We can find at least two oddities in game, which are [ur=lhttp://underrail.com/wiki/index.php?title=Periscope_Part]Periscope Part[/url] - I'm sure that it mostly a joke and didn't meant anythong like that, but can we see or find something like submarine?
It seems to be very logical for expansion.
I was always thrilled to see in games content about see, water, and underwater exploration - I remember level with submarine in Thief 2 like it was yesterday, or Ocean Lab in Deus Ex - it is my favorite in that game. Also moments when you can find something at the bottom of a lake or river in Morrowind or Scyrim is only why I played those. Maybe it is many pirate stories I read in childhood, the atmosphere of mystery which are an integral part of the adventure at sea, somewhere on a lost island.
Anyway, do we have a chance we will get something like this? Maybe it would be just hint in the end, that would lead as to another adventure in next expansion.

Something like that mystery ship in Arcanum, that looked like fish if I remeber it right.
Just something - rusted half-visible hulk of the submarine.
Say maybe!