Hi all,
This is my first post in the forum. First, congratulations for the superb game and community.
The game mechanics and diversity of viable strategies and builds got me hooked really hard!
Unwittingly, I already rerolled my character twice to try more powerful or appealing things.
Hopefully, you can help me pick and tweak the last one

I thought about 3 variations of a bowyer+psier, which I find the most fun & strategical route. The idea is getting many free actions (Commando, Special Tactics, Premeditation...). Pics of the 3 can be seen here:
http://underrail.info.tm/build/?AwGloJgVhB2OQGYkgIynSAbGxMN5hHjFFQbCiwwAsNcq2MqhLzhJkjiyi9NEEDWQ0AHCCg4sjLMiw5YyWPVgKAnGmBYgA(+): This one would wear X3 reinforced super steel armor & boots (trying to keep Tranquility up), adaptive NVG,
combine cheap psi casts (when full HP, Adrenaline user, Thermodynamicity)
with double 9-bullet-33AP-bleeding Hornet bursts (Commando, Concentrated Fire, Expertise & Vile Weaponry) (Smart or Compensated?) and
17-AP-Pneumatic-AA Zephyr critical special bolts (every 6 turns trying to incapacitate all mobs for Special Tactics free bolt with flashbangs,Locus+Breakdown...)
together with Quick Tinkering & Deadly Snares and best traps.
(-): low initiative could make Tranquility pointless,
no mobility (unless easy/kiteable mobs, use tactical vest there) reduces Quick Tinkering utility to melees,
no lockpicking/hacking,
low HP.
http://underrail.info.tm/build/?AwGloJgVhB2EYGYTIIypK09WJqXfMYgFnGIIE4QAObANhBI1mVhs0TT06PIhAQMXFCSYCSyKI3oZ6yetVZwYWNMEaoINIA(+): Very similar. Same armor but now with striders & Armor Sloping for 20 MP/turn,
Ambush, Psiostatic Electricity, Focus Stim, Seeker NVG & Bowyer for critical shots,
this time 7-bullet-33AP-incendiary Chimera bursts (to make bursts a CC & Ambush tool)
and same 17-AP Zephyr special bolts (no trap specialisation).
(-): low initiative could make Tranquility pointless,
low mobility,
no lockpicking/hacking,
low HP.
http://underrail.info.tm/build/?AwGloJgVhBmEbwJwhQRlAdjDtsbggAcKS2hhRoVIALGiJvDXjKyOxSBMXPLLTo9a8WoKgA2EBIaYYSeUQ7B4GKWghEgA(+): wearing Infused Ancient Rathound armor, reinforced SSteel boots, Seeker NVG / Critical Psiband,
high-HP evasive high-resistance (~60% mech) and high-DR (~50% mech,heat,cold @30%HP with Conditioning, Soticism, Lifting Belt, Ancient),
focus on versatile criticals with Bowyer, Psiostatic Electricity, Focus Stim, critical headgear, Ambush & Survival Instincts,
no AR but instead can combine 25-AP-Scoped-AA & 17-AP-Pneumatic-AA Zephyr special bolts (no trap specialisation).
(-): low initiative,
no lockpicking/hacking.
-Is a playthrough without lockpicking/hacking very lackluster (won't find good crafting materials)?
-How easily can you keep 100% HP for Tranquility with heavy armor & shield?
I thought of using Junkyard Surprise for -1/2 Con (123HP) & best Regenerative Vest (+55HP whenever HP<86) to automatically go 100%HP if 68<HP<86

-Also, how bad is to be a turtle with only 10MP or 20MP?
Sorry for the length of the post. I read very good posts here and thought I could give it a try.
Any feedback is very welcome