See here:, weapons are the things that go into your weapon slots. Throwing knives and grenades are combat utilities.
I think Recklessness is the only remaining old tooltip that still refers to "all weapons" ambiguously.
Your non-critical crossbow, melee and bullet-based firearm attacks deal additional mechanical damage equal to your level, up to maximum 25 bonus damage.
So no, I don't think expertise works w/ throwing knives.
Neurovisual Disruption (ND) is not very useful for pure psi. In theory it's pretty powerful for psi sniper/xbow/knive hybrid, just use premediation, ND and you can snipe/cut-throat another victim after you enter combat. However it's not practical because:
- it only works on one single target and if you are fighting multiple enemies others can still see you.
- Npc with flare in their inventory will use them. (you lose all remaining AP + MP after using ND so you are fuck)
- psi sniper/xbow/knife hybrid have low will so your effective thought control would be low. If you have high will your other abilities will suffer. If you really want to sniper (cool down 3 turns)/cut throat (cool down 6 turns) a second time a far better method would be flash bang to restealth.
- if there's only one single enemy remaining yeah you could do this cool finishing move but it's often not necessary
Of course you can use locus of control w/ ND for second snipe/cut-throat (requirement 10 WIL(!)) but that's just not an optimal use of your ability points. I suppose pure psi can use this combo to get out of sticky situation ... but why do this when you can locus + enrage?