I was just spaming feats and skills so people know what to choose, smg feats are imho no brainer in order. And quick tinkering... rly, ppl put that abillity on pedestal, used it maybe 4 times in game just so i use the feat, was rather useless. And guess where on poor carnifex, didnt even touch me. But op build, supersteel rly good, faceles camp no dmg, arke, scrap metal, doing 0 dmg, same as those poor tchortists, rather easy time once u get full super steel boots ad armor. Only problem are electric dmg bastards like coil spiders, wasnt crazy to carry galvanic super steel around, sturdy vest all the way.
You could even put in snipers in play with this build, feats to go as mentioned quick tinkering, three pointer, ambush, and dunno pick smth u find least usefull and put in snipe, sharpshooter, and that crit damage feat, aimed shot, maybe im missing smth, but would be fun to try out.