I sure do love some Super Steel. But the quality spread is pretty punitive. I dropped 9,000 charons last night for three plates all under 90. Might it be OK to increase the lowest quality from 70 to say 100? 100 quality is still just good enough to want to use.
Unlike any other crafting material in the game, you can't see the quality of your super steel before you buy it. Of course you can probably save scum to get high quality. But if you don't like the quality value of any other crafting material in the game, you just don't buy it. You come back later when the merchant has restocked. At 3,000 charons a pop, it's quite expensive to get bad RNG with super steel generation, and this rewards gaming the system.
The scaling for super steel means that any value of super steel plates below 100 will result in an inferior crafted item to the regularly-obtainable 120+ steel, tungsten, or TiChrome. By roughly 100 quality you have a valid reason to use the super steel instead of a higher-quality, but lesser tier, component. Similarly, when making sheets, low quality super steel results in items worse than you could get by shopping around for even moderately high quality ballistic panels.
I don't argue that super steel should be so good that it's always the best thing to use. I do believe that it should always be good enough that there are good reasons to use it in something you'd equip for yourself. Failing that, if we could recycle three super steel plates into two new ones, that would also allow us to overcome bad RNG, at an additional cost.