Author Topic: Feat for single shot AR builds  (Read 2579 times)


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Feat for single shot AR builds
« on: September 08, 2018, 10:47:26 am »
Right now, single shot AR builds do not exist, even though you can craft weapons for it, like attaching a basic scope and a bipod to an assault rifle to increase the precision of single shots by 16%, basically crafting a dedicated "single shot AR", except... there is no reason to do so or anything to support the playstyle.

Now check out this feat idea:
Perfect Shots - if your uncapped accuracy to the target is 125% or higher, you do maximum damage in your damage spread with single shots from your AR/SMG

Well now, suddenly the 9mm Huszar is a lot more interesting, using a basic scope and/or bipod enhancement is a lot more interesting, Adaptive goggles, interacting with low-light and other accuracy penalties in an AR build. Maybe NPCs could use it so they wouldn't look so foolish when they spend a whole turn firing single shots from an AR.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2018, 03:15:52 pm »
Perfect Shots - if your uncapped accuracy to the target is 125% or higher, you do maximum damage in your damage spread with single shots from your AR/SMG
I don't think this would help much. The main problem with single shots from ARs/SMGs is that they both suffer from significant hit chance drops over distance. You would rarely (if ever) be in a situation where single shots have 125% chance to hit and burst isn't a much better choice.

I actually tried to make a crit-based, mostly-single-shot AR build once and beat the game with it. The idea was to be more of an "designated marksman" than a "sniper" - multiple shots with high crit chance/damage per turn at longer distances (so basically what a sniper does, but more shots per turn with slightly less range and not capable of 1-shoting everything) but without suffering from huge move/close range penalties and also with the ability to burst targets that get too close. Sadly my hit chance was so low at long ranges, it was almost always a better idea to just let the enemy get close and burst him down. It was only sometimes a good idea to 1-shot weaker, very easy to hit targets with Aimed Shot.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2018, 03:32:21 pm »
Perfect Shots - if your uncapped accuracy to the target is 125% or higher, you do maximum damage in your damage spread with single shots from your AR/SMG
I don't think this would help much. The main problem with single shots from ARs/SMGs is that they both suffer from significant hit chance drops over distance. You would rarely (if ever) be in a situation where single shots have 125% chance to hit and burst isn't a much better choice.

I actually tried to make a crit-based, mostly-single-shot AR build once and beat the game with it. The idea was to be more of an "designated marksman" than a "sniper" - multiple shots with high crit chance/damage per turn at longer distances (so basically what a sniper does, but more shots per turn with slightly less range and not capable of 1-shoting everything) but without suffering from huge move/close range penalties and also with the ability to burst targets that get too close. Sadly my hit chance was so low at long ranges, it was almost always a better idea to just let the enemy get close and burst him down. It was only sometimes a good idea to 1-shot weaker, very easy to hit targets with Aimed Shot.

Was that your anatomic Chimera build? I tried something similar with Chimera frame and it just made me want to burst all the time with a super high critical rate, now that was fun.
But I think you're right, it would probably take at least one more feat and this one would need some adjustments, maybe lowering the accuracy required.
The main thing that made me start this thread is the fact you can craft a bipod accuracy-scoped AR in the first place, which is a curiosity if anything.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2018, 03:41:54 pm »
Was that your anatomic Chimera build?

But I think you're right, it would probably take at least one more feat and this one would need some adjustments, maybe lowering the accuracy required.
Or making the accuracy drop over distance less severe for single shots while keeping it the same for bursts.

The main thing that made me start this thread is the fact you can craft a bipod accuracy-scoped AR in the first place, which is a curiosity if anything.
I tried using a standard scope/bipod on that build, but the loss of damage from the A-A scope and Smart Module was just too much. Smart module being so much better than pretty much all of competing mods is imo a big issue in itself, but I heard there are plans to do something about it.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2018, 05:06:21 pm »
I don't think this would help much. The main problem with single shots from ARs/SMGs is that they both suffer from significant hit chance drops over distance. You would rarely (if ever) be in a situation where single shots have 125% chance to hit and burst isn't a much better choice.
Would it be better if it were a stacking buff? "Every single-shot with an SMG/AR that hits gives a +X% to your next single-shot accuracy. This buff is removed on use of Burst or any multi-shot special attack. Lasts 2 turns, and stacks up to Y times." You'd have good use for Snipe and Ambush for getting those initial stacks, then with your high +hit you could afford to move and shoot willy-nilly.

I find ARs to be incredibly powerful as it is and don't know why they need buffed, but if you want to encourage a single-fire playstyle you could also consider adding a frame that's semi-auto only.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2018, 09:58:43 pm »
I find ARs to be incredibly powerful as it is and don't know why they need buffed, but if you want to encourage a single-fire playstyle you could also consider adding a frame that's semi-auto only.

I agree, something semi-auto related would be the best solution - either some sort of attachment that rewards single shot and/or feat(s) locked to semi-auto AR.

I finished a hard game pre-ver 1.0.3.x w/ a single shot crit AR build using Smart Rapid 8.6mm Hornet (so every single shot = 10 AP). It's ... ok, not weak by any means by not amazing either. Burst AR build is just so much more powerful.

However, I think the attention would be better spend on improving throwing-only, knife, and firearm-only pistol builds. Single shot AR build should be at a lower priority.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2018, 06:01:13 pm »
The main thing that made me start this thread is the fact you can craft a bipod accuracy-scoped AR in the first place, which is a curiosity if anything.

Those precision bonuses apply to burst attacks as well, though that doesn't change the fact that Bipod + Scope is a pretty sub-optimal attachment combination.

But I agree, as it is AR semi-auto fire is very uninspiring compared to bursts. I'm not really sure how that could be fixed without making ARs even stronger overall, or without encroaching on the pistol domain too much. On a concept level, I'd prefer harder-hitting ARs with shorter bursts (3 rounds, maybe) and proper light machine guns with somewhat higher movement penalty, longer bursts and lower burst penalty for extended effective range, but no single shot option. That's pretty much a pipe dream at this point, though.


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2018, 08:39:34 pm »
I just realised this idea could be used for something else I heard rumblings about... a redesign for weapon Smart Modules to make them more like an active ability than a straight damage buff.

The active ability could be to deal max damage in the weapon's spread for the current turn, giving the component a clear purpose instead of a must-have (you install it on weapons with wide damage spread) and finally vindicating the underused .44 Hammerer/Huszar.

Something like:
- duration: 1 turn
- cooldown: 4 turns
- effect: deal maximum damage with the smart-module equipped weapon, with any attacks


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Re: Feat for single shot AR builds
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2018, 01:28:21 am »
I like the idea of increasing crit chance by hit chance (on a log scale). It's intuitive from a simulationist approach.