mill pussy guns. the psy powers have mind rape, then SUPER HOLY FUCK SHIT ASS OH MY GAWD IM MEEEELLLTINGSMAAAAAAASAJSASHDBSH... come to think of it the psy powers could use some balancing too... hmm.... anyway thats my ideas.
Words, I don't know.


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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 08:09:29 pm »
I'd love to see some machetes and such for melee, maybe brass/spiked knuckles that still count as unarmed. I'd really love to see is the ability to craft using Charons, a full stack of 999 Charons should let us craft body armor or weapons out of the "Super Steel" or whatever it is.  As far as more human factions, I'd like to see a plethora of other locations and factions, each with their own currency (although the southern areas should all honor Charons, and everyone should accept them even if it was primarily for the metals value). Possibly there would be a variety of quests that would pit various factions against one another. It would be nice to see a way to either build up or tear down various groups, either through destroying their primary manufacturing/trading potential, or their competitions. Things of that nature would make the world feel more alive, and make various playthroughs more engaging. Perhaps you could sway crucial members of one faction into joining another, or lure them into a situation that would result in their deaths without implicating you or SGS. Possibly you could eventually side against SGS, using your inside position to bring them down. Of course these are just ideas off the top of my head, the idea of new melee options got me thinking...


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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 08:31:44 pm »
OK OK not those things PER-SAY but a dodging mechanic, like how in say... Dwarf fortress, someone fires a bow. an arrow isn't SLOW its not a speeding bullet either. so you have a (low) chance for it to miss, and a (skill based) chance to dodge away like the awesome Neo-Esque bad-ass you truly are. something like that based on how fast an attack is, like melee and far away-ish crossbow shots. things like that

There are different evasion skills based on what weapon the attacker uses. Dodge is used to dodge melee attacks and evade is used to evade ranged attacks. Or do you want something more complex, like different save rolls based on what subtype of weapon is being used? Like knife and sledgehammer?

and not unicorns PER-SAY but somekind of mutated wildlife that are more iconic. sure theres the rathounds and the burrowers, and the cave hoppers. but what else? the fallout universe had brahmin, bighorners, deathclaws, cyotes, radscorpeons, giant spiders, AND the newest one, new vegas, has added a ludicrous amount of plant life as well, PLUS a huge amound of enemy HUMAN factions, raiders, the masters army, powder gangers, the legion, the NCR, etc. and then theres still the securitrons and whatever else robotic. and thats just one game! this game is a mash up of 15 other sub genres and takes from so many more in spirit, you'd think there were more than large rats and evil slugs to pump full of lead.

I think I recall Styg saying something about new enemy types in future updates. And there are human factions in the game, not fully developed I would say but there are factions. Remember that the game is early alpha and right now the game mechanics are a much bigger priority than game lore and content.

and not broadswords pe- actualy broadswords is good! becauase i was gonna say something in between a GIANT SUPER SLEDGE  and a dinky ittsy bittsybaby boo little knify wify and a broadsword fits the bill pretty ok! i mean the other weapon types are well fleshed out. the guns have high powered sniper rifles and dinky baby 9 mill pussy guns. the psy powers have mind rape, then SUPER HOLY FUCK SHIT ASS OH MY GAWD IM MEEEELLLTINGSMAAAAAAASAJSASHDBSH... come to think of it the psy powers could use some balancing too... hmm.... anyway thats my ideas.

Other melee weapons is something I really want to see too, but like I said, the game is still in early alpha.

Btw, you high or somethin'?


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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2013, 10:14:44 pm »
what? no! im not high! well... there  was that shady looking guy that threw powdery shit in my face... but thats probably nothein- holy crap on a cracker!
Words, I don't know.


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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2013, 11:43:55 pm »
More wildlife and faction struggles are coming.

New weapon types - probably not. It's very expensive adding those in for the reasons I already explained a couple of times: it inflates the number of armor-weapon-combination sprite files that the game requires which affects the game's size considerably (95% or more of the game size is this). Secondly, retrofiting all those animations costs money and artists time and I don't got much of either.

This doesn't mean though that there won't be special weapons in the existing categories in the vein of Shock Sledgehammer. However, something that would require new weapon animations is not likely to happen.

Btw, you can invest in dodge to avoid melee attacks and evasion to avoid ranged attacks (to a lesser extent) and reduce AoE damage.


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« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2013, 04:29:26 am »
love the knify wify.....


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« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2013, 04:22:18 pm »
Ideas for melee weapons:
Fleshrip Blade (knife) - Motorized teeth on a large blade. Does considerable damage, can be recharged through batteries. In addition, causes bleeding damage similarly the way that the Sledge does stun. The way it would work is that there are two damage values. One is a constant, doing that damage no matter what. The other is another damage (mechanical) that requires energy charged to work. In addition, if possible that mechanical damage halves all non-metal damage reduction. Would require mechanics skill to create.

Riot Baton (crowbar base) - Basically a crowbar base weapon that does electrical damage. No biggie here. Uses batteries for energy. Does stun the enemy.

Air-hammer - A sledge hammer that does only a little more damage than a normal sledge. Uses gas for fuel source. Created using TNT, etc. While it only does a little more damage, while it is fully charged, the weapon ignores any type of mechanical damage reduction for armor and inflicts a large number of status penalties, including stun and anything else that effects someone who's been hit by grenades (Maybe too OP but you get the idea).

Ranged Weapons
Auto-Crossbow - Not sure if it's in here, but basically a crossbow that does damage as normal but fires much, much faster. Might be better off as an upgrade to any existing crossbow. However, it reloads when it has to at a slower pace than a normal crossbow as the PC has to load an internal mag with bolts rather than simply sliding in a new clip.

Doubleshot - Takes certain pistols and adds another barrel so you fire two bullets at once doing twice the damage. Insane recoil means the weapon fires slowly and it has a smaller clip.

Riot Armor - A cross between tactical vest and metal armor. Doubles armor value against bullets AND melee damage. Perhaps only cold protection.

That's all I got for now.