Hi All,
I started a new build, pure psi this time, Agi, Will 10 and INT at 8. So far so good, I have not made it to the Depot A yet, but this character currently performs far better than my previous one. We shall see. I dumped guns/hacking/persuasion in favor of evasion/dodge and crafting. Possibly will not drag stealth/lockpicking to max level and pour more stats into crafting.
@Destroyor: Thanks for the build, I will definitely try this sort of build at this point. I did go through your faq, when I was deciding on this build it is of great use.
The game is great and all, but I feel disappointed with character builds, almost every build I see utilizes extreme min/maxing and every character is kind of forced to focus on one particular playstyle. I mean hyrbid playstyles seems to have been punished, and almost undoable, a pistoler/steathly psi, an rifle maniac who is also massively strong to bash people with melee, talkative crafter scientist with weak offense but shines with non-conventional guns, a character who utilizes all conventional guns etc. etc. seems to not exist in the game.
Maybe I am wrong, we shall see, But all in all I am glad that this game exists, it really feels somewhat like the "true" Fallout 3 that never happened.