The item degradation is pretty tough to deal with for gun users, those kits are expensive! For my first foray into attacking rat hounds in the caves, I luckily stumbled upon another 5mm hawker, so I was okay for a while (in addition to the crossbow you get). And then I managed to scrounge up enough loot to buy *one* repair kit. Now I'm a little better off, and I have three

. Those guns are good for killing about 10 rathounds, then its too degraded to be of any use. And even then you have to be very judicious and use aimed shot a lot. All of the guns you get from foes are worth like 50 credits which is useless! You have to rely on things you find in good condition. Although their sledgehammers, even if highly degraded, thankfully still sell for 800 credits.
Don't know where to buy the armor repair kits, but I luckily found one and I'm waiting till my armor degrades as much as possible before using that precious kit. Hoping I find more in junkyard.
I feel like this focus on item degradation, while making the game more challenging...well I feel like its the wrong type of challenging. I'm glad that, at least, the damage the gun deals stays the same. But unless you invest a ton of points into barter its very difficult to buy those kits. That's why I'm trying to spend a few spare points in mechanics to see if I can make them. I have to admit this is the first time I've truly felt challenged in an RPG about where to spend my points, so I think that's good! I'll have to sacrifice one turns worth of points and just jam them mostly into mechanics and see how that works.